If there is such a connection with oral rabies vaccines, could it also be tied to hepatitis outbreaks in children (far fetched but have to ask)? Alabama has a # of hepatitis cases, and:
I've read too many, and am seeing too many stories now, of too many bastards getting away with murder to expect any different. Watch the movie "Paths of Glory" and then read about the historic event that inspired it, "The Souain Corporals Affair". General Géraud Réveilhac was responsible for the judicial murder of 4 men, done simply so he could save face for his own incompetence. What happened to General Réveilhac? Twenty years later he died peacefully in his sleep of old age in his bedroom on his estate, having in the meantime been made a Knight of the Legion of Honor by the French government.
Meh. Nearly a year later, what's happened; is happening? "Nothing." In British Columbia the advertising campaign for the Lethal Injections continue unabated. In the drugstore across the street from where I live? There's still a kiosk for The Lethal Injection, there's still a queue of morons waiting patiently for their Kill Shots. And Reichsführer-SS Adrian Dix and Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry remain in their positions, having not been arrested and sent to The International Court of Justice to await trial and inevitable guilty verdicts for their Crimes Against Humanity and acts of mass murder.
There are people in this life that you just cannot help and then there are evil people. The evil people prey on the ones who can't be helped, and cannot help temselves. Wash, rinse, repeat throughout history.
About all we can do, Bert.. But as Arthur Koestler observed lo these many years ago: "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
I hope you're wrong and I'm wrong too. But as Gandalf observed "Both my hopes and my fears proved ill-founded, for my hope was based on a fat man in Bree, and my fear on the cunning of Sauron."
"These people" created substack and rumble. These platforms have big investors. Controlling both the narrative and the counter narrative yields the 100% control.
To be fair, if Trudeau was my leader I may kill myself too
for those not polished off by the injections, they will be tossing a 5G RF tarp to clean up the leftovers...
Check this out, too, from the brilliant Jessica Rose.....
"What is going on in New Brunswick?
Something is weird about the Stats Canada death data for 2022..." https://jessicar.substack.com/p/what-is-going-on-in-new-brunswick?s=r
If there is such a connection with oral rabies vaccines, could it also be tied to hepatitis outbreaks in children (far fetched but have to ask)? Alabama has a # of hepatitis cases, and:
Awesome roundup. Thanks
They know exactly what is causing all of this ! They also know exactly why ! They lie to all. Judgement will soon come.
No it won't... 🙄
I've read too many, and am seeing too many stories now, of too many bastards getting away with murder to expect any different. Watch the movie "Paths of Glory" and then read about the historic event that inspired it, "The Souain Corporals Affair". General Géraud Réveilhac was responsible for the judicial murder of 4 men, done simply so he could save face for his own incompetence. What happened to General Réveilhac? Twenty years later he died peacefully in his sleep of old age in his bedroom on his estate, having in the meantime been made a Knight of the Legion of Honor by the French government.
Apple podcast NB Brain Blight https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/173-new-brunswick-brain-blight/id1473503926?i=1000550266498
These numbers tell the whole story without any wild speculation. As Joe Friday used to say "Just the facts Maam ".
Meh. Nearly a year later, what's happened; is happening? "Nothing." In British Columbia the advertising campaign for the Lethal Injections continue unabated. In the drugstore across the street from where I live? There's still a kiosk for The Lethal Injection, there's still a queue of morons waiting patiently for their Kill Shots. And Reichsführer-SS Adrian Dix and Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry remain in their positions, having not been arrested and sent to The International Court of Justice to await trial and inevitable guilty verdicts for their Crimes Against Humanity and acts of mass murder.
Exactly!!! It’s disheartening to say the least.
There are people in this life that you just cannot help and then there are evil people. The evil people prey on the ones who can't be helped, and cannot help temselves. Wash, rinse, repeat throughout history.
We can still pray for both.
About all we can do, Bert.. But as Arthur Koestler observed lo these many years ago: "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
It sure seems that way, but I hope I am wrong.
I hope you're wrong and I'm wrong too. But as Gandalf observed "Both my hopes and my fears proved ill-founded, for my hope was based on a fat man in Bree, and my fear on the cunning of Sauron."
In New Brunswick (and other states/provinces) they release oral rabies vaccines for wildlife by hand and by air. Any connection? What if humans ingest this vaccine? https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/10/pdf/Rabies-LaRage/WildlifeOralRabiesVaccinationProgram.pdf
Well it’s not MY referee whistle… but it’s definitely John Kerry’s private jet…and we can’t forget it’s also that darn, pesky LAPTOP… 😱🔥🔥🔥
Have you read "1984" -- or more to the point, "Brave New World" yet? If not, high time you did.
"These people" created substack and rumble. These platforms have big investors. Controlling both the narrative and the counter narrative yields the 100% control.