14 American cities have set a “target” to comply with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) green agenda goals by banning meat, dairy, and private car ownership by 2030.
How dare they decide that they are in charge of “consumer choices!” Y’all: Stop using these giant corporations as much as possible. They are the ones who will benefit the most by the implementation of this entirely nefarious agenda to attempt to steal our national and bodily sovereignty. It is really hard as they have induced foreboding in us at every turn and kept us so busy trying to stay afloat that they know we will often choose the quickest, easiest path of least resistance. But that will be our undoing…
Logically, it's hard to imagine how banning consumption so extensively could financially or otherwise benefit the giant corporations. Do you have an idea?
I think we will be taxed to death on carbon usage. Let's face it, none of it makes any sense. These windmills and solar panels (made in China from coal enegy) cannot replace fossil fuels, not so green either so we will be happy with much less! The patents for genuine cleaner, cheaper energy options get hidden as they love to bleed us financially.
I don’t see how big ag and the airlines would sign on to losing their customers and the massive profits. If no one is allowed to fly how will airlines survive? No one eats meat and then what? Seems like cutting off one’s nose and then dying.
It does seem very counterintuitive. I have to wonder if certain promises may have whispered to these companies to reward them for their damaging compliance. And if it’s true that Blackrock/Vanguard own significant shares in many of them then they may be using the investment money of innocent souls whose 401Ks are managed by the aforementioned to fund the destruction of these huge organizations. Seems to me that’s there’s only so much room at the top and many of these useful idiots may be shocked when they are ushering us into the gulags and are quietly asked to shut the door BEHIND them.
Yes, it doesn’t make sense unless all the conglomerates which seem to own everything still thrive as one sector such as retail tanks, the business is picked up by an Amazon whose same investors owned the retail. Take autos, the same investors also control the entire industry, when they decide to tank gasoline internal combustion engines it will happen simultaneously throughout the industry as they ramp up battery powered vehicles. They don’t lose.
I guess ppl will still ‘eat out’ and they will substitute the food you get with GMO and crickets or anything..and it’s cheap..we won’t know what we are eating!
These huge conglomerates own all the flour, agriculture, meat processing, soon all farms so boycotting one place for a local one is good to keep them in business but top dog still gets paid. Also, people need to have work to earn money.
I think it is a good idea to stop using a lot of these ‘Big Player’ elite owners of conglomerates..Like ‘Amazon..McD’s..ect..so many..but get back to local..simpler..better foods ect..having local economies is very good..
I agree. The problem for a lot of families is the cost. These big boys can afford to sell at a loss for however long it takes to put competitors out of business. Before supermarkets, high streets had all the food and clothing shops, ironmongers, cobblers, opticians. Hardly any independents anymore, all towns look the same now with the chains.
This is a tragedy for sure..How did so many people fall under the delusion. IMHO when they stopped going to church..but so many churches have been infiltrated now. This is all written..just read 2 Thess:2-11.. Also Rev..6.. I think we are living the 4th ‘Horesman’ now.. The ‘delusion’ of so many is so strong ‘because they refuse to believe’ Truth..🙏🏽
Worse, we used to be friends with Jane Philpott, who was a missionary doctor to Niger. She came back, went woke, joined Trudeau's evil govt as his health minister, brought in all kinds of evil, and now went to univerity and is running the Diversity, Inclusion etc garbage. What happened?
Sounds like someone is “gettin” paid. I really don’t think anyone has any true deeply healed convictions regarding this absolute crap they are trying to foist on us. It’s all about the $. They work so hard to try to convince us that we are selfish for having the simplest of desires like wanting to have children, eat healthy food and have a decent home while they ironically live like the rock star foul parasites they are on our taxpayer dime. Sadly though, young people are being indoctrinated into buying this garbage hook, line and sinker. They actually believe that to desire a simple and decent life for you and your family is simply too much to ask of “Mother Earth.”
REMOVE ALL INVESTMENTS/SAVINGS FROM BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and all associated with them. Place money with Investors using funds towards NON ESG INVESTING who follow the rules of the SOROS driven NGO, 'The Human RIghts Campaign' who are NOT Elected to office and yet measure every Corporation's adherence to WOKE with a Report Card called the CEI or Corporate Equity Index. If seriously wishing to end the tyranny of the current darkness, THE BANKER MAFIA out of 'The City of London' is THE TOP OF THE HIERARCHY and the Capo's like Soros, Gates and the OBastards currently fraudulently installed into the Oval Office simply operate as TOTALITARIANS.
There is a reason they're USING THE STICK more and more to push their B.S.
THEY'RE LOSING. Don't kid yourself about this old Russia/China ISOLATION/INDOCTRINATION 'Build Back Better' SURVEILLANCE Concentration Camp/Prison euphemistically defined "Smart or 15/20 Minute Cities. It's all perpetrated by the Capo OBastards; Soros, Gates, Bloomberg, Bush's, Clinton's, Pelosi's, McConnell's, Romney's, Rice's...PUSHING the Intl Central Banker Family Mafia's Agenda.
Every one of the mentioned cities has a Capo running the 'High Crime and Illegal Alien Scheme' to destroy sovereignty to enable their TOTALITARIAN dreams of being delusional Kings/Queens and God's in their own minds. The people are awakening before the Psycho/Sociopathic Parasites are fully prepared.
THEY'RE ON THE RUN and no doubt have their MILITARY REINFORCEMENTS IN TRAINING TO TURN THE MILITARY ON US....To make it appear as though 'The Patriots' are overwhelmed and will lie down to accept their tyranny. THEY ARE LOSING AROUND THE WORLD. Pray and have a bit of faith.
