Too late.

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Far, far too late. And no amount of "repentance" will fix it.

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I married an evil piece of shit who got on his knees in the Catholic church when the priest spoke of being forgiven for sins.

Fuckin weak.

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In such serious cases, forgiveness, if it comes at all, can only come after justice is served.

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I agree totally. Repentance and forgiveness is between the penitent and God. Consequences are another matter.

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Let the squealing begin.

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He wants to apologize now?

Naw man, save your apologies for the gallows!

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You should have came out right away, not tried to change it from inside. So many cowards that now see the writing on the wall.

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Where have you been? You knew. We knew you knew!

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Hollow apology.

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I am sure the millions who were murdered and still continued to be murdered will appreciate this apology wholeheartedly. These people of the medical community are supposed to be the smartest in the world, right?

We see that they are far from it, not even close and quite spineless when it comes to challenging the dogma and dictates from the AMA and big pharma. Apology....never accepted, not now, not ever. You are never to be trusted. That's the penalty for MURDER.

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Double virtue signal. I was smart and saw it right away. I was quiet and tried to help from within. But now I'm sorry. 🤮

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What did he actually do "from within"?

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Probably played pocket billards with himself while we all suffered.

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This is a battle going on between 2 camps, where those in one camp align and seek the truth to varying degrees of adamancy, and those in the other camp align with lies, deception and subjugation of their fellows.

It's a bit Biblical really.

Fortunately there is cosmic justice because Creation is founded on Laws, and those who act contrary to those immutable Laws create karma for themselves because they are creating an imbalance in the cosmos.

That karma will be paid by either pain and suffering (and it need not be in this incarnation), or repentance and voluntary sacrifice to change themselves and extirpate that wrongness that was the impulse to partake in a lie and cause harm.

That repentance has to be sincere as those Judges of the Law cannot be deceived.

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Now the apologies? Nice try : people have died, some were injured and will never be compensated, families devastated and put in a dire situation, and more people will get sicker and die too early. He knew enough about the shots prior getting the clinic going. He went ahead anyways. As long as the side effects don't hit home, most perpetrators will go on with their life. The victims will never "go on with their life".

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At least it is an apology. The first I have heard from anyone.

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There are others. It would be nice to have a web site that catalogs all of the public apologies so far. I can think of about five to ten so far. Anyone know of one or should I start one?

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Excellent idea Lee… Having them all together on one website that catalogs all of these public apologies… Priceless! Maybe it would be something we could share with our “blue and purple pilled friends and family”… 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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I've already started a list of apologies in my "red pill" library:

> Library: BeyondC19.org

> Tributes & Apologies: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/dca4e5469d6a

If you know of any others, please let me know and I'll add them into this list:

> beyondc19@substack.com

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Could be mistaken for memes. Lol

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Thank you Metta!

Here's a link for you to change on your website, TheirTube removed the video, of course... alternative link: https://rumble.com/v2bruwm-first-ever-official-apology-for-covid-vaccine-mandates.html?ysclid=m4c9hpla8v532665951

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Found another one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/84odPbPvVNpi/

Have to get some shuteye now, will keep checking the links this weekend and post here if I find alternate links to censored items.

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May not be popular here, but...

I think there should be a sort of underground railroad for whistleblowers, to keep them safe. Many of them will have been collaborators and perpetrators, and that is probably what allowed them to have seen what they have seen. That does not mean they won't have to face justice, or that they are forgiven, but that their testimony is valuable to the prosecution.

I'm not talking about neo-rat lines, but witness protection is necessary.

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Here's a starting point for whistleblowers:

> https://childrenshealthdefense.org/protecting-our-future/whistleblowers-welcome/

Still more whistleblower resources are available here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/0eb78f629f2c

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Why apologize now? Saying sorry when knowing people would be harmed is cold comfort.

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The apology would’ve been better in 2021… 🔥🔥🔥😡

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Apology won't help the lives you destroyed. No mercy, no amnesty.

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I only want to hear that apology with a noose around his neck, just before the executioner pulls the trapdoor sending him on his way to meet "Nick".

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Anyone know which episode of Doc Malik this was? I'd like to hear the rest of the interview.

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Me, too. . . .

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Bottom Line: You are Responsible for You. Good or Bad.

I knew All of the negatives on the Experimental Vaxxx. I'm not a medico or an expert, just had open ears eyes and thought for myself.

Accept Responsibility for your own actions

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"Apology accepted, Captain Needa..."

— Darth Vader

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