Yeah, well... You'd expect these criminals and psychopaths to be keen on these things, wouldn't you? I don't think I was aware of The World Bank's existence until yesterday. But I think it's a fairly safe assumption that NONE of these purported beneficent agencies created by the ultra-rich and powerful for the hoi-polloi's benefit truly have our best interests at heart, and never did: It's only and always about "Control", and nothing more.

Oh yeah, and "Money" ... 🙄

That said anyone who uses a computer should already know what a hidously bad idea "Digital IDs" truly are, starting with you can't count on a computer to work reliably for a minute, and knowing how easily they can be hacked, and about things like "Identity Theft"...

I'll finish with a link to this article at "Children's Health Defense" from two years ago... which I only learned about in the last half hour: "‘Paving a Digital Road to Hell’: Digital ID Systems Could Lead to Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations" https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/digital-road-digital-id-systems-human-rights-violations/?_ga=2.219736346.2065258183.1710174582-375473691.1695074039

"Could lead to"? How about "Are guaranteed to?" 🤔

Doesn't matter, they'll do it anyway.

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they’ll do it anyway might be the ultimate subtle ..

good call Capt. Roy Harkness

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To go along with the widely used Digital ID, the Digital Rupee was launