Someone needs to warn people about monkey Pox vaccines. Maria Zeee and Dr Rima Laibow MD put out a video about this vax.

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All vaccines...not just "monkey pox."

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Not just vaccines, any injection, as in local anesthetics now have been shown to contain at the very least graphene oxide, with the very likely addition of the hydro gels and lipid nanoparticles. I found a local dentist that will use nitrous oxide (gas) in loo of an injectable local should I require dental care requiring pain suppression.

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Isn't it polio rebranded? I heard a mention of polio resurgence from a ER MD and of course blaming it on antivaxers. People are seriously disillusioned.

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







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Has Laibow revealed yet the identity of the female head of state with whom she discussed 'the great culling' with?

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I think she mentioned that name in the video she did with Zeee.

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About blanking time!

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I started warning people around summer 2020. Mostly ignored, laughed, censored, and banned! Tin foil hats save lives, not the tell lie vision!

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I did as well.

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Yes it’s a bit F ing late for all the dead and adversely affected by this Orchestrated Genocide. Will anything really happen. It would like telling the Dogs of War ( the US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX) that it had to stop inciting Wars and selling Arms to both sides.

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It’s not genocide, it’s population reduction, a goal on the books for hundreds of years.

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Same thing all Genocide is Population Control . Where ever the Yanks stick Noses kids and Child Bearing Women are killed FACT.

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You are having a problem with words...

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There needs to be much information published everywhere on the important subject of the existing problem of human over-population. This finite planet cannot support beneficially the billions of humans currently on the planet. Other species are and have been going extinct due to too many humans pushing them out of existence.

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An earnest and honest conversation about population and living standards is definitely needed, unfortunately the mistrust and propaganda generated in our populous prohibits one.

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Actually the correct term is Democide (murder of the people) genocide is murder of a specific group of people.

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Bosses son is paralyzed by Pfizer. Oops we are sorry!

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so where to point the finga? Is it Pfizer, The MD who injected it or your boss?

Or the actual manufacturer????? All share responsibilty but it started with the false belief of the person who offered the arm regardless of their "beliefs"

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Boss didn’t do it ex wife did! Doctors are baffled! Nurses say otherwise! Medical bills in the millions and not stopping!

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"All share responsibility but it started with the false belief of the person who offered their arm"?

So they're responsible?

The responsibility for this tragedy lies squarely at the feet of the Australian Government who have abandoned any pretext of supporting their citizens, and have instead chosen to support globalist interests.

The Commonwealth Constitution s.51(xxiiiA) prohibits civil conscription for medical services.

The Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) s.95 prohibits the use of force for vaccination.

The Government absolutely broke the law when they discarded both. Employers absolutely broke the law when they discarded both.

The Government conscripting employers was an effort to outsource blame for their own criminality.

The blame does not lie with a trusting Public who were hoodwinked and blindsided.


That doesn't excuse their ignorance and arrogance. But the responsibility lies at the feet of the people who grossly and knowingly abused their positions of power.

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I’m o Florida! Same global poison!

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very common viewpoint but inaccurate

No issue with the Gubmint culpability. People who comprehend very little about health, and blindly "trust" the medical cartel and their officials? They do not get a pass. The responsibility is spread, the finger pointing must continue at this late date. Some of us knew the simple truth 35 years ago and were not early, Do reread several times

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Yes the death and disability continues to be what is happening.

Looking for Gubmint to "do something" is time wasted.

Every person is a Sovereign. Just say NOOOOOOOOOOO

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Democide is the term when government policy kills those under its control.

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I can relate as many of us would attest to.

I would also bet that none of the ones we warned have said, I wished I had listened to your warnings.

Personally I haven’t had any, yet.

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January 2020.!! Was all out on utube even.

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Just do some simple research on the jabs! It’s not that hard! Was sending info to friends and family! My buddy Jon stroked after the J&J even though I said don’t take it because of stroke issues!

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I started telling people the truth (most uninterested in any amount of evidence)

about 1990 and was not early. Very different now, excepting the belief systems.

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So did I. No one listened.

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same here. even warned about avoiding hospitals. called me nasty names and told me the government wouldn't lie to us. sadly a lot of them are now dead.

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I have co-worker, back in Aug./Sept. '21 warned him in no uncertain terms, Steve replied "It's going to happen" ... 🙄 Nov '21 - July '22 I was out of work, unemployable until The Bastards (mostly) lifted their Lethal Injection Mandates... Ran into Steve again when I started working again.. seems he's had three stents installed in his heart to allievate a 70% aortic blockage, is on blood thinners and the care of a Cardiologist. "It was going to happen, the vaccine had nothing to do with it!" he old me...

What do you do, Sunshinegirl, in the face of this kind of transcendent, luminous stupidity?

