I had a chance to study evil people: they differ from other humans in many ways. One significant difference is in how we feel in response to their choices—a healthy person feels insane.
Plus, it damages the brain and heart to think deeply about why they choose as they do (or what thought pattern might cause their behavior or when the p…
I had a chance to study evil people: they differ from other humans in many ways. One significant difference is in how we feel in response to their choices—a healthy person feels insane.
Plus, it damages the brain and heart to think deeply about why they choose as they do (or what thought pattern might cause their behavior or when the pattern prompting their actions first occurred). That act of analysis breaks the processors in a healthy human: the “patterns” are so twisted that they act like prions.
And the evil are liars: it is not that they tell lies.
They differ from other humans and do not have human thought patterns. We can understand them less than almost any animal because few animals are evil.
They are energized by our ire, pain, confusion. Unconditional love ironically protects our hearts and defeats them at a personal level. Politically, financially, etc. we oppose.
We may be miles away from a pink-haired employee at Planned Parenthood who is motivated to ‘help’ women but be farther than light years-we are in a different Kingdom than many Republican pedophiles who attend church.
McCollough feels the insanity afoot. Feeling the insanity is proof that sanity, truth is rampant:). Am rambling a bit.
I had a chance to study evil people: they differ from other humans in many ways. One significant difference is in how we feel in response to their choices—a healthy person feels insane.
Plus, it damages the brain and heart to think deeply about why they choose as they do (or what thought pattern might cause their behavior or when the pattern prompting their actions first occurred). That act of analysis breaks the processors in a healthy human: the “patterns” are so twisted that they act like prions.
And the evil are liars: it is not that they tell lies.
They differ from other humans and do not have human thought patterns. We can understand them less than almost any animal because few animals are evil.
They are energized by our ire, pain, confusion. Unconditional love ironically protects our hearts and defeats them at a personal level. Politically, financially, etc. we oppose.
We may be miles away from a pink-haired employee at Planned Parenthood who is motivated to ‘help’ women but be farther than light years-we are in a different Kingdom than many Republican pedophiles who attend church.
McCollough feels the insanity afoot. Feeling the insanity is proof that sanity, truth is rampant:). Am rambling a bit.