Yes! Plan-demonic

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And DARPA also created the Hydrogel to

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Thank yo for reminding new readers; it might be too late, but they still have their own choices at this point, at least to a certain extent...

It's a bit embarrassing that the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections have been nearly totally moot since the summer of '23:


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It is now up from 168 to 225 International FOIA requests for a single SARS2-Cov19 virus isolated from an actual sick person with symptoms. Still crickets.


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Have yet to catch convid!

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I don't trust anything from Latypova. She doesn't believe in the self-assembling nanotechnology. She's some sort of limited hangout in my view.

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Belief and evidence are two different things. No one has proven shedding to me yet. I am not convinced, seeing that many other things can cause same symptoms.

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'Shedding' is a Mental Construct ; it exists because they invented the concept and placed the definition in our minds. Most of dis-ease manifestations are conceptualized this way.

Latypova is the real deal.

Are you kidding me?

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Everyone is a buffet of ideas to me. They all have lots to offer, and I take what I want and leave the rest. I have corrected my own position as I am convinced to change. Since I have a podcast, the evidence is there for everyone to hear.

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I pray Pete Hegseth digs deep into the DoD to confirm, terminate (fire) and prosecute the DARPA conspirators.

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I think they would kill him before being caught for treason.

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I’m not even sure there was a virus. I think they just branded all the respiratory deaths that normally happen as covid1984. In the US the government paid hospitals to kill people to fatten up the “covid” death stats. In the UK the government run healthcare changed protocols to kill senior citizens and I believe the same happened in Australia. I don’t believe either happened in Canada because there weren’t any excess deaths in 2020.

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They just made things up to coral people to the vax.

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Right from the beginning it seemed the entire narrative was geared towards getting that mRNA into as many humans in the West as possible. The scary "virus" was just the story. I also found it curious that China did not use mRNA shots.

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The Communist avoided the fake MRNA until they made it.

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I’m still looking for some kind of confirmation who declared, or could declare, covid-19 a national emergency…

On March 20 2020 during the live conference Trump was clearly surprised to hear that covid-19 was a military operation.

So, was Trump kept in the dark, perhaps? If so, was it legitimate or even legal?

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Witchcraft is still at work, they swapped the black robes for white, the castles for labs and magicians for technitians.

The quote from Macbeth by William Shakespeare that includes the phrase "eye of newt" is:

Fillet of a fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, lizard's leg and howlet's wing, for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble:

This line appears in Act IV, Scene I of Macbeth. The witches chant this line while adding ingredients to a cauldron. The line is often followed by the witches chanting "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble"

Same stuff in the vax batches, just renamed.

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What a crack up!! You are so right!

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Oh yes, those self-assembling nano-newts are a nightmare!

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Hope Kash has this info.

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I had a personal experience with Sasha. She is controlled opp to me.

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Download to your smartphone a Bluetooth MAC detector, ( MAC is Media Access Control) Computers, and other devices use to communicate, the Covid " Vaxxed" are emitting a MAC request, found also in Cemeteries, from deceased bodies. Try it and see?

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On Dec. 30, 2019, Dr. Li Wenliang notified his superiors that a highly transmissible virus was endemic in the Wuhan hospital--hence the name covid-19. The news was suppressed until Jan. 6, by which time hundreds were dead in Wuhan and it was spreading like wildfire in northern Italy. On Jan. 22, 2020, Scientific American published an article on the genome of the virus showing that it was a SARS CoVi 1 (collected from a bat in 2013) with five new spikes on it---two from the Chinese king cobra, one from the Chinese krait, two from highly poisonous undersea creatures. The authors asked how mammalian and reptilian and lower order animal genetics could all be found in one virus. By the end of the month covid was widespread in China, Europe, and North America. On Feb. 4, DARPA declared an emergency, as per the above. On Jan. 7, 2020, Dr. Li died in the Wuhan hospital.

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Sars-Cov-2 is/was 'infection by injection'...

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