Yeah, I think Blackrock/Vanguard manages a massive number of 401ks. They are literally using people’s hard earned money to assault, abuse and ultimately murder them.
Absolutely...And, this attack with ESG originates with a Company/NGO ran by SOROS. WHO EXACTLY GAVE HIM THE POWER TO FORCE IMMORALITY ONTO ANYBODY...Including Pedophilia escalating with the Slave Market expansion at the Southern Border through the Capo's.
The U.S. Citizens SHOULD 'Know', that your 'Pension Schemes' Including Super/Pensions/401K IS/ARE GONE! U.S.$ 28 TRILLION. 'Handed to' the Privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve 'Bankers', BY The CONtinuous U.S. Govt INEPT & WARHAWK Administrations! PLUS 'Interest'! (U.S. 'Treasury' KNOWS THIS!)
Don't Folks get THE Tie-Up Link with 'Trump's' 'WARP SPEED' Roll out of 'JABS' to 'Wipe Out' Welfare recipients & Future 'Paws'? PLUS, the 'Rewards' to Cash strapped PUBLIC Health Institutes & Hospitals via 'CONVID-19 'Bounties', as ACCESSORIES to 'NATIONAL THEFT'? And, Australia, The 5 Eyes Countries INCLUSIVE!
As for 'Military Forces in Training' - 'THEY' DO NOT need them! As in Australia during CONVID 'Lock Downs', The Govt., Just Co-Operatively 'Imports' Insignia-less Para Military THUGS! (G. Soros SCN as example)
As for U.S. & Other 'Cops', they probably 'WORK FOR' ZioCorp. 'Police responses' to The 2012 Protests in the U.S., (Occupy Wall St.) after Walle Street's FLAGRANT ACTS OF FRAUD AND THEFT, initiating the 2008 eCONomic crisis, Reflects the Loyalty of Police Forces to ZioCorp, NOT the Population! = 'Serve & Protect' - THE CORPORATIONS COLLECTIVE ARSES!
I don't know what the 'Peasants' are SOo Upset about! NO Prosecutions of A CRIMINAL BANKING SYSTEMS, but as a 'Reward' for 'CRIMINAL ACTIONS' (Don't forget Folks, even a single small % of Wrong doing - Compared to THE Banks & Corporates, WILL end you up Incarcerated - Until the End of Days!)- CONtinuing - 'REWARD' for Banking Criminal Actions = THE U.S. Govt/ Presidential administrations (George W Bush [V.P; Dick Cheney] AND B. Obama [ V.P; Joe Biden - LOL!]) WAS A U.S.$29 TRILLION BAILOUT! AND, the 'BAILOUT' wasn't given to the 'People/Mortgage Holders' FIRST, to Relieve their Debts ( and at ZERO extra costings to the Govts/Citizens) It was given STRAIGHT TO the Banks! Wouldn't Anyone be Angry about the Secretive Betrayals & 'Back room 'Deals'? Especially when Goldman Sachs Bankers, are ALSO 'Advising' Govt, PLUS, RUNNING the U.S Treasury ( Plus Interactive Epstein 'Programs' - but that's another Story.)
Last; The Administrations of the USA, 'Borrow Monies' - PLUS INTEREST, From the Federal Reserve - OWNED BY THE PRIVATE BANKING FAMILIES.
THE RUB; The Banking 'Bailout' post the 2008 CREATED FIASCO, was Borrowed From the U.S. Federal Reserve - PLUS INTEREST, for Banks 'OWNED' by the SAME FEDERAL RESERVE !! - Not a bad Little 'Earner'! OH! and the Overall 'Debt', PLUS 'Interest' is passed on to THE 'Peasants'! No wonder the U.S. , 'Tangible Assets' can only cover 25>30 % of it's TOTAL DEBT - AND, why IT, the U.S. 'eCONomy' has to be at Perpetual War TO HIDE it's 'INSOLVENCY' Status! = THIS is going to run into a 'Wall' - VERY SOON!
Thank you..that is precisely what is happening! Look at Africa..totally telling US to back off..I had/have faith Russia is trying to destroy their BBB but it’s hard to get real info b/c of censorship crackdown. I am afraid right now the DS & WEF have total control on Canada..praying for them. These UN/NGO’s really did a number in dividing Americans into so many splinter grips..if they could all awaken & rally behind their country to save it and themselves. I pray for all!🙏🏽
Pray to our hero; the only one necessary, Jesus Christ.
Revelation 5:5-6
New International Version
5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth.
Do not depend or place hope in the uncertain ENEMY/CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY...And, the Capo's in place as Prostitute Politicians around the world are all aligned with The International Central Banker Family Mafia including Xi and Putin.
All is a DRAMA, A PLAY...As said in Shakespeare:
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”
WE must CHOOSE and act in Courage of Conviction even at the threat of death as our ancestors before us...TO ACT IN THE NAME OF GOD PLACING BLOOD ON THE LINE.
Humans must choose to act FIRST IN FAITH AND HOPE FROM FAITH
Before God then acts to enter the fray to win the day and as in the Civil War...It sometimes takes much blood, misery and pain before the end. Such is the result of sins of human beings mutating and destroying God's creation.
PRAY AND FAST, Pat...If you believe in any aspect. The people of the 'Five Eyes' are finally awakening and when we unite in God...We will BEAT THIS CENTURIES OLD MAFIA RAN BY SATAN/LUCIFER under Jesus Christ, our Messiah/Savior.
If you wish to comprehend 'hidden history' relevant to the current circumstances, the Book, 'Tragedy and Hope' by Joseph Plummer is quick to read and very holistic. It's an abridged version; but gives the same info without all the 'Family Trees' merely indicating relationships and the incestuous nature of those in the Hierarchy of Evil on Earth.
