Turdo the current slime minister of Canuckistan is an ample assed ugly lying pos. Tell me turdo, if the jabbed really believe the jab will protect them from infection, why then do these stalinist fools rail about an unjabbed person infecting them? Duh! Make like the birds you damned fools and it is my body and my choice. FLock off for good measure.
On a role today - Oct 2 - 5 is the bird flu summit, and the election is Nov 5....wait for it...... I am stating now, that between the two dates there WILL be a lock-down and it will be before Christmas.
We are the only ones to stop it, write to your Govt ministers and go for the throat....
Example: "I know what you are up to and are planning a lock-down before Christmas. Don't tell me you are not, I have it on high authority that you are. Also don't tell me anything about this fake bird flu, or the fake vaccine for the same - it's ALL fabrication."
Yes you can use my quote as above, mine has gone out to all my Senators and ministers in Australia.
There's 30 million people dead since 2020, and there is more to come - even my 4 children and no doubt ALL my grandkids (8) and great grandkids (5) who have all been jabbed. There's then 17 less on the planet and the end of my family line.
Two surgeons doing brain surgery on a male patient and the whole brain falls out on to the floor, one surgeon is shocked and panics, comment from the other surgeon, "Relax, he'll be fine. He's a politician"
Smacks of some truth as I think these fools know we are more intelligent than they are. We will not be blindsided by their BS. We are the wise who want proof this sh!t works before we take the plunge. AND definitely not jump to a vax that was 'invented' at the speed of light!
My only feeling for those jabbed are for the kids who parents got them done. My question is to those parents - "How does it feel to maim, cripple or murder your own kids?"
WELL , Well , well , well . . . . LIBERALS , lgbtq and so on , have exposed themselves in an open view ?!? Whereas conserves have , like forever , verbally criticized lib views and lifestyles w cogent facts , studies , and stats - - our loving libs simply... 'don't need to discuss much' .. 'just open the gas Adolf' .. 'and let em all cough to death' .. 'so we can get ourselves free' . . . . . . can u feel the love !?! ........ ...shalom to all
I found that in Ontario, it went from voluntary to many companies putting more pressure on the employees to get the non-vaccine. There was a great deal of bashing of the non-vsccinated. I reluctantly went and got the two initial vaccines in late 2021. I was already gaining some knowledge to present to a doctor. I did not like the answers given. I presented this to my supervisor. It boiled down to get the shot or no job. I am very angry with what happened.
Surely to God, Mark Slapinsky was being sarcastic. How could he possibly NOT be aware of the reality of what he was saying?😱 I've visited Dachau. I've read "The Gulag Archipelago" as far as I could stand it, half-way through Volume II; the horror of what Solzhenitsyn was describing was too much.
And if he WAS serious? Then something like The Nuremberg Tribunals for him. His execution after the inevitable "guilty" verdict, public and televised. I favour the guillotine for these monsters: Impossible to fake, no ambiguity. Leave his head on a pole for a few weeks so we'll know justice was served.
Guillotine? = KOOL! I'll give you the 'Billing Code' for same , FOR FEMA. Yep, you got it
Federal Emergency Management Agency. FOR their 'Camps' USA. - in case a family member gets THE Bill - LOL. Maybe THE Govt., IS 'Cutting their Budgets' = FEMAs annual operations budget, I'm sure is US$ 29 Billion, OR for Peasants living here in OZtopia - AU$ 38 Billion Plus Loose change. Folks have 'Lost their Heads' Metaphorically During CONVID, perhaps FEMA thought that They, 'Lacked fulfilment'?
The guillotine is coming, as it is written, and as well - Cannibalism. No meat to eat, humans will be next after there's no more wildlife to eat. If eating vaxxed - you will also be infected. If an unvaxxed - diseases will be rife. The future is not good for anyone, especially for unjabbed. The jabbed wont give a sh!t, they will be almost robots anyway with 5G kicking into action and their damnable mobiles that will set the Graphene Oxide into speed dial.
Don't hold your breath. They'll never be held to account. They'll never face the consequences they richly deserve, for what they've done.🙄💩 Not on This Side, anyway... 🤔
A book worth reading that exposes this whole Canadian fraud is “FISMAN’S FRAUD; The Rise of Canadian Hate Science” by R. N. Watteel, PhD Statistics.
To throw a cat amongst the pigeons and no doubt upset many.
My concern is what I have seen - looked into the eyes a 3 people - Trudeau, Trump, Charles (UK ruler, nope will NOT call him a king).
All three have shown me a window into their soul - one I believe is the Anti-christ or the End days Prophet.
Wake up people, the edge of the cliff you can not see from the back of the crowd, is looming large.
Turdo the current slime minister of Canuckistan is an ample assed ugly lying pos. Tell me turdo, if the jabbed really believe the jab will protect them from infection, why then do these stalinist fools rail about an unjabbed person infecting them? Duh! Make like the birds you damned fools and it is my body and my choice. FLock off for good measure.
Note many leaders of western nations follow the same rote as everyone else and turdo is no different. Read the link.
