Thanks for this expose', as usual truth is crushed by power who are afraid of the truth.

Why should anybody be "brave" when they speak the truth?

Surely this is what News reporters want? Something to catch the headlines?

Where are the self interested news reporters, are they all owned by the WEF?

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Enjoyed this video…thx so much❤️🙏❤️

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B“Colleagues have commented on a rise in baby funerals from one a month to four a week.”

Where are the investigators? Is everything so hush hush that the criminals can get away with anything including the murder of children

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It seems that way. Parents better start waking up.

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






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It’s about time someone from Australia spoke out. Well done.

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Start here:

Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee

I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble goals for seeking this office.

That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.

To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.

Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.

In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.

Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:

hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.

In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.


Helpful Taxpayer Citizen

Hosting Companies:




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The COVID psyop hit Australia hard. Most believed the lies and got tested and vaxxed. Doctors are treated as close to demigods in Oz.

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Canada and Australia are very similar examples of what was inflicted on citizens during the Pandemoniyum.


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There was a time when Canadians and Australians thought they could trust their governments. That time is past. I like watching Canadian Steve Wallis' great stealth camping YouTube channel; this poor guy lost both his 34 yo wife and recently his "crazy neighbor" to what I suspect is the death jab.

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I suspected that too. (He's from my neck of the Canadian woods.)

Wonder whether he suspects?

Stopped watching him recently.

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We need more brave people in the business to come forward and tell the truth. Humanity has been dealt a horrific blow and we may never recover. Where are you men and women of courage? They cannot silence all of you, speak up!

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Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt fulfil your criteria:-


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I have been researching and writing on this for nearly 4 yrs. Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, also the Carnicom Institute are worldwide best sources using Dark field Electroscopy now down from 400 to 1000 to 1200 to 2000x

The clots are caused by first the alteration of red blood cells negative charge to positive. This means instead if repelling they are attracting each red blood cell.

Please I am a Christian and been trying get truth out.

The makeup of the spike protein is reduced graphine oxide which when affected by emf explodes the spike protein releasing millions of bots into the body and these are PROGRAMED! fir various tasks. Along this an alphanumeric nanitech MAC no was trojan jabbed into each recipient. This is scannable with a BLE app on mobiles and privides access to the IoB internet of bodies also known as IoT internet of things. Passing through into what neural scientists call the 'neural fortress' , the brain, it permits access through the IoB to the WBAN, wireless bidy area network via 5g to the quantum computers.

This provides AI influence which is used to identify blood presure, o² levels, pulse rate and thereby identifies emotiinal intelligence.

Already personsl data is being collected through dupermarket computers and hospitals. I suspect banks as well. MAC nos are used by anything that connects to the internet. Its the permission giver. And it gathers data concerning anything and connected from cars trucks fridges smart tech etc. Alsi Bank details, photos letters emsils everything. Its about control through surveillance.

The trojab caused the miscarriages if the pregnant. The furdt warning sigb was when s midwife quietly told me NZ83% miscarriages due the trijab. Aust74% US82% Scotland86% Israel91% ! Moreover those that waited till babe born to have jab and breastfed lost babes within 48hrs. Horrific! Mat24¹⁹ Mk13¹⁷ 'Woe to those who are pregnant and nursing in those days!

The change of charge of red bood cells causes rubbery blood clots up to 60cm long blocking vascularies! And random sterility is taking place in bith men and women. We are looking at the what the Bible calls tge tribulation as Jesus spoke of.

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, and quinine will destroy the clots aling with chlorine dioxide search them.

For thode who understand this is about usurping the tole of the Holy Spirit in the believers. Pls read Mat24¹⁵ Mk13¹⁴. and cry out to thr Lord. Pray for the sick. Don't hold back.

Please hear my heart ... and may He who hears grant you miracles!

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Lying baby murderers need to be tried and executed.

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