Sep 17Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

My friend texted me this morning that her and her husband were heading out to get their Covid booster. They both just got over having Covid again 🤦🏻‍♀️.

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I guess they don't listen or read the REAL and TRUTHFUL News!

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No they have family and friends in nursing. All Dems.

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As a friend you should have passed this on.

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Nope, they have family and friends in their circle.

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Saw my elderly, previously spritely neighbour yesterday to talk to for first time in well over a year. He looked 10 years older and had a cane. His daughter is a nurse. He's had "all" his covid jabs, so not sure how many, 3x yr 1, 2x yrs 2, 3, 4, so possibly 9. He then relates to passing friends, 2 suddenly, one of his adult offsping with worsening cancer probs, and husband of nurse now unable to walk unaided and in lots of pain. No cause of death known for the 2 who died. I mentioned the jabs possibly contributing but he dismissed it as preposterous. His nurse daughter, the oracle, now working for Foreign Office advising on innoculations for travel.

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Yep. Rather than alienating my friends I’ll just respect their position.

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Very hard to accept when it's your adult kids who took the poison, especially when you thought the university degrees they have, which never actually was a dream in your own simple working class life, made them critical thinkers, but it seems, from my reading, academia has been infiltrated for decades to the "group think"

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Recently someone here on Substack somewhere said that the truth can’t be told, it must be realized. Sadly, I’m finding that to be true.

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Truth is recognized - grateful our Lord lives in the Light of TRUTH ...

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Definitely, because the truth will set you free.

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Sep 17Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

And people still call us crazy

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Proud to be a crazy conspiracy realist!

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hi folks theres something far more sinister on the horizon namely the pandemic treaty which contrary to what you may believe or have been told is far from being dead in the water is going to be back much sooner than you think...for the details check out the james roguski substack......also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition....stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including america it currently has over 197000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and also by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and BE SURE to ask each one of them to do exactly the same ....when resharing it dont bother using twitter/you tube/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it even more than they currently are but there are plenty of other outlets that can and must be used the following are but a few gab/telegram/e mails/blogs/

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Do you live in the UK? How can you stand that Marxist Keir Starmer. He's been to the

White House twice. He has been given his orders. Not from JOE, but obama.

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yep from the uk

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How safe are you there?

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Really? I heard that Kier Starmer is locking up innocent people. I'm glad you're safe.

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Obama? You mean a teleprompter

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He can't function without one!

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America was dissolved on Mar. 22, 2020. Public Health (WHO) and FEMA are now in charge. They don't care how many signatures are submitted. But perhaps those names will get first dibs on a bed in the Camps.

If you wish to walk through the seven day process/history of the liquidation of America (sold for just $7tril) you can go to James True substack.

I watched it happen with my own OPEN eyes.

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Do you happen to recall the date he ran that info and/or the article title?

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He has been running and rerunning...check the one on monkey pox for the history/timeline of the liquidation that took place over a seven day period under DPA.

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Not 2020 - 1913 with the Federal Reserve

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This is why next year I'll move to a state which has many county constitutional sheriffs. If people will remember back, the only action which stopped the heavy-handed medical tyranny called Covid occurred when states, themselves, said they would no longer remain closed nor mandate masks or injections in order for citizens to move freely and shop, eat out, or whatever the citizen wanted to do. I have no confidence in federal and state governments although the state to which I'll move has outlawed mandatory Covid for children. A constitutional county sheriff will stand with citizens against all forms of tyranny whether or not medical, gun control, or whatever.

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Sep 17Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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I knew things were bad and Im not even a nurse, I can't imagine what they see daily. Its too bad most of them are jabbed and they have their heads up their asses.

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They definitely have their heads up the asses.

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Listen to the number of fire trucks and ambulances being dispatched. I've heard a LOT more out since the vax. We should start collecting public records responses for amounts and types of calls before and since the shots

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Dissolving Illusions

Dr. Suzanne Humphries + Roman Bystrianyk - 9/23

IPAK-EDU Director's Science Webinar


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There's no direct link to enrol in that webinar.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

On the SUBSTACK in the green box is a link, it can be confusing.. Ask them any questions on the SUBSTACK or via the website also..




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Even when it starts becoming noticeable that a lot of people are gone, people will STILL get jabs and boosters.

The WEF and Billy boy Gates don't have to do anything else to further their depopulation agenda.

Extinction level ignorance is here to do the job for them.

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The entire medical system has become a horror show. Who can you really trust?

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Your critical thinking....and God!!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

I'm used to getting the mailers that offer a "free meal" for listening to a Retirement Planning or Medicare Advantage pitch, but I just received a mailer offering a "free meal" to "Learn about the Benefits of Emergency Transportation Coverage".

Topics include (there were more):

"Ground, Helicopter, and Fixed Wing Ambulance To & Between Hospitals"

"Extended Hospital Stay Expense Coverage"

"Minor Child / Grandchild Protection"

This tells me that the increase in medical emergencies has reached a critical mass where the medical complex sees another money-making opportunity exploiting the aftermath of the problem they created.

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it is a great business model, for awhile anyway. Make you ill and greedily take all your money. Every ounce of money is bled from the peasants and most of the peasants are dead or dying. Then what happens? I suppose the end game really is kill the world. Hard to see how that will work out for the reptilians, useful tools and water carriers.

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The cemetery is right down the street.... a production line... is good for profits.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Yesterday I spoke with a friend that I knew a long time ago. Hadn't talked to him in years. He has all kinds of health problems, I could scarcely stand to listen to the recital. Because it was horrifying. I asked him in a casual way (kind I hope) if he'd gotten injected, I think I said did you take any shots. He said two. He trusts his doctor and said the doctor advised him not to take anymore. This is a guy who is a lawyer and was once very fit. He was a better runner than I ever was. I didn't say anything to him about the injections, just asked the question and we moved on.

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The sirens have been increasing daily over the last 3 yrs. I used to hear 1x per week/fortnight.

Now it's 2-3 per day.😐

Soon it will be a constant noise.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #mistakeswereNOTmade #getnoisy #getlocalised

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I didn't renew my RN license this year. I have seen the horrors of the medical establishment. Also, I was very injured by the vax. No doctor can "fix" you. You have to turn to God's cure and do it naturally. I will soon be posting some things that have helped me. Please get out in the sunshine, walk in the grass, and take natural iodine. Many other things will help. Be born again. Jesus Christ will send His Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. That is the only reason I am alive today.

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Hmmm. What could be causing this I wonder? Doctors are undoubtedly completely baffled.

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They will remain baffled as long as the money keeps rolling in

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They haven't solved diabetes yet so they aren't the brightest bulbs in the firmament, obviously:).

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Yes Gecko - one look at the food pyramid confirms that one!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Yes, they've undoubtedly contracted the covid induced disease called "baffleitis".

It's become a real pandemic in the medical/media/govt complex.

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Indubitably 👍🏻

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Yup. It was all part of the plan. The medical system will collapse and rationed based on age. If you are over 70, stock up on medical supplies or natural remedies. Of course the super wealthy will be ok.

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Without daily newspapers that included obituaries, and online news sites charging hundreds of dollars to post an obituary, the public is not seeing the increase in deaths in their communities. I often hear months later that an acquaintance or old friend has died, and know that friends who've had a death in their immediate family did not write & send in an obituary and held no services. The obituaries that are posted online never state that a vaccine was cause of death.

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I agree, it's terrifying if this woman can substantiate her claims. Would really like to know what this woman's true job history is; as anyone can claim to be whatever they want on TikTok. After watching a few of her other TikTok videos, I'm very sceptical!!


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