What is to be done (seriously) when we wake up to the fact that so many of the people who have sought power are, in fact, mentally disordered to a very high degree? They are all diagnosable with something, usually a personality disorder.

I think that a lot of good people go through life, interacting with each other as though we are mostly all good people with normal (healthy) motives. As though we are all sane. More and more, awareness of psychopathy is trickling into the public consciousness.

There are still (good) people deeply brainwashed, who may be lost causes. But speaking truth to power does nothing to persuade the sociopaths masquerading as our fairly elected leaders and other public figures (these masquerading as experts) that they are not, in fact, serving the will of the people -- but only serving themselves or darker forces (with full or partial knowledge of who their master actually is).

How horrible it is to be "ruled" by the forces of darkness. When we speak truth to power, we must do it loudly and only for the purpose of awakening the rest of us. There are vastly more of us than there are of them (even though there are too many of them.....).


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Gallows pole by Led Zeppelin

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The WEF is a Communist sponsored front group.

They will love it if you accept these restrictions.

Do Not Comply.

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Yes. And Phoenix is a city filled with elderly retired folks, a city that had something like 55 days in a row this summer of temperatures above 110 degrees! Do the politicians really think that all these 80-year-olds are going to bicycle everywhere in 110 degree heat?

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Well, if they drop dead from heat stroke, that's money saved on Social Security benefits.

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I believe that's part of the Depopulation plan

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They expect them to expire from the trumpcine

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Thats the point exactly. They are eugenicists.

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These cities are not legally bound to implement the WEF agenda because doing so violates the Constitution which nullifies their illegal actions.

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What I’ve heard from a prominent attorney, the constitution has been suspended

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That is only possible if the people consent. The government that the Constitution created can’t suspend the Constitution without destroying themselves. If there is no Constitution, there is no government.

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That still doesn’t suspend the constitution...there is no provision in the Constitution for its suspension.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

In an ideal world, any politician or bureaucrat who tries to suspend the Constitution would be suspended (from a tree branch).

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could be a lamppost or overpass. Anything that works that is close by.

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Municipalities cannot sign international treaties.

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I can only hope you are correct!

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Absolutely 100% Unconstitutional! Pound Sand WEF!

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Excuse the commercial interruption John.


Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! (I'm practicing laughing in the face of monsters. It's really good abdominal exercise too!)

I've been eating bugs for years. GMO mosquitos are especially tasty as they are deliciously seasoned.

And if I don't want to drive a car I don't have to... I mean yes I want to, no I don't, yes I do....... oh I'm so confused...

Someone has to recognize the global climate emergency, I certainly can't recognize it. I keep looking around, but can't see it anywhere. Now put your hand down, I will not recognize you!

Are they going to turn their air conditioners off in Phoenix?

Wait does this mean chem trails, weaponized weather and toxic pesticides are a thing of the past? I mean if we want a clean green healthy diet, it only goes to reason... right?

My arms are getting really strong, what with all this walking upside down. Maybe that's part of the be healthy plan?

Meat bans... but if meat is banned how can I get my daily dose of 'vaccinated' meat. Now I'm walking on the ceiling. (I know, I know, I am very talented)

For only $9.99 I have very sharp cereal knives available. (I'm afraid they are only available to particular politicians.) I know you are disappointed. I do apologize.

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That’s extremely impressive Elizabeth. Thank you for your opinion and have a wonderful weekend.

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Thank you John!

Just my daily exercise in nonsensical sense making.

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I wonder how quickly Phoenix will empty out? No restaurants, no clothing stores, no cars? People, they are setting Phoenix up to be a giant prison. Get out while you can.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

So the globalists want us to wear a uniform...what does it remind you of (communist China under Mao Tse Tung)?

The elites are implementing a global totalitarian police state in which they will have absolute control, authority, power over and ownership of everything (reinforced by AI) and we the people will have lost everything (privacy, autonomy, property rights and all other forms of individual rights and freedoms).

The idea of a uniform is telling: it is about the total conformity and uniformity of the populace, who is to abandon all expressions of individuality, as do convicts in a prison.

It is good to joke about it, but these sociopaths should be taken very seriously. Look at what they did during covid, with very little or no resistance from populations. Digital ID's and digital currencies will be the soft weapons they will use to implement social credit systems, which will control all of us completely, as in China. And if they can control almost one and a half billion Chinese, do not underestimate them.

All of this is violence, and will unfortunately be responded to in kind sooner or later, because humanity can only tolerate abuse for so long, as history shows.

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In the sage words of Prince, "when da elevator tries to bring you down, go crazy". Works for me, lol.

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Ha ha uniform, and this freak schwab also recommended washing our clothes once a week, after wearing them the whole weak. What a freak! So the communist uniform look is back, all wearing blue and riding our bicycles, ha ha. I will keep a pig or 2 in my basement, excluding schwab. He must toss his female lingerie then, o this is hilarious. And the climate footprint of the titanium batteries, and zee solar panels, zeese people have freakishly few braincells, all about control. Have a fart schwab, compliments from us all. Zees is hilarious...

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What makes a mockery of this is that the military’s of the world are not having to make any adjustments to lower their fuel consumption. The Abrams tank gets 2-3 mpg and jets get a tad more and yet I see the ones from the Air Force base close by flying for hours over my city and after they come in from the west desert flying there for hours too.

I’ll quit driving once they stop wasting fuel. Just imagine how many bases there are in just America alone.

Unconstitutional indeed.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights that no government official has the right to remove.

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Very good point! Not to mention the "carbon footprint" of the war in Ukraine which all of these unhinged "green new deal" leftists (as well as, unfortunately, some corrupt Republicans) support.

The lies, the hypocrisy, the propaganda are as thick as shit in a pig pen.

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There was no cereal in her bowl… Why was she just pouring milk or was that almond milk? 😑

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F*ck these mother WEFers.


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Crunch goes zee bug and crunch goes zee economy. Go ahead an turn your silly city into a hellhole and see how well it goes.

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Is it mayor Kate, or is it Karen? And she has declared a heat emergency in Phoenix, in the summer. A true atmospheric phenomenon. I suppose the next thing will be a cold emergency at the North Pole.

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I hope to see more leftist shithole cities do this. I think it's going to blow up in their faces, when more low-information people realize what they are up to.

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Thank you again! Just Say "No." Just Do "No". And then dd "Moh" of the freedom-giving and life-giving that makes sense.

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Funny theres no cereal that she claims to be enjoying in that bowl of milk shes pouring. And Organic milk but Cheerios.. Thats funny.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Wait. Isn't milk "dairy"? Does General Mills make a Bug Crunch now? Are the folks of AZ really going to stand for this? Will they get away with incinerating Lahaina? These madmen have to be stopped and put in the ground.

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