Canada here. The cities you listed are all Trudeau voters with a high ratio of govt union workers. The soy boys and socialists deserve what they voted for. As Stalin said: “useless idiots”. Perhaps they’ll wake up. But these policies are nearly impossible to implement in our rural areas. Recall that Canada is the 2nd biggest country in the world geographically. I don’t think the Eskimos, hunters, farmers will play nice nice. And they still have guns. Cheers!
I'm hoping for that too except the great majority of fires are not around Canada's main cities. They're also doing in other areas like Quebec the opposite with lots of rain and farmers of vegggies and fruits are saying they're in deep s....... but nary a word in MSM medias. The goal is to force us in the C40 cities. Recently I saw a UN doc with a map highlighting C40 projects all accross Canada. There was like 100 cities involved ! They were not C40 cities of which there are more than we wrote here and I forgot the others. Even small cities of 25K or so were involved. If I recall correctly there were grants available for these cities which is one reason they were all on the bandwagon plus the false moral virtue they can all drape themselves with.
Very true with the Trudeau voters that still don't get it. Canada yes is huge yes but 98 % of us live within 150 km or miles I forgot which along the US border because of climate, so Canada is not that big as nobody wants to live up north. People are misguided with the Canada map which is different from reality. Plus see the current fires in Yellowknife. Did you happen also to see pics of people evacuated ? I saw many that were from Africa. That brings me to the other point, the Libs or rather the McKinsey Century Initiative for 2100 which is a mere 77 years away with the 100 millions in population targeted for Canada. Even if we end up at 60 millions and even before the country will be utterly destroyed. And not just the Libs, as Mulroney himself which was supposed to be a Conservative approves of this demented plan ! Let's not forget that Trudeau has said very recently that it would be a great idea for Cdians to open their homes to refugees and homeless. That was in response to a UK Gov appeal to Brits there. One of these days not too far it'll be a law here. There's two of you in your house, the GV decide that there should be 6, in they go ! And you're told to shut up. Imagine sharing the kitchen, dividing bathrooms, etc.... There are some movies or docs scenes that gives ideas on what that looks like. China and especially Russia, the Russia of quite recently. But I'm sure you can visualize it without that. So yeah lots of real great wonderful stuff coming our way. (sarcasm)
You can search for the cities on their site C40.org. It was definitely not in the news as we just had a mayor's race in Toronto and no one mentioned it. Check out the report linked in this article (especially chapter 6 which is about consumption).
While the evil elite hypocrite tyrants eat steaks & ice cream while flying around on their gas guzzling private jets & sailing on their gas guzzling yachts every day???
That movie always stuck in my head..is it still available do you know?? I am thinking..do I really want to know what we are eating!! Ppl should watch that movie(I don’t promote Hollywood movies) but that was from 70’s! I haven’t gone to movies..don’t watch them on Tv..
Yes..all their food flown in especially for them at their ‘meetings’. Davos Fairyland..G10..G20..COP..Bilderberg..They actually showed pics and told the menu on WEF site!! Where did all the Cows go?? And the Lobsters??
In the UK the pledge to ban sales of petrol cars by 2030 is going to be a disaster. Over 80% of drivers disagree with the ban as most people can't afford electric cars and the infrastructure is non existent.
But people won't put up with it. I mean seriously, what government is going to tell the electorate that they can no longer drive their cars?
Have you seen the videos of Blade Runners in London? They have taken down and destroyed hundreds of cameras which were supposed to be fining older/non emissions compliant cars from entering certain areas.
Oh..do you trust things from India? Do you have info to get it? Someone said they make it in Florida. They had it on Amazon last week but not now. I am in N.Ireland so don’t where to find it here. Any help will be appreciated!
Here’s the rub, this can only have if folks sit on their asses and do nothing. Wake up, get in the fight, every person counts! Get involved in your communities, tell these rat bastards, HELL NO!
I’m not a violent person by nature, but we’re at the crossroads where I believe many of these WEF’ers all need a shot or 10 of lead and copper. Then a nice dirt nap.
LOL that was good. If you have ever been there during rush hour morning or evening, you have viewed insanity at work. Their carbon footprint is huge.....but we aren't supposed to notice that.
I don't see them adding DC to the list unless there is a provision for government employees being exempt from it. God forbid they have to comply with the same enslavement rules they only want for us peasants they despise.
Of course they did get their exemptions as we all know, but this time around there will be more resentment from the non government workers who are DC residents who had their jobs and livelihoods threatened over taking the shot and not being able to get exemptions. Many are brain washed and will gladly sign up for their boosters and masks, but many won't forget what they had to deal with. The elitists can't have the peasants protesting too loudly on their home turf. I could be wrong but I just don't see DC doing it but they will be loud about their "encouragement".
This to some extent shows why there is more crime, more poverty and issues with city services like garbage pickup. They think they can trick or force the people into these C40 cities. The ngos create a problems and force the solution onto the people. They see the people as gullible and below them. That should show everyone that they narcissistic and using bullying tactics.
I am looking at all these ‘mayors’ and Biden/Dems picks of AG’s..Senate..judges..lawyers..city councillors ect..and most of them appear to be left wing Marxists and incompetent! What ‘carrots’ are they rewarded with for their treachery to their country? They must know and are either to dumb to see or corrupt & ruthless..maybe offered an ocean view in Cali mansion? When they have performed their task they will be thrown on the huge mound with all the other ‘useful idiots’ but they don’t see it!
I saw this elsewhere with website details. Those targets are for 2050, not 2030. By then, you will only be allowed 16kg meat per annum which will include dairy. That amounts to 1.5 oz a day! We will be optimised on 2,500 calories daily, with or without meat or dairy. Just who do they think they are?
