These people are mentally ill I’m convinced of it.

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At the very least they have no critical thinking skills what so ever.

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The same thing happens to POWS, of course not on the same scale! It’s very interesting how the majority of our minds work, and process information.

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Our minds have been controlled in ways we cannot even imagine. Everything we think comes from an imposed frameword that has been the only one we've ever seen. Of course the bullying into only having this monopoly is what keeps it in place and people doing nothing about changing it. Getting with small groups would do it.

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I TOTALLY concur Denise! It’s mind blowing, to say the least. Some people have known this for decades. No, they weren’t “conspiracy theorists” (an invented word to censor truth).

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Thank you. Anyone who uses that term (conspiracy theorist) has absolutely no clue just how deep conspiracies go.

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Of course she’s mentally ill! I’m reading, “The Rape of the Mind”, Joost Meerloo-excellent book! It explains how people become like this.

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Thanks for mentioning that book. I have seen a few interviews recently where they referenced it and expanded on some of the elements in it. It’s on my list of must reads. I think it is going to be next in line.

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I’m really enjoying this book! WOW! 🤯

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Interesting book.

Ran out of steam half way through.

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Don’t be a quitter!🤣👍

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We are all raped in the mind. Even the concept of books, keeps us looking at outside influences instead of how we manifest it ourselves in our everyday moments and in interactions with each other and what we do to the earth and the amount of pollulution we produce.

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We sure are Denise! Once people understand they’re spiritual, Godly souls, perhaps Humanity will transform itself. We can do this on an individual basis for sure!

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That's what inbreeding does to ya!

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Do people have children to purposefully corrupt and drive them insane? Why?

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So sad and misguided. Many good doctors are treating those with long Covid, knowing that a myriad of conditions, such as Lyme, are in play.

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Hi Rosalind! How are you and how is sunny, hot FL?

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I think that Lyme, fibromyalgia, MS, rhematoid arthitis, and more are all variations of the same genus. Long covid is made up, there never was a covid, just like there never was a tooth fairy.

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She can take a “Running Jump “

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She’s the daughter of two hollyweirdos. Need I say more?

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Ben afflicted, George Clowney, Matt demon...

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Bless....I mean, what can one even think of to say here in response ??

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We shouldn't even care about what these people say. What influence can we have on their lives? The only influence is they get to have their voice heard because they are "famous" and the media is there to peddle celebrity and more of the patrix, but we sould speak starlight and our voice would never be heard. We need to stop caring about these people - they are just cut outs on a performing stage.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

There’s no end of people and opinions about - anything. But I sure wish there were a way we could keep their opinions from being imposed on others.

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Tell me you're a "tolerant" liberal, without using the words......

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I realize this is just one anecdotal example here but I think we can safely conclude, at least in this case, that stupidity and the desire for attention are hereditary.

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& the entitlement, cringe.

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P.S. Her little sister Seraphina came out as a "boy" at her grandfather's recent funeral, revealing a boy's haircut and clothing and a new boy's name. Top that for inappropriateness!

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I could top that, but I probably shouldn’t, lol

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Ya can here .

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Rampant in the Hollyweird crowd.

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Nothing like upstaging grandpa 🙄 entitlement to the T

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Why do you even care about what they do? There are people around you that are probably doing incredible things to change this world. The people are us are whom we should care about because it is interactive. You will never have any influence on celebrities.

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Children of celebrities "nepo babies" have influence over impressionable children, like their parents have over silly adults, and in this instance can influence covid policy in Los Angeles County.

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If we are talking about it or reading about it, then it means they have influence over us. We have to look at what WE do not just what the mainstream does. This is how we change things. The more people who ask themselves why should they care about people they can never know or talk to, the sooner we'll be out of this hellhole.

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Oh look father, there goes another dumb XXXX who thinks IT is an expert on Covid when in fact the so called experts even appointed by fake political leaders are but fools themselves.

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I can't "like" on substack for some reson but I like your comment.

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It has been stated that those really likeable are not able to like on substack. Take a bow Denise.

There is a gaffe somewhere. Maybe poet in a potato bag is screwing things up or is trying to hollow out hellery in order to take up residence in the biggest douche bag that ever existed. I am still trying to figure out why the cashier at Shoppers Drug Mart is angry at lil ole inoffensive me. She asked me if I needed a bag for my items and I told her no, I have a bag already cuz I married hellery. Come on gal, it was a joke. Daggers from her eyes flew my way and if looks could kill I would be dead.

But I forgot gal, I live in Canuckistan, the place turdo has made into the sh*thole of the world. Everything in a skirt or blue jeans loves the lying puke.

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Why is this worthy of putting on here?

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Know your enemy.

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Children of celebrities "nepo babies" have influence over impressionable children, like their parents have over silly adults, and in this instance can influence covid policy in Los Angeles County.

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Disheartening to hear since thought the Affleck/Garner union produced intelligent children.

No longer believe that and consider the parents as goofy as the rest of the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's perpetrating the CON/SCAM for the Black Nobility running it.

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For heaven’s sake, like with Greta Thunberg, why are these teenagers with stupid and debased minds given publicity? All it does is to enable them to expose their stupidity to the world. I suppose many reporters can be unprincipled.

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No need for evidence, let alone proof. Just make claims, and sound "sincere".

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You are a Scared Rabbit Democrat from California and also a Covidian know nothing.

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Well, we better get right on it then, mustn't we? One does hope that by age 28 she will have lived long enough and got smart (and less entitled) enough to be thoroughly embarrassed by her willingness to expose her very young ignorance to others.

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She is a kid, she knows little.

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Brainless squared = super duper brainless.

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