Yeah, but will he ever get his licence to practice medicine back? I doubt it.

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He can practice on the parallel economy through a Private Member Association. It must not be assoicated to government at all so it is not a Private Membership Association but a Private Member Association. We have to start working "out of the box".

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I think this all the time and my whole life. You want to cut hair and you think your good at it a friend lets you and pays you a few bucks. Friend tells friend. Friend's friend is told you have no "license" but agrees. Likes the "do" and recommends. This can play out across the service industry. State up front you haven't sought government approval, essentially "buyer beware" concept. Why, why, why must we complicate every thing?

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because those are each someone's bailiwick. Just like paying for a protection racket, from the same gang or mafia who will correct you if you don't play their game by their rules.

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We are capable of doing that. And in small communities in large numbers of communities it will then become the thing. It has to get started. Some of us are working on the system to be able to record our time helping local neighbors in a local economy. This is how we can go beyond treachery. Whenever we can, we should use barter and best to record it as what is not recorded, cannot develop.

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I pray William Thompson will listen to that small voice inside and cry out to Yahweh for mercy and repentance found in Yeshua Messiah; and not merely stop at worldly sorrow.

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Hey we're all in it - who doesn't pay taxes or use banker's money?

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In 2003, my 3-year-old son got an MMR shot and within days, he descended into autism. I saw it with my own eyes - the deterioration in his health and behavior were completely obvious. Yet his healthcare providers went into immediate denial. Their dismissive behavior and complete refusal to do anything to help was amazing to me.

So, here we are 20 years later. In one way, I am glad to hear that this issue is resurfacing. Given the obvious problems with the Covid Frankenshots, maybe more people will finally wake up about other "vaccines", such as MMR and autism.

On the other hand, it is very saddening to realize that 20 years later, autism has become an even bigger problem for the society and yet nothing has changed regarding medical acknowledgement or help. We have made no real progress despite the efforts of Andrew Wakefield, CDC scientist William Thompson and others. This is Public Health stonewalling at its best!

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True and I am sorry about what happened to your son. But it is up to us as we can see the authorities are going to do nothing. In fact, this is their agenda, they designed it to be this way. When "we the people" realize this deeply to our bones, then we may do something but so far, we have done nothing and in fact we further it by paying taxes and using hospitals, etc.

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Horizon, just now, after reading the first sentence you wrote I texted my 32 y.o. son and asked him to not have his 2.5 y.o. son vaccinated. While I have heard and read a million stories over the years and was fairly well convinced there truly was something to the autism/vaxx connect I did little about it because my children are grown and made it out "safe-ish".

My daughter learned - finally during the covid vaxx craze - how effed up the childhood vaxxes are and her youngest two are purebloods. I gifted her with "Turtles All the Way Down" about six months ago. Sons and their children are different because the wives tend to make those decisions. I totally get it. Nonetheless, I did send the one son a message. I told him not to respond, just that I wanted to tell him not to do it but to research it more thoroughly.

Your message was heard. We may never know for sure but you may have spared a boy from getting autism. May the Lord be with you and your son and your guardian Angels give you light and show you the way forward.

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“Stonewalling” and also outright criminal.

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Can we now safely say that the scheduled vaccines for children contribute to serious side effects like autism, allergies and asthma? The time for truth is now. There should also be consequences for not being transparent with this research. The medical system is corrupted by big pharma.

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I'm hoping RFK Jr will do just that.

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No we can't look to a talking head to do anything. He's part of the system that puts him at the top of the pile, very biased to keep the system and tippy toe around things that are wrong. It's up to us to get the word out to everyone we know, to warn our friends and family about the vaccine. They may not listen to us, then that's their problem but they owe it to themselves to find out what's in those deadly cocktails.

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You'd be mistaken. He has said emphatically, "I am not an anti-vaxxer." He has moved on to "processed foods."

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Thank you LofJ - I deeply appreciate Dr. Wakefields work. The Truth doesn't lie - Dr. W is a true medical Truth Warrior. We stopped vaxxing our 3 kids in the early 90's. I thank God we were introduced to a Naturopathic Physician who explained how all vaccines were toxic. In GOD we Trust ...

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Susan, I agree that the truth needs to be told. it is important to have truthful, unbiased information when making decisions. It is so unfortunately horrible that the lies sounding vaccines still permeate the medical profession.

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The things parents are told to get their children vaccinated. I work as an early childhood educator in the province of Ontario. I honestly suspect I am in the minority when it comes to the concerns of the childhood vaccine schedule. I might be called one of those weird conspiracy theorists. I am only looking for truth and not political rhetoric.

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That term "conspiracy theorist" is just something deniers of truth slap on anyone they don't want to hear from. No you are a truth analyst not a conspiracy theorist and kudos for being one who stands out from the crowd. Now do you think you can influence those people and show them what is going on?

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the real conspiracy theorists are the ones who thought up the conspiracy

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I call myself a conspiracy realist. But I like truth analyst much better!

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Just plain old Conspiracist will do

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If the press is not reporting it, the lie will continue to flourish. And if it goes on long enough, they will supercede it with another lie, another "disaster" and on and on it will go. We really need to publicize this information and the information that shows covid has never been identified scientifically.

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Vaccines are one of the biggest frauds ever.

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I think it always appropriate to keep top of mind, that when we speak of the CDC, we are really speaking of DOD. CDC is under the control of DOD, that's why the Surgeon General and other executive positions are held by uniformed officers. DOD is under control of the Pentagon, which is controlled by civilians.

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Thx for this. Perhaps one of most revealing (and welcome) vindications of the work (and the reputation) of anyone who ever stood up to the manifestly dysfunctional pharmaceutical-medical-scientific complex and who showcased the deep and abiding criminal corruption therein. If there was a formally instituted Nobel Prize for Integrity & Courage in Medical Science (there should be, but likely never will be), Dr AndrewWakefield would be my pick as its inaugural recipient.

On a slightly different note, Wakefield is right in saying the truth will out eventually in many of these cases. Tragically, that “truth” more often arrives far too late and with little fanfare, the lie having already destroyed the lives of so many people. Put another way, the truth is always the bridesmaid in such cases, never the bride!

Even after the truth emerges, those folks responsible for hiding it and/or facilitating the systemic corruption that enabled it in the first place are fertilising daisies, with thereafter few lessons learnt, and little or no resulting change in the status quo. History’s then once again given all and every opportunity to repeat itself.

As for those folks who are still left on this side of the grass, few are ever outed publicly for their corruption and/or complicity in hiding it and even less are held legally accountable. They more frequently continue on their merry way whistling past the graveyards (i.e. the ones they’ve done so much to populate), all with their own reputations more or less intact and their hands in their pockets fiddling with the thirty pieces of silver they received for their unconscionable betrayal of the public trust. — GM

#DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #GreatReset #AdverseEvents #AIDS #HIV #Pandemic #MedicalTyranny #BodilyAutonomy #InformedConsent #CorruptionAndCollusion #CeliaFarber

👀 ICYMI: Whistling Past the Graveyard: Expose of the Medical Papacy (In Two Parts), by @gjmaybury

📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard — Part One: The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy



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Destroying truth, leads to total destruction of reality, making it easier for people to be lead in a direction that will completely destroy them.

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You have loose clothing. You lose money for example, or your mind even.

These people who write for a living should have a basic understanding of basic English. Just what are they being taught in schools these days?

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