Shove it up your arse 🤬

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💯% on 🎯 "Oil Burner" sorry to jump onto your comment but I think that the Novel PCR H5N1 bird flu swabs are "Anal Klaus Swabs" 🤪 Drive through testing available soon but like the C19 swab be sure it doesn't reach the brain. If it does sorry you're infected, in that case fix your mask pull up your depends and drive to your nearest McDonald's and grab a coffee for a cleansing enema...

a little laughter 🤣 is good for the soul, Lord knows we need it.

Aloha all 💞

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Vaccinate, chem trail, and irradiate with 5G and call it a virus.

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Peter Hotez (I refuse to acknowledge him as a doctor) is Anthony Fauci re-incarnated! He is positioning himself as Fauci's proxy raconteur and purveyor of impending (but unfounded) doom. A plea to mainstream media: please ignore him, don't give him air time or space on digital media channels - he is dangerous and will lead you to ignominy (look it up!)

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A few years ago, it was already announced in the new media that a tabletop exercise called Catastrophic Contagion will take place in 2025. So as far as that goes, the soulless mega villain Bill Gates is keeping his word. Once again we may - besides bravely watching what these monstrosities are up to - hope that this man too may meet his end in the most gruesome imaginable way soon.

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We already have international laws to stop supervillains like Hotez and Gates. How come these two people go scot-free? Tell me.

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They can't help being clairvoyant.

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All we ever do is just cry about these bad people and there poison. When are we the people of the world gonna stop these evil monsters?? Better be soon or we’re all dead men. Get right with GOD first. Amen. Gates needs to be on trial for his crimes against humanity. And the death penalty should be considered.

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...."and their poison..." Their is a possessive pronoun which is needed here.

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AMEN Dan F 💯% agree, our only dilemma is our Heavenly Father allowed Satan Dominion after being kicked outta Heaven.

Who Runs this World...? Satan was allowed...!

Luke 4:6‭-‬7 to Jesus...

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Aloha & God bless everyone, from da Islands, kyle

Yesterday was a gift...

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow is never promised...

Live Life, Love Others, and Leave No Regrets...

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Fear porn . Use common sense health measures .

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💯% on 🎯

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It seems like a total repeat of the covid M.O. It amazes me that these people who have such a wealth of covert information are never touched. Doesn’t that seem weird? How can there be no one in the world who would want to shake out their secrets? Something doesn’t pass the sniff test.

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2020 all over again.

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Unless he repents, God will punish Bill Gates in a way that man cannot conceive...

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I don’t watch MSM nor do I watch any tv so if this is all true it wouldn’t surprise me. Gates owns them. Gates seems to be on a mission to disrupt Trump. Think about it, who profited the most during their scheduled “Agenda 21”? Gates did. What does he know that we don’t? Gates and Epstein were in partnership together. I think his agenda with Epstein was more sinister than we could possibly imagine. Pedo? Yes, but my gut tells me there’s more to this story. I have no doubt that the Epstein files will expose it all. His actions seem desperate and hasty and with that comes mistakes. Who blew the Epstein scandal wide open? It wasn’t Obama🤷‍♂️

I was really surprised to hear Elon mention his name during Tucker😳wow. That still blows my mind. What does Elon know that we don’t? Did you see Elon’s face, especially his eyes when he mentioned his name? Maybe I’m just putting more into this than what it really is but the powers that are fixing to take over know something and they ain’t telling! Good…you don’t run your damn mouth.

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Remember - Musk says killing a CEO is bad, but killing people by withholding care is just good business for the enrichment of shareholders. View all he says through that lens. Sort like him saying h-1B visas are good because Americans lack the education, and then recommending the Department of Education be shut down. Always follow the money.

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Oh I agree. I do not trust Musk at all. There was just something about that moment when he exposed Gates. The look in his eyes.

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First line of defense… airways.

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When did a real psychologist examine Bill Gates and, what was the diagnosis? Just wondering..

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All just actors playing in the stage show. Most are luciferians serving Satan through the beast system and playing masonic games. They have believed the lie and have been given over to their delusion. Praise Yahweh for his promise that every knee will bend and every tongue confess that Yeshua Messiah is King of kings and Lord of lords. Maranatha!

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Amen !

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I Agree with you 150%. There is only one king the King of Kings Yahweh, this is where my faith lies. Amen. Although, in my conscious mind I’m confidently aware of the fact that evil with satan are orchestrating all of the dastardly acts against humanity, history is repeating.

The time is now for the Lion to stand and defend our beliefs and land, families…

I thank God for this platform to share these startling truth. God Bless you all❗️

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Problem with Gates is he is a one trick pony. Create virus and pretend to cure it has been his modus operandi for ever.

People might tolerate it in computers but he is going to find himself as popular as keur Starmer trying to bury child rape gang atrocities as " far right smears".

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So what is a natural calibrating mechanism of the body : sweating, coughing, fever, snot production, feeling unwell enough so that you sleep more, the digestive system saying no food please for now thanks, etc,etc, is now called something to fear, no fear God is near and here, ofcourse they do have to cover-up the crimes against humanity with another one of their media orchestrated drama marathons and confuion creating shite shows, Grüß Gott.

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Great Guy, so concerned for humanity. Just fabulous that a computer geek familiar with numbers and codes decided to manage health care. Many of us feel SO LOVED...

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Yes, he's special. He's what Charles Manson could have been had he come from wealth and entitlement instead of poverty and loss.

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