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A lot of people are missing. It is becoming conspicuous. Replacement migration is not working as intended or is it?

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The purpose of replacement migration was to destroy small and local retail business, overwhelm social services, police and correctional institutions and in general to demoralize and destabilize Western countries. Watch Uri Bezmanov's interview by G. Edward Griffin, amazingly still on YouTube and hopefully Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee.

The dead? Well, they can be explained away with traffic accidents, heart attacks, cancers, strokes, Bird Flu and fairly soon Marburg and Ebola. Nothing to see here folks, move along.. move along..

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just the beginning

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Better late than never. As I have said for as far back as I can remember; KNOWLEDGE IS POWER/QUESTION EVERYTHING

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What a freaking clown show. Typical government five years too late. All the thousands that government murdered will be turning cartwheels.

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"I'm here from the government and here to help".

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accurate assessment for certain

Question remains... all by design? Great evidence to suggest so

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Right. "Vaccination" has been available AND legit by other means for over two years, which renders the "vaccines" moot:


Also, mRNA is a red herring, so people are falling for a limited hangout:


That, of course, amounts to another bait-and-switch operation for the masses:


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Tragically, this is almost 5 years too late.

It was obvious in February 2021, that the so-called vaccine was extremely dangerous (as had been predicted) and should/could have been banned then (better yet, never released, but the intent was always to cause harm). Now, after millions of deaths and disabilities world-wide, it is no longer possible to prevent the carnage. The damage has been done so it's safe for the luminaries to admit what they had to have known nearly 5 years ago. This is without a doubt, the worst crime against humanity in the recorded history of the world.

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Yes it make all recorded Genocide look like a Sunday School Picnic .

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5 years??? how about 6 decades????? The false beliefs hardly began with Covidiocy.

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2 million Americans die a year from everything; this is called all-cause mortality. 40% increase in all-cause mortality in the USA means 800,000 people a year extra, die from the vax. That is just under 3000 a day. If they were all in one field and dropped dead together in one day, it would be a tragedy; for example, 3000 people died on 911; since for the vaxx deaths, they are spread out and the death is called anything but the vax (ABV), barely anyone notices. A 911 magnitude event happens every day, and the government and its gangster goons cover it up; 911 happened, and the world changed overnight and has never been the same since. See how much control they have.

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The lesp needs to be made to vaccines. None of them have ever been proven to be effective and not a singke one has been proven safe.

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Katherine this one in particular is more dangerous as it contains Vaccinia Virus.. ie live Smallpox virus according to the package insert, and is said to kill the unvaccinated. Receivers of the vax must quarantine themselves for 6 weeks after getting it. This is the instruction on the package insert. Zeee and Dr Rima show this in their video. Rumble probably has this live interview on their platform.

How many people do you know who would voluntarily quarantine for 6 weeks from jobs, shopping for groceries etc?

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yes and it is more and more about less and less

None are safe, none are effective

All are harmful, Death for some, disability others.

Auto Immune Dis-ease, malignancy, decrease of mental capacity

Pick your poison.

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Dr. Laibow has been in the trenches for decades. Most recently she is adamently calling out all vaxs and quaxs. She is one of dozens of truther MD's including Doc Yeadon.

When there are 20K of them, the system crashes or perhaps before.

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This isca super spreader in the making! Just saying!

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ALL vaccines are toxic. Blessings & gratitude to you LofJ ...

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Now that the goal has been achieved various endorsers pull their endorsement of the Covid vaccine - how convenient.

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yeah where the hell were these people when excessdeathsau https://substack.com/@excessdeathsau and rebekah barnett https://substack.com/@rebekahbarnett were sounding the alarm

and jay b's recent 180 (or what seems to be a 180 anyway) is a day late and a few dollars short especially since he was shilling for the shot as late as fall 2021

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💯🎯 but better late AF, than never though.😉

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just wondering who is healed by the late admissions??

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Collective psyche.

And so history does not repeat....again.😉

BTJMO. We all deal in our own way or not.🤷‍♀️

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admissions of false beliefs are necessary to move forward but in no way exonerate from consequences for public declarations

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Oh great — only a few years too late 😭

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The day will come when doctors will be afraid not to speak out and perhaps get sued if they don't.

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That should already be happening Rita. What are people waiting for..a nose ring with a lead rope???

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It is happening though not nearly fast enough. Docs are no different than Sheeple.

They like to cry "me too" when its safe to do so. As you point out lay people insist on nose ring.

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The heads of the regulatory bodies need to change first. Too corrupt right now.

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When will the media start warning about covid "vaccines" here in the U.S.!?

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When they do, it won't be because they are trying to right a wrong or get the word out, but because they need clicks and eyeballs and TDS just isn't working anymore.

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