I have heard many death threats against this diddlewop and am not surprised. He is guiltyu of treason and needs to be tried and executed.
On a role today - Oct 2 - 5 is the bird flu summit, and the election is Nov 5....wait for it...... I am stating now, that between the two dates there WILL be a lock-down and it will be before Christmas.
We are the only ones to stop it, write to your Govt ministers and go for the throat....
Example: "I know what you are up to and are planning a lock-down before Christmas. Don't tell me you are not, I have it on high authority that you are. Also don't tell me anything about this fake bird flu, or the fake vaccine for the same - it's ALL fabrication."
Yes you can use my quote as above, mine has gone out to all my Senators and ministers in Australia.
There's 30 million people dead since 2020, and there is more to come - even my 4 children and no doubt ALL my grandkids (8) and great grandkids (5) who have all been jabbed. There's then 17 less on the planet and the end of my family line.
Two surgeons doing brain surgery on a male patient and the whole brain falls out on to the floor, one surgeon is shocked and panics, comment from the other surgeon, "Relax, he'll be fine. He's a politician"
Smacks of some truth as I think these fools know we are more intelligent than they are. We will not be blindsided by their BS. We are the wise who want proof this sh!t works before we take the plunge. AND definitely not jump to a vax that was 'invented' at the speed of light!
My only feeling for those jabbed are for the kids who parents got them done. My question is to those parents - "How does it feel to maim, cripple or murder your own kids?"
braindead super vaxxed US Commander in thief fully vaxed -3 covid cases in two years, The Canooks can'r see past their blinders!
WELL , Well , well , well . . . . LIBERALS , lgbtq and so on , have exposed themselves in an open view ?!? Whereas conserves have , like forever , verbally criticized lib views and lifestyles w cogent facts , studies , and stats - - our loving libs simply... 'don't need to discuss much' .. 'just open the gas Adolf' .. 'and let em all cough to death' .. 'so we can get ourselves free' . . . . . . can u feel the love !?! ........ ...shalom to all
Slapinski must have been sarcastically saying this? Was he serious?
Does not sound any better in English than it sounded in Europe in the 1930's and 40's,
Slapinksi. Perhaps one of THE most self-congratulatory yet low IQ people on the planet. And he is no "conservative" any more than Mitch McConnell is.
WOW. Have those ppl shown yet that CV-19 is actually a thing yet, which can be tested for? Because nobody else seems to have (yet): https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/
Details, shmetails. I don’t need proof! I believe in SCIENCE!
I found that in Ontario, it went from voluntary to many companies putting more pressure on the employees to get the non-vaccine. There was a great deal of bashing of the non-vsccinated. I reluctantly went and got the two initial vaccines in late 2021. I was already gaining some knowledge to present to a doctor. I did not like the answers given. I presented this to my supervisor. It boiled down to get the shot or no job. I am very angry with what happened.
Surely to God, Mark Slapinsky was being sarcastic. How could he possibly NOT be aware of the reality of what he was saying?😱 I've visited Dachau. I've read "The Gulag Archipelago" as far as I could stand it, half-way through Volume II; the horror of what Solzhenitsyn was describing was too much.
And if he WAS serious? Then something like The Nuremberg Tribunals for him. His execution after the inevitable "guilty" verdict, public and televised. I favour the guillotine for these monsters: Impossible to fake, no ambiguity. Leave his head on a pole for a few weeks so we'll know justice was served.
I read it as him being sarcastic too. He could not have been serious, could he?
Guillotine? = KOOL! I'll give you the 'Billing Code' for same , FOR FEMA. Yep, you got it
Federal Emergency Management Agency. FOR their 'Camps' USA. - in case a family member gets THE Bill - LOL. Maybe THE Govt., IS 'Cutting their Budgets' = FEMAs annual operations budget, I'm sure is US$ 29 Billion, OR for Peasants living here in OZtopia - AU$ 38 Billion Plus Loose change. Folks have 'Lost their Heads' Metaphorically During CONVID, perhaps FEMA thought that They, 'Lacked fulfilment'?
Code; ICD9- E978
The guillotine is coming, as it is written, and as well - Cannibalism. No meat to eat, humans will be next after there's no more wildlife to eat. If eating vaxxed - you will also be infected. If an unvaxxed - diseases will be rife. The future is not good for anyone, especially for unjabbed. The jabbed wont give a sh!t, they will be almost robots anyway with 5G kicking into action and their damnable mobiles that will set the Graphene Oxide into speed dial.
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448,
7 December 1996.
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to
which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in
a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post
World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document
enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The
principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control
his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected
benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.
This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended
into general codes of medical ethics.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical
experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds,
conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the
practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such
experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other
methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must
be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This
means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent;
should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without
the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching,
or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient
knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved
as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This
latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision
by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature,
duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is
to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected;
and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his
participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests
upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is
Now who ever made that statement in the Toronto stars needs to be charged along with the Toronto star for publishing such hate.
Don't hold your breath. They'll never be held to account. They'll never face the consequences they richly deserve, for what they've done.🙄💩 Not on This Side, anyway... 🤔