Now we know his deep issue, Americans and America. Think about it, he's an unattractive, not so smart, nerdy, queer who has always been jealous of Americans and the US. He's uncapable of love which is why his soul is dark and worships satan. He's done nothing with his life and now he worships and advises a queer, degenerate schwabb, who thinks he's the bride of satan. The wef is really just a gathering of sad, immoral deviants with mental illness that have no true purpose in life, and will have an eternity of flames in hell. What a complete pitiful existence during and after life.
Thank you. It may be too late, but then again, my past is not without it's hurdles. Weird thing on the way home today. I was reading your message on my phone. Decided to switch to music, and Dolly Dagger was the first song the radio and phone decided on. That is so strange.
If I was I would pray that lightning would strike his sorry ass,french fry his sorry ass and send that demon to hell where he belongs! That demon will die one day and he'll figure out that our Creator is definitely real!
Absolutely 100% Amii, as for Yuval, he is already doomed unless he gets right with God! Here are two verses that apply to Yuval; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13!
I wouldn't want to be around him, period. You know? I read your comment and I at once thought of Lady MacBeth in her madness... It's worth a lengthy quotation:
(Enter Lady MacBeth, with a taper)
Gentlewoman: Lo you, here she comes! This is her very guise; / and, upon my life, fast asleep. Observe her; stand close.
Doctor: How came she by that light?
Gentlewoman: Why, it stood by her: she has light by her continually; 'tis her command.
Doctor: You see, her eyes are open.
Gentlewoman: Ay, but their sense is shut.
Doctor: What is it she does now? Look, how she rubs her hands.
Gentlewoman: It is an accustomed action with her, to seem thus / washing her hands: I have known her continue in / this a quarter of an hour.
Lady MacBeth: Yet here's a spot.
Doctor: Hark! she speaks: I will set down what comes from / her, to satisfy my remembrance the more strongly.
Lady MacBeth: Out, damned spot! out, I say! – One: two: why, / then, 'tis time to do't. – Hell is murky! – Fie, my / lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we / fear who knows it, when none can call our power to / account?--Yet who would have thought the old man / to have had so much blood in him.
I put it to you "Medical Truth Podcast" and anyone else reading this: How would you like to be reduced thus, to a sonambulant psychosis of guilt, simply from your association with such a monster as Yuval Noah Harari!? Klaus Schwab is a most fortunate man to do so, yet to be blessed with no conscience.. 🤔😱
Human rights are natural law. Without human rights, we as a species are assured eventual extinction. (fill in the details). That's basically it. Harari does not understand that abstract concepts can be real, because he is a dickhead. Like: Newtonian mechanics is real, General relativitynismreal, etc. Natural law is real too, if you define the successful survival of our species as an end-goal (and there are other generalizations of the argument beyond successful survival).
Goes back to the old question of: is law dictated or discovered? Natural law suggests that law is dicovered, and we develop laws that try to approximate as well as possible natural law, similarly with theoretical physics. So our laws are donstructs but they are theories that try to approach closer and closer natural law; natural law itself is real.
If you saw his interview on Diary of a CEO recently, you'll see he's very capable of abstract thought. But he's totally bought in to a global new world order.
🎯🎯 Exactly! These demons do not understand natural law! Natural Law comes from our Creator and our Creator created natural law! Natural Law supports life and ensures that life will continue! These WEF demons support death and they will not succeed!
he believes *we* are *not human*; but he and his ilk are the only humans. Which is why they can contemplate genocide of most of the inhabitants of the earth.
Yes well, you only have to listen to any of his public utterances for a minute or two, to understand Yuval Noah Harari is just as mad as a hatter. Meanwhile what does it say about the WEF that this flagrant Jewish homosexual is "Grima Wormtongue" to Klaus Schwab's "Saruman" – a man whose dad did all he could not only to get Hitler into power, but keep him there!
I have been wondering why Ted Talks would want to give Yuval Harari a Platform on their Forum to speak his Juvenile Non-Sense, and who is his captive Audience who attend his Presentations? Are they people who themselves feel bigger then thou and look at others as if they are beneath them?
Ted talks are for people who want to be/feel informed. It certainly requires discernment to not get swept up into garbage thinking. They have their place.
I'm glad he feels that way, because when I hear the people in politics talk about the rights of all of the illegal aliens breaking into the country, I'll remind them they don't have any, it's just a story. It's fake, like when they won the election. Also, this means he himself has no rights either. He should also talk to his criminal cohorts at the who, even they seem to disagree entirely. Maybe someone can cloen him on social media with this link.
Ironically it is the right of free speech he enjoys to spread his odd beliefs. Rights for me, not for thee. Amazing that 8 billion people may be controlled by this relatively small group of mentally ill rich birds of a feather.