King Charles III created the great reset. As launched by the now-King Charles himself during a virtual address to the WEF in June 2020, the organisation's ‘Great Reset’ initiative seeks to use the shift towards big government generated by the pandemic to ‘reset’ the global economy.
Yes..I heard some of King Charles speeches..he also said we need a ‘military intervention’ to get things sorted!
He also passed a Bill that food producers do not have to list ingredients on food packaging? I wonder why?
When he travels he takes about 50 chefs & kitchen help and only eats food out of his Dutchy gardens?? How many hers does he use for every trip?? This is gross..how these ppl live and it’s still not enough for them!
Klaus Schwab is a knight of King Charles III. According to Klaus Schwab, the great reset involves merging human beings into digitally controlled ‘trans-human’ cyborgs that will represent ‘a great advancement’ of civilisation on Earth. Indeed, Schwab’s chief advisor, Yuval Noah Harari stated “We will create non-organic humans…we will do better than God”.
I heard that..Yuval(Noah)Hariri..the Elites call him the ‘prophet’! I believe he said if you are not hooked up to the system(AI) you are lost. He also said ..’we are like gods..we can create..we are G-DS b/c we can create human life! That is ‘blasphemy’! Those ppl are so isolated & confined in their rarified bubble..they do not consider the rest of humanity as human beings. They are demons..
King Charles III: Climate King + Godfather of COP. Did you know? King Charles III after being crowned and after the Archbishop of Canterbury and Prince William pledged allegiance to him, called for the whole world to pledge allegiance to him. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65458470
Did you know? Everyone will have to pledge allegiance to the antichrist after it is installed. What did David Spangler mean when he said that no one will be able to enter the new world order unless he or she makes a pledge to worship Lucifer?
I didn’t hear that part so thank you for sharing..I will watch. My daughter was watching the ‘spectacle’ so I saw a minute after crowning when he was outside & got a close up and he looked..very very creepy..had a weird strange smile! Yes..it’s in Revelation. 13:15.. all will have to pledge allegiance and receive the ‘Mark’ or you will be gone!! I say Never!
I read a passage in the Bible about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember chapter and verse. It said that in the last days they will say that eating meat is bad and will try to restrict, but it is not bad all that is made of God. Very rough remembrance. I think it said, when you see that there is a demand to stop eating meat, then you'll know your in the end times, but know that all that is created by God for consumption is good. Etc. Something like that. Maybe someone can locate that scripture. We are definitely seeing Prophesy fulfilled because we are seeing the ban of meat.
1Now the Spirit [a]expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5for it is [b]sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
I think this could be it; but I think the one I read specifically said "meat". Maybe there's another one. When I read this; sometime time afterward, the UN declared meatless Mondays; remember that? I knew it was just the precursor to the scripture I had read. Well now, it's gone full stop.
Can you find another passage more specific to "meat?"
Yes. Thank you. Ever since UN started that, I've been primed to look out for what will be forced at some point. I think it's clear that we are here. They wrote this up according to this post; so the hammer will fall. The Sign if the Times. Tribulation.
Just read thru Revelation and you can see it unfolding. See Chapt 13:15..I think we are at the ‘4th Horseman’ in Rev..6..Death..wars..famine..pestilences (maybe pathogens) and the 4 were given permission to kill 1/4 of humanity with these things. Ppl should not have left church but so many of them were infiltrated..read the Gospels..🙏🏽💕
We are witness to the great Prophesy of St. John the Apostle. Note, when you see the great Apostasy and as will be in the days of Noah, then His Return is Near. We are seeing this now. The Apostasy is at the Top. Tribulation.
Yes it is so. The ‘persecution’ of the Saints of Christ is underway. Satan has come to us in great wrath after being kicked to earth out of the realm & is going after G_D’s ppl. This includes ppls of the ‘10 Lost Tribes’ whose descendants are scattered in UK..Canada..US ect. Satan know who they are!
How dare they decide that they are in charge of “consumer choices!” Y’all: Stop using these giant corporations as much as possible. They are the ones who will benefit the most by the implementation of this entirely nefarious agenda to attempt to steal our national and bodily sovereignty. It is really hard as they have induced foreboding in us at every turn and kept us so busy trying to stay afloat that they know we will often choose the quickest, easiest path of least resistance. But that will be our undoing…
Logically, it's hard to imagine how banning consumption so extensively could financially or otherwise benefit the giant corporations. Do you have an idea?
I think we will be taxed to death on carbon usage. Let's face it, none of it makes any sense. These windmills and solar panels (made in China from coal enegy) cannot replace fossil fuels, not so green either so we will be happy with much less! The patents for genuine cleaner, cheaper energy options get hidden as they love to bleed us financially.
I don’t see how big ag and the airlines would sign on to losing their customers and the massive profits. If no one is allowed to fly how will airlines survive? No one eats meat and then what? Seems like cutting off one’s nose and then dying.
It does seem very counterintuitive. I have to wonder if certain promises may have whispered to these companies to reward them for their damaging compliance. And if it’s true that Blackrock/Vanguard own significant shares in many of them then they may be using the investment money of innocent souls whose 401Ks are managed by the aforementioned to fund the destruction of these huge organizations. Seems to me that’s there’s only so much room at the top and many of these useful idiots may be shocked when they are ushering us into the gulags and are quietly asked to shut the door BEHIND them.
Sam - exactly.
Yes, it doesn’t make sense unless all the conglomerates which seem to own everything still thrive as one sector such as retail tanks, the business is picked up by an Amazon whose same investors owned the retail. Take autos, the same investors also control the entire industry, when they decide to tank gasoline internal combustion engines it will happen simultaneously throughout the industry as they ramp up battery powered vehicles. They don’t lose.
