Every mRNA jabbed patient needs an echocardiogram even if there are no symptoms. If there's any scarring then Lumbrokinase and doxycyline.

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Serious question. If cardiac damage is mild and local as was represented in the article above, would an echo actually pick it up? Or would you need to measure troponin to actually detect the cardiac inflammation? Not a cardiologist, so I have limited to no knowledge on this, but I have several jabbed friends who have experienced tachycardia and chest pain post-vaxx. However, their echos are normal and for some reason the cardiologists won’t run bloodwork too. I’m concerned that maybe they have silent cardiac inflammation that hasn’t yet manifested itself in decreased function.

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Good point. Troponin levels should be measured as well.

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I suspect all who got the Covid Vax, have some form of Heart damage, waiting for stresses, to initiate a Heart attack.

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Count on it.

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You betcha.

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Safe and effective.

If this happens, take 2 aspirins and stare in homage at Fauci and Birx

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Blast from the past. Very funny :-).

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Duchess! It's been too ooo ooo long✌✌😂😂😂😂

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Yes it has! So good to "see" you again!

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How long do you think it will be before the NIH takes that study down… off it’s website?

I’ll say before the end of next week, and probably much sooner.

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Good point. I'm surprised it somehow found its way to the NIH site, even temporarily.

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Died suddenly etc. one day people will wake up to the great plan

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There is no such thing as "mild myocarditis"! 😡

Another anecdote: Cardiologist Peter McCullough until widespread implementation of The Lethal Injections had seen two, count 'em, TWO cases of myocarditis in a 30-year career... Since the release of The Lethal Injections? Cases are suddenly as common as toadstools on the forest floor ...

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It does not seem likely that this story will change the govt.’s position - that the vax is safe and effective, and sudden deaths have nothing to do with the vax, so don’t you dare look for evidence

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Will we see a Tsunami, of Died Suddenlys? Almost bet on it....

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Can someone say who in Japan published this study? And then tell Jessica Rose who's paper was retracted?

This is scary as all get out.

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Many discovered this three years ago. So they’re not smart.

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In 2020, we witnessed an unprecedented set of actions from our government.

Everything happened so fast, the propaganda was so omnipresent, and the polarization so intense…

…it was hard to make sense of it all at the time.

But now, here we are a few years later. The dust has settled. Emotions are calmer. Minds are (hopefully) clearer.

More importantly, we have access to data. A LOT of data.

So what does it really say?

I want to share with you an important interview I just did with renowned entrepreneur and author Aubrey Marcus and filmmaker Ben Stewart.

They just made an incredible documentary about the pandemic and the experimental vaccine that was forced on us.

It’s called Unsafe and Ineffective.

The film itself is great, but what struck me most about it was the tone of the conversation.

It’s calm, peaceful, and compassionate.

There’s no shaming or throwing around derogatory labels like “sheeple” or “conspiracy theorist”.

This is VERY important.


Because if we want to have any chance of getting to the truth and preventing a similar tragedy from happening again, we have to find a way to reach out and have real conversations with open hearts and minds.

This documentary is a great demonstration of this.

It’s beautifully done, focuses on the data, and is only an hour long.

And that is why I had to talk to them.

>>Watch the interview here<< https://gentempo.com/unsafe-and-ineffective/

There’s a link to the film on the page.

If you know someone who has perhaps a hint of doubt around the mainstream narrative, who is willing to possibly acknowledge that Big Pharma doesn’t have our best interest in mind…

This is the ONE film I would recommend to them.

P.S. If you ever feel helpless or fired up or inspired about this situation and think “What can I do? How can I get involved”...

Please share this film.

It was censored by Youtube even before it was made public. They can’t even host it on Youtube.

That means they are 100% dependent on curious truth-seekers like yourself to share it with their friends and family.

This film was especially made to help create mindful, rational conversations in relationships that may have been strained by the polarization.

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