There are those who may think he’s a useless eater. He’s might brave standing on that stage with like minded people surrounding him. Wonder if he has the nerve to say that around a bunch of regular folk?
he only has power if we agree he has power. If we all roll our eyes, his power just evaporates. Literally. The cabal spends trillions to fake us out into believing utter nonsense. All we really need to do is don't buy into any of their bs anymore. When enough of us just stop listening, the house of cards collapses.
You willing to face arrest and suffer the consequences? Think of Sophie Scholl or Dietrich Bomhoeffer. Or nearer to our day, Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr.; Julian Assange or Gonzalo Lira. That's the reality we must face.
As usual, Satans like this guy are half right. While there certainly is a God, He does not issue human rights, but conditional agreements. The Book of Job is a treatise showing all of mankind, that if God cares to put you through the grinder (qualified by the limits of your ability to take it), then he will do exactly that. It was God who brought up Job to Satan, not the other way around. Job’s life is a metaphor for the Christian’s life - trial, tribulation, and testing, and if you endure, a better life at the end of it all. And if you read between the lines, it looks like God was doing his faithful servant Job a solid, getting rid of his materialistic and nagging wife, and his wayward, partying kids. In the end, God gave him a family that was more equitable to Job’s character.
He's welcome to take himself out!
"Lord have mercy on his soul"? Fuck that.
GODLESS Monster!
Now we know his deep issue, Americans and America. Think about it, he's an unattractive, not so smart, nerdy, queer who has always been jealous of Americans and the US. He's uncapable of love which is why his soul is dark and worships satan. He's done nothing with his life and now he worships and advises a queer, degenerate schwabb, who thinks he's the bride of satan. The wef is really just a gathering of sad, immoral deviants with mental illness that have no true purpose in life, and will have an eternity of flames in hell. What a complete pitiful existence during and after life.
Apostate clergy (many denominations) pro lgbtq types incl, using churches as a business will join them in final judgement of reprobates.
If you've ever had an experience with Jesus there would be no room for doubt.
We need to pray for his soul because we know which way it is headed at this point in time.
You’re an actual bona fide Christian to say that.
I think he already submitted to Satan. . But hey, who knows?
Thank you. It may be too late, but then again, my past is not without it's hurdles. Weird thing on the way home today. I was reading your message on my phone. Decided to switch to music, and Dolly Dagger was the first song the radio and phone decided on. That is so strange.
That is great . . .The universe/ God/ Source abides.
Indeed it does, and at times it give us little clues.
I wouldn't want to be around him during a lightning storm!!
If I was I would pray that lightning would strike his sorry ass,french fry his sorry ass and send that demon to hell where he belongs! That demon will die one day and he'll figure out that our Creator is definitely real!
Absolutely 100% Amii, as for Yuval, he is already doomed unless he gets right with God! Here are two verses that apply to Yuval; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13!
That's exactly right! And he proudly admits to his inverted behavior!
He did on his 60 minute interview a few years ago!
I wouldn't want to be around him, period. You know? I read your comment and I at once thought of Lady MacBeth in her madness... It's worth a lengthy quotation:
(Enter Lady MacBeth, with a taper)
Gentlewoman: Lo you, here she comes! This is her very guise; / and, upon my life, fast asleep. Observe her; stand close.
Doctor: How came she by that light?
Gentlewoman: Why, it stood by her: she has light by her continually; 'tis her command.
Doctor: You see, her eyes are open.
Gentlewoman: Ay, but their sense is shut.
Doctor: What is it she does now? Look, how she rubs her hands.
Gentlewoman: It is an accustomed action with her, to seem thus / washing her hands: I have known her continue in / this a quarter of an hour.
Lady MacBeth: Yet here's a spot.
Doctor: Hark! she speaks: I will set down what comes from / her, to satisfy my remembrance the more strongly.
Lady MacBeth: Out, damned spot! out, I say! – One: two: why, / then, 'tis time to do't. – Hell is murky! – Fie, my / lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we / fear who knows it, when none can call our power to / account?--Yet who would have thought the old man / to have had so much blood in him.
I put it to you "Medical Truth Podcast" and anyone else reading this: How would you like to be reduced thus, to a sonambulant psychosis of guilt, simply from your association with such a monster as Yuval Noah Harari!? Klaus Schwab is a most fortunate man to do so, yet to be blessed with no conscience.. 🤔😱
He is an evil, psychopathic, LITTLE man with a god complex. He MUST be controlled.
🎯🎯 I totally agree! He's a worm!
Lovely thought. Who's going to do it?
I'd prefer someone a little more tangible.
I get that and have been there.
"Go on then!" said Frodo. "What do you know?"
"Too much; too many dark things," said Strider grimly.
I had a different thought...
He claims humans have no rights, that would include him. Lock him up for the remainder of his life.
It appears the man has lost contact with reality.
Good thing he's not influencing anyone in a position of power, right?
they call him "The Prophet"
He never had it. Or if he had a brush with it, he realized we are here to do one thing...reproduce.
Which he is not inclined to.
So goodbye Yuval, see ya.