One incentive is payoffs from the taxpayers trillions $$
They have paid off everyone involved in pushing all of their agendas with OUR money $
They’re getting away with this bc WE don’t get rid of the problems makers - we just talk talk talk while they rob us blind and lock us up !
There are so many utterly corrupt ways to make money, it isn't funny. And they are not going to ban the "consumption" of mRNA shots
I guess ppl will still ‘eat out’ and they will substitute the food you get with GMO and crickets or anything..and it’s cheap..we won’t know what we are eating!
These huge conglomerates own all the flour, agriculture, meat processing, soon all farms so boycotting one place for a local one is good to keep them in business but top dog still gets paid. Also, people need to have work to earn money.
I think it is a good idea to stop using a lot of these ‘Big Player’ elite owners of conglomerates..Like ‘Amazon..McD’s..ect..so many..but get back to local..simpler..better foods ect..having local economies is very good..
I agree. The problem for a lot of families is the cost. These big boys can afford to sell at a loss for however long it takes to put competitors out of business. Before supermarkets, high streets had all the food and clothing shops, ironmongers, cobblers, opticians. Hardly any independents anymore, all towns look the same now with the chains.
Only the utterly, utterly UTTERLY stupid don't understand that this is fasco-Marxism. And even in evangelical churches, which should be a bulwark against stupidity, I see some (not all) people buying into this horse manure. https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism and https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/fascism-and-marxism-brothers-from You can read Mussolin's definitive 1932 work, The Doctrine of Fascism here, for free. https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf
This is a tragedy for sure..How did so many people fall under the delusion. IMHO when they stopped going to church..but so many churches have been infiltrated now. This is all written..just read 2 Thess:2-11.. Also Rev..6.. I think we are living the 4th ‘Horesman’ now.. The ‘delusion’ of so many is so strong ‘because they refuse to believe’ Truth..🙏🏽
Worse, we used to be friends with Jane Philpott, who was a missionary doctor to Niger. She came back, went woke, joined Trudeau's evil govt as his health minister, brought in all kinds of evil, and now went to univerity and is running the Diversity, Inclusion etc garbage. What happened?
Sounds like someone is “gettin” paid. I really don’t think anyone has any true deeply healed convictions regarding this absolute crap they are trying to foist on us. It’s all about the $. They work so hard to try to convince us that we are selfish for having the simplest of desires like wanting to have children, eat healthy food and have a decent home while they ironically live like the rock star foul parasites they are on our taxpayer dime. Sadly though, young people are being indoctrinated into buying this garbage hook, line and sinker. They actually believe that to desire a simple and decent life for you and your family is simply too much to ask of “Mother Earth.”
MK Ultra mind control perhaps?
Now she's in the transhuman dept.
REMOVE ALL INVESTMENTS/SAVINGS FROM BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and all associated with them. Place money with Investors using funds towards NON ESG INVESTING who follow the rules of the SOROS driven NGO, 'The Human RIghts Campaign' who are NOT Elected to office and yet measure every Corporation's adherence to WOKE with a Report Card called the CEI or Corporate Equity Index. If seriously wishing to end the tyranny of the current darkness, THE BANKER MAFIA out of 'The City of London' is THE TOP OF THE HIERARCHY and the Capo's like Soros, Gates and the OBastards currently fraudulently installed into the Oval Office simply operate as TOTALITARIANS.
There is a reason they're USING THE STICK more and more to push their B.S.
THEY'RE LOSING. Don't kid yourself about this old Russia/China ISOLATION/INDOCTRINATION 'Build Back Better' SURVEILLANCE Concentration Camp/Prison euphemistically defined "Smart or 15/20 Minute Cities. It's all perpetrated by the Capo OBastards; Soros, Gates, Bloomberg, Bush's, Clinton's, Pelosi's, McConnell's, Romney's, Rice's...PUSHING the Intl Central Banker Family Mafia's Agenda.
Every one of the mentioned cities has a Capo running the 'High Crime and Illegal Alien Scheme' to destroy sovereignty to enable their TOTALITARIAN dreams of being delusional Kings/Queens and God's in their own minds. The people are awakening before the Psycho/Sociopathic Parasites are fully prepared.
THEY'RE ON THE RUN and no doubt have their MILITARY REINFORCEMENTS IN TRAINING TO TURN THE MILITARY ON US....To make it appear as though 'The Patriots' are overwhelmed and will lie down to accept their tyranny. THEY ARE LOSING AROUND THE WORLD. Pray and have a bit of faith.
Yeah, I think Blackrock/Vanguard manages a massive number of 401ks. They are literally using people’s hard earned money to assault, abuse and ultimately murder them.
Absolutely...And, this attack with ESG originates with a Company/NGO ran by SOROS. WHO EXACTLY GAVE HIM THE POWER TO FORCE IMMORALITY ONTO ANYBODY...Including Pedophilia escalating with the Slave Market expansion at the Southern Border through the Capo's.
culling the herd
The U.S. Citizens SHOULD 'Know', that your 'Pension Schemes' Including Super/Pensions/401K IS/ARE GONE! U.S.$ 28 TRILLION. 'Handed to' the Privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve 'Bankers', BY The CONtinuous U.S. Govt INEPT & WARHAWK Administrations! PLUS 'Interest'! (U.S. 'Treasury' KNOWS THIS!)
