Yup, they are not finished!

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Jiji you're a no go - how absolutely ridiculous - read Genesis for crying out loud. You have NO authority to control the availability for us to eat meat, veg, fish etc - go away silly lady

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Yeah I know it's Jojo but she's no no however she spells her name

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I’m sure she got millions from Gates Foundation or Soros or some other billionaire’s philanthropic foundation .

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Jojo Mehta has started an new Eco Fish website. It's not on line yet.

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NO! But The Masses, WILL swallow

'IT', Hook - Line- & THEIR 'Sinker'!


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JoJo M, 'Founder' of 'Ecocide', doesn't look like She's 'Wanting' for Anything! IF She, Perhaps Identified as Her, WANTS TO DO TANGIBLE ACTION, FOR 'THE Environment' & Other species - SINCE 2017, WHY didn't SHE start with - THE MILITARY?? ONE OF the BIGGEST GLOBAL POLLUTERS!!

Next; THE WEF (PLUS their latent 'Affiliates') describes 'THE Chat';

'Nature & Climate Crisis [Where?- apart from 'BOUGHT' Modelling', & Downstream COMIC [1]'Interactives'!] impact Food & water security, Fuelling Displacement & humanitarian emergencies & exacerbating risks to Peace & Global Security.' =

BIZARRE! I thought that THIS 'Statement', WAS EXACTLY WHAT THE DAVOS/WEF CABAL, ACTUALLY 'OPERATE BY DESIGN!!' = SO, 'Logically', THE WEF/DAVOS, SHOULD BE the International Court on 'Ecocide's'- FIRST CUSTOMER!

[1] COMIC - Acronym; Corporate Organised Military Industrial CONplex.

Last; Coming to a CONtinent near You/Me 'Soon' - Mis/DisEase 'X', along with New Ecocide Law 'X', - PLUS Clown World 'X', ALL tied up by THE WEF/U.N./DAVOS Cabal in THE 'X' Files!

'WHO' ( NO, not 'Them' - Maybe) - WHO even 'Entertains' these Entities as even being 'REAL' - OR Relevant Anymore? = Anyone? Anyone at All? - Someone, - Someone Please! = OOPS! NO TAKERS!

Apparently The Citizens of Yemen, Libya, Gaza, Maui & other 'Ecocide Environments' are Currently Pre-'Occupied' with 'Survival', & Sincerely 'Request', that Ms/Mrs JoJo M, 'Share' some of her Joyous Existence WITH THEM!

Wellness to the United US.

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As they all dine on meat, fish, seafood and everything else they’ve demanded we not consume.

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Another lunatic. This organization is just full of them.

It seems she isn’t aware or has forgotten all the public land held by governments worldwide, as well as fish and animals that organizations have been protecting for decades now.

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Is there such a word as


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JoJo, I can fix this for you. You write: "...fuelling displacement and humanitarian emergencies and exacerbating risks to global peace and stability." Right now that would be the UN, WEF, BMGF, WHO and even your own organization. Disband immediately.

Also JoJo, don't forget to stop eating! What did you have to eat so far at Davos? Are you committing ecocide by eating? Why aren't you speaking to the crowd about stopping food deliveries to this event? How can you let these people eat? Do you have a double standard? Hmmm...that's what I see all over this meeting. It's o.k. for me but not for thee!!! Why on earth do you think anyone would respect you and your fellow idiots?

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What!..They really insult our intelligence! They’re exposing their evil stupidity big time!

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Yup and good thing we didn't take measures of green police during the predictions of a for sure ice age coming - back in the 70's... and all the other 100% wrong predictions! :)

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WEF statement is too illogical and rediculous not to laugh at.

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Yes, she is a stand-in for the real heavy hitters promoting world control. But watch out you don't understand who she represents and what she's saying. She purposefully doesn't mention industrial agriculture and industrial feedlots, in fact avoids the topic of industrial farming in general which is promoted by Bill Gates et al as in order to make more billions of dollars regardless of the consequences. Make the distinction! Yes, farming and animal husbandry go back thousands of years, but they are not the problem. Poisoning the land and the food we eat with chemicals and raising animals in horrific concentration camps is the problem. Capitalism out of control is the problem

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Stupid all the way into the bone marrow.

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Sorry off topic. I don’t see a search bar. I am trying to get to an article here from around February 14 2022 at least that’s when I uploaded the link “where is the pandemic? according to the B.C. government records hospit” that’s all I see on my old phone and did not get transferred to my new phone. Hoping it is about hospital admissions lower than previous two years. I tried scrolling to it twice but invariably touched the wrong part of screen and could not continue.

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