Human rights are natural law. Without human rights, we as a species are assured eventual extinction. (fill in the details). That's basically it. Harari does not understand that abstract concepts can be real, because he is a dickhead. Like: Newtonian mechanics is real, General relativitynismreal, etc. Natural law is real too, if you define the successful survival of our species as an end-goal (and there are other generalizations of the argument beyond successful survival).
I fully agree.
Relatedly, SOME autistics are incapable of abstract thought. Like Harari.
Goes back to the old question of: is law dictated or discovered? Natural law suggests that law is dicovered, and we develop laws that try to approximate as well as possible natural law, similarly with theoretical physics. So our laws are donstructs but they are theories that try to approach closer and closer natural law; natural law itself is real.
If you saw his interview on Diary of a CEO recently, you'll see he's very capable of abstract thought. But he's totally bought in to a global new world order.
I would also add that he seems incapable of understanding or enjoying happiness. Despite what he says about his daily 2 hours of meditation.
🎯🎯 Exactly! These demons do not understand natural law! Natural Law comes from our Creator and our Creator created natural law! Natural Law supports life and ensures that life will continue! These WEF demons support death and they will not succeed!
He is Satan's little minion. Normal people don't speak this way. Is he even human?
Even Satan acknowledged God.
I doubt any of them are human!
he believes *we* are *not human*; but he and his ilk are the only humans. Which is why they can contemplate genocide of most of the inhabitants of the earth.
Our governor in Minnesota called all the voters outside of the metro area “Rocks and Cows”.
FUCK you Yuval, and FUCK the horse you rode in on.
You admitted you didn't even know WHO THE HELL YOU WERE until your 20's.
You couldn't even find your own story with both hands.
You are an ignorant ass.
Yelp!👍👍I couldn't have said that any better!
Yes well, you only have to listen to any of his public utterances for a minute or two, to understand Yuval Noah Harari is just as mad as a hatter. Meanwhile what does it say about the WEF that this flagrant Jewish homosexual is "Grima Wormtongue" to Klaus Schwab's "Saruman" – a man whose dad did all he could not only to get Hitler into power, but keep him there!
Orwell couldn't make this shit up. 🤔💩
I have been wondering why Ted Talks would want to give Yuval Harari a Platform on their Forum to speak his Juvenile Non-Sense, and who is his captive Audience who attend his Presentations? Are they people who themselves feel bigger then thou and look at others as if they are beneath them?
Ted talks are for people who want to be/feel informed. It certainly requires discernment to not get swept up into garbage thinking. They have their place.
Yes, and they are usually people with degrees and/or bureaucrats.
I'm glad he feels that way, because when I hear the people in politics talk about the rights of all of the illegal aliens breaking into the country, I'll remind them they don't have any, it's just a story. It's fake, like when they won the election. Also, this means he himself has no rights either. He should also talk to his criminal cohorts at the who, even they seem to disagree entirely. Maybe someone can cloen him on social media with this link.
Spoken like a true Nazis
There you go the so called elites have no rights either lol..Release the hounds
Ironically it is the right of free speech he enjoys to spread his odd beliefs. Rights for me, not for thee. Amazing that 8 billion people may be controlled by this relatively small group of mentally ill rich birds of a feather.
If I might correct you on one small part - we cannot be controlled. We all have agency. It's whether we allow ourselves to be controlled.
There are those who may think he’s a useless eater. He’s might brave standing on that stage with like minded people surrounding him. Wonder if he has the nerve to say that around a bunch of regular folk?
Mighty. I wish you could edit on the app.
and Yuval's importance is also just a story. And one we can 100 ignore.
You shouldn't be so complacent Suzanne. That little worm has a lot of power.
He thinks he has. His middle name is Noah. But he 'noah' nothing! :)
Hope you're right.
he only has power if we agree he has power. If we all roll our eyes, his power just evaporates. Literally. The cabal spends trillions to fake us out into believing utter nonsense. All we really need to do is don't buy into any of their bs anymore. When enough of us just stop listening, the house of cards collapses.
You willing to face arrest and suffer the consequences? Think of Sophie Scholl or Dietrich Bomhoeffer. Or nearer to our day, Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr.; Julian Assange or Gonzalo Lira. That's the reality we must face.
Spoken as trucks and tractors gather at our southern border.
Where's your "Southern Border"?
As usual, Satans like this guy are half right. While there certainly is a God, He does not issue human rights, but conditional agreements. The Book of Job is a treatise showing all of mankind, that if God cares to put you through the grinder (qualified by the limits of your ability to take it), then he will do exactly that. It was God who brought up Job to Satan, not the other way around. Job’s life is a metaphor for the Christian’s life - trial, tribulation, and testing, and if you endure, a better life at the end of it all. And if you read between the lines, it looks like God was doing his faithful servant Job a solid, getting rid of his materialistic and nagging wife, and his wayward, partying kids. In the end, God gave him a family that was more equitable to Job’s character.