Don't Folks get THE Tie-Up Link with 'Trump's' 'WARP SPEED' Roll out of 'JABS' to 'Wipe Out' Welfare recipients & Future 'Paws'? PLUS, the 'Rewards' to Cash strapped PUBLIC Health Institutes & Hospitals via 'CONVID-19 'Bounties', as ACCESSORIES to 'NATIONAL THEFT'? And, Australia, The 5 Eyes Countries INCLUSIVE!
As for 'Military Forces in Training' - 'THEY' DO NOT need them! As in Australia during CONVID 'Lock Downs', The Govt., Just Co-Operatively 'Imports' Insignia-less Para Military THUGS! (G. Soros SCN as example)
As for U.S. & Other 'Cops', they probably 'WORK FOR' ZioCorp. 'Police responses' to The 2012 Protests in the U.S., (Occupy Wall St.) after Walle Street's FLAGRANT ACTS OF FRAUD AND THEFT, initiating the 2008 eCONomic crisis, Reflects the Loyalty of Police Forces to ZioCorp, NOT the Population! = 'Serve & Protect' - THE CORPORATIONS COLLECTIVE ARSES!
I don't know what the 'Peasants' are SOo Upset about! NO Prosecutions of A CRIMINAL BANKING SYSTEMS, but as a 'Reward' for 'CRIMINAL ACTIONS' (Don't forget Folks, even a single small % of Wrong doing - Compared to THE Banks & Corporates, WILL end you up Incarcerated - Until the End of Days!)- CONtinuing - 'REWARD' for Banking Criminal Actions = THE U.S. Govt/ Presidential administrations (George W Bush [V.P; Dick Cheney] AND B. Obama [ V.P; Joe Biden - LOL!]) WAS A U.S.$29 TRILLION BAILOUT! AND, the 'BAILOUT' wasn't given to the 'People/Mortgage Holders' FIRST, to Relieve their Debts ( and at ZERO extra costings to the Govts/Citizens) It was given STRAIGHT TO the Banks! Wouldn't Anyone be Angry about the Secretive Betrayals & 'Back room 'Deals'? Especially when Goldman Sachs Bankers, are ALSO 'Advising' Govt, PLUS, RUNNING the U.S Treasury ( Plus Interactive Epstein 'Programs' - but that's another Story.)
Last; The Administrations of the USA, 'Borrow Monies' - PLUS INTEREST, From the Federal Reserve - OWNED BY THE PRIVATE BANKING FAMILIES.
THE RUB; The Banking 'Bailout' post the 2008 CREATED FIASCO, was Borrowed From the U.S. Federal Reserve - PLUS INTEREST, for Banks 'OWNED' by the SAME FEDERAL RESERVE !! - Not a bad Little 'Earner'! OH! and the Overall 'Debt', PLUS 'Interest' is passed on to THE 'Peasants'! No wonder the U.S. , 'Tangible Assets' can only cover 25>30 % of it's TOTAL DEBT - AND, why IT, the U.S. 'eCONomy' has to be at Perpetual War TO HIDE it's 'INSOLVENCY' Status! = THIS is going to run into a 'Wall' - VERY SOON!
Wellness to you.
Thank you..that is precisely what is happening! Look at Africa..totally telling US to back off..I had/have faith Russia is trying to destroy their BBB but it’s hard to get real info b/c of censorship crackdown. I am afraid right now the DS & WEF have total control on Canada..praying for them. These UN/NGO’s really did a number in dividing Americans into so many splinter grips..if they could all awaken & rally behind their country to save it and themselves. I pray for all!🙏🏽
Pray to our hero; the only one necessary, Jesus Christ.
Revelation 5:5-6
New International Version
5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth.
Do not depend or place hope in the uncertain ENEMY/CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY...And, the Capo's in place as Prostitute Politicians around the world are all aligned with The International Central Banker Family Mafia including Xi and Putin.
All is a DRAMA, A PLAY...As said in Shakespeare:
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”
WE must CHOOSE and act in Courage of Conviction even at the threat of death as our ancestors before us...TO ACT IN THE NAME OF GOD PLACING BLOOD ON THE LINE.
Humans must choose to act FIRST IN FAITH AND HOPE FROM FAITH
Before God then acts to enter the fray to win the day and as in the Civil War...It sometimes takes much blood, misery and pain before the end. Such is the result of sins of human beings mutating and destroying God's creation.
PRAY AND FAST, Pat...If you believe in any aspect. The people of the 'Five Eyes' are finally awakening and when we unite in God...We will BEAT THIS CENTURIES OLD MAFIA RAN BY SATAN/LUCIFER under Jesus Christ, our Messiah/Savior.
If you wish to comprehend 'hidden history' relevant to the current circumstances, the Book, 'Tragedy and Hope' by Joseph Plummer is quick to read and very holistic. It's an abridged version; but gives the same info without all the 'Family Trees' merely indicating relationships and the incestuous nature of those in the Hierarchy of Evil on Earth.
They are giving us a list of places to avoid. I thank them for that.
Way to put a positive on this insanity!
Thank you. There is always a positive....somewhere.
Good point, I need to focus on that more.
Me too, sometimes it is hard.
Canadian cities are Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal - so far
Vancouver. There are more Cdian cities involved with C40.
Canada here. The cities you listed are all Trudeau voters with a high ratio of govt union workers. The soy boys and socialists deserve what they voted for. As Stalin said: “useless idiots”. Perhaps they’ll wake up. But these policies are nearly impossible to implement in our rural areas. Recall that Canada is the 2nd biggest country in the world geographically. I don’t think the Eskimos, hunters, farmers will play nice nice. And they still have guns. Cheers!
I'm hoping for that too except the great majority of fires are not around Canada's main cities. They're also doing in other areas like Quebec the opposite with lots of rain and farmers of vegggies and fruits are saying they're in deep s....... but nary a word in MSM medias. The goal is to force us in the C40 cities. Recently I saw a UN doc with a map highlighting C40 projects all accross Canada. There was like 100 cities involved ! They were not C40 cities of which there are more than we wrote here and I forgot the others. Even small cities of 25K or so were involved. If I recall correctly there were grants available for these cities which is one reason they were all on the bandwagon plus the false moral virtue they can all drape themselves with.
Very true with the Trudeau voters that still don't get it. Canada yes is huge yes but 98 % of us live within 150 km or miles I forgot which along the US border because of climate, so Canada is not that big as nobody wants to live up north. People are misguided with the Canada map which is different from reality. Plus see the current fires in Yellowknife. Did you happen also to see pics of people evacuated ? I saw many that were from Africa. That brings me to the other point, the Libs or rather the McKinsey Century Initiative for 2100 which is a mere 77 years away with the 100 millions in population targeted for Canada. Even if we end up at 60 millions and even before the country will be utterly destroyed. And not just the Libs, as Mulroney himself which was supposed to be a Conservative approves of this demented plan ! Let's not forget that Trudeau has said very recently that it would be a great idea for Cdians to open their homes to refugees and homeless. That was in response to a UK Gov appeal to Brits there. One of these days not too far it'll be a law here. There's two of you in your house, the GV decide that there should be 6, in they go ! And you're told to shut up. Imagine sharing the kitchen, dividing bathrooms, etc.... There are some movies or docs scenes that gives ideas on what that looks like. China and especially Russia, the Russia of quite recently. But I'm sure you can visualize it without that. So yeah lots of real great wonderful stuff coming our way. (sarcasm)
Can you provide a source for this? Was it in the news? Thanks.
You can search for the cities on their site C40.org. It was definitely not in the news as we just had a mayor's race in Toronto and no one mentioned it. Check out the report linked in this article (especially chapter 6 which is about consumption).
Thank you.
I believe Guelph & Cambridge in Ontario?
While the evil elite hypocrite tyrants eat steaks & ice cream while flying around on their gas guzzling private jets & sailing on their gas guzzling yachts every day???
Will the Soylent Greens only eat protein processed from elite corpses?!
Imagine if they taste anything like they look or act… bitter, sulphuric & nasty…😆
I don’t think you can ‘eat’ demons tho? That’s what they are!
That movie always stuck in my head..is it still available do you know?? I am thinking..do I really want to know what we are eating!! Ppl should watch that movie(I don’t promote Hollywood movies) but that was from 70’s! I haven’t gone to movies..don’t watch them on Tv..
Yes..all their food flown in especially for them at their ‘meetings’. Davos Fairyland..G10..G20..COP..Bilderberg..They actually showed pics and told the menu on WEF site!! Where did all the Cows go?? And the Lobsters??
The black market in all their banned items will be amazing. Get in at the ground floor, folks! The possibilities are endless.
In the UK the pledge to ban sales of petrol cars by 2030 is going to be a disaster. Over 80% of drivers disagree with the ban as most people can't afford electric cars and the infrastructure is non existent.
I seriously doubt it's going to happen.
Well they don't want as many drivers, especially disagreeable drivers, so there's that.
But people won't put up with it. I mean seriously, what government is going to tell the electorate that they can no longer drive their cars?
Have you seen the videos of Blade Runners in London? They have taken down and destroyed hundreds of cameras which were supposed to be fining older/non emissions compliant cars from entering certain areas.
Mrs S..you are in UK? I have a question..can a person get ..petmectin in UK? For my poor little chichi? It was on Amazon last week..now it’s gone?
Hi Pat
you can only get it from farm or equine shops, and I think some places may require a prescription from a vet.
I got mine from India.
Oh..do you trust things from India? Do you have info to get it? Someone said they make it in Florida. They had it on Amazon last week but not now. I am in N.Ireland so don’t where to find it here. Any help will be appreciated!
You don’t need a car in a 15 minute city.
That’s what I was thinking! Who can afford electric cars now..ppl can’t afford gas/electric let alone food!
Here’s the rub, this can only have if folks sit on their asses and do nothing. Wake up, get in the fight, every person counts! Get involved in your communities, tell these rat bastards, HELL NO!
I’m not a violent person by nature, but we’re at the crossroads where I believe many of these WEF’ers all need a shot or 10 of lead and copper. Then a nice dirt nap.
Love it. Our only hope... them or us. Feed them to the rats.......
Yes..just not to us! Is it true in Cali they are using the ashes of cremated as fertiliser?
Ephesians 4:26..Be angry..but do not sin..We need a rodeo round up! But first try to connect the splinter groups into the fold..For Country!
Let’s just Ban the globalist.
Set the world free.
Exactly, nobody died and made them kings.
I’m a little surprised to not find Minneapolis, Minnesota on the list.
Having lived there for awhile that is surprising.
How soon can they add Washington, DC to the list???
Tomorrow isn't soon enough.
Oops I see it is already there. For appearances sake, no doubt.
LOL that was good. If you have ever been there during rush hour morning or evening, you have viewed insanity at work. Their carbon footprint is huge.....but we aren't supposed to notice that.
I don't see them adding DC to the list unless there is a provision for government employees being exempt from it. God forbid they have to comply with the same enslavement rules they only want for us peasants they despise.
Well didn’t govt employees also get ‘exemptions’ from the mandated jabs??
Of course they did get their exemptions as we all know, but this time around there will be more resentment from the non government workers who are DC residents who had their jobs and livelihoods threatened over taking the shot and not being able to get exemptions. Many are brain washed and will gladly sign up for their boosters and masks, but many won't forget what they had to deal with. The elitists can't have the peasants protesting too loudly on their home turf. I could be wrong but I just don't see DC doing it but they will be loud about their "encouragement".
But isn’t DC a Sovereign State? Like the Vatican and City of London??
This to some extent shows why there is more crime, more poverty and issues with city services like garbage pickup. They think they can trick or force the people into these C40 cities. The ngos create a problems and force the solution onto the people. They see the people as gullible and below them. That should show everyone that they narcissistic and using bullying tactics.
I am looking at all these ‘mayors’ and Biden/Dems picks of AG’s..Senate..judges..lawyers..city councillors ect..and most of them appear to be left wing Marxists and incompetent! What ‘carrots’ are they rewarded with for their treachery to their country? They must know and are either to dumb to see or corrupt & ruthless..maybe offered an ocean view in Cali mansion? When they have performed their task they will be thrown on the huge mound with all the other ‘useful idiots’ but they don’t see it!
I saw this elsewhere with website details. Those targets are for 2050, not 2030. By then, you will only be allowed 16kg meat per annum which will include dairy. That amounts to 1.5 oz a day! We will be optimised on 2,500 calories daily, with or without meat or dairy. Just who do they think they are?
King Charles III created the great reset. As launched by the now-King Charles himself during a virtual address to the WEF in June 2020, the organisation's ‘Great Reset’ initiative seeks to use the shift towards big government generated by the pandemic to ‘reset’ the global economy.
Yes..I heard some of King Charles speeches..he also said we need a ‘military intervention’ to get things sorted!
He also passed a Bill that food producers do not have to list ingredients on food packaging? I wonder why?
When he travels he takes about 50 chefs & kitchen help and only eats food out of his Dutchy gardens?? How many hers does he use for every trip?? This is gross..how these ppl live and it’s still not enough for them!
Klaus Schwab is a knight of King Charles III. According to Klaus Schwab, the great reset involves merging human beings into digitally controlled ‘trans-human’ cyborgs that will represent ‘a great advancement’ of civilisation on Earth. Indeed, Schwab’s chief advisor, Yuval Noah Harari stated “We will create non-organic humans…we will do better than God”.
I heard that..Yuval(Noah)Hariri..the Elites call him the ‘prophet’! I believe he said if you are not hooked up to the system(AI) you are lost. He also said ..’we are like gods..we can create..we are G-DS b/c we can create human life! That is ‘blasphemy’! Those ppl are so isolated & confined in their rarified bubble..they do not consider the rest of humanity as human beings. They are demons..
King Charles III: Climate King + Godfather of COP. Did you know? King Charles III after being crowned and after the Archbishop of Canterbury and Prince William pledged allegiance to him, called for the whole world to pledge allegiance to him. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65458470
Did you know? Everyone will have to pledge allegiance to the antichrist after it is installed. What did David Spangler mean when he said that no one will be able to enter the new world order unless he or she makes a pledge to worship Lucifer?
I didn’t hear that part so thank you for sharing..I will watch. My daughter was watching the ‘spectacle’ so I saw a minute after crowning when he was outside & got a close up and he looked..very very creepy..had a weird strange smile! Yes..it’s in Revelation. 13:15.. all will have to pledge allegiance and receive the ‘Mark’ or you will be gone!! I say Never!
I read a passage in the Bible about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember chapter and verse. It said that in the last days they will say that eating meat is bad and will try to restrict, but it is not bad all that is made of God. Very rough remembrance. I think it said, when you see that there is a demand to stop eating meat, then you'll know your in the end times, but know that all that is created by God for consumption is good. Etc. Something like that. Maybe someone can locate that scripture. We are definitely seeing Prophesy fulfilled because we are seeing the ban of meat.
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
1 Timothy 4
1Now the Spirit [a]expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5for it is [b]sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
I think this could be it; but I think the one I read specifically said "meat". Maybe there's another one. When I read this; sometime time afterward, the UN declared meatless Mondays; remember that? I knew it was just the precursor to the scripture I had read. Well now, it's gone full stop.
Can you find another passage more specific to "meat?"
The King James Version is the only one I believe that says meats.. but it's that same verse
No I don't recall meatless mondays 🤌🙃
So crazy but we know it will get even more crazier before Jesus returns
Let's stay close to Him now more than ever!
Yes. Thank you. Ever since UN started that, I've been primed to look out for what will be forced at some point. I think it's clear that we are here. They wrote this up according to this post; so the hammer will fall. The Sign if the Times. Tribulation.
Isaiah 55:6-7..Seek ye the Lord..while he may be found..we must join with other brothers & sisters and be strong..🙏🏽
Ephes..’For G-D did not give us a Spirit of Fear..but of Power and Love and a sound mind’.🙏🏽
Just read thru Revelation and you can see it unfolding. See Chapt 13:15..I think we are at the ‘4th Horseman’ in Rev..6..Death..wars..famine..pestilences (maybe pathogens) and the 4 were given permission to kill 1/4 of humanity with these things. Ppl should not have left church but so many of them were infiltrated..read the Gospels..🙏🏽💕
We are witness to the great Prophesy of St. John the Apostle. Note, when you see the great Apostasy and as will be in the days of Noah, then His Return is Near. We are seeing this now. The Apostasy is at the Top. Tribulation.
Yes it is so. The ‘persecution’ of the Saints of Christ is underway. Satan has come to us in great wrath after being kicked to earth out of the realm & is going after G_D’s ppl. This includes ppls of the ‘10 Lost Tribes’ whose descendants are scattered in UK..Canada..US ect. Satan know who they are!
Genesis 3:15 Amen
Sovereign Souls unite. Behave like sheeple, and the Wolves will eat you...
They appear like lambs..but inside they are ravening wolves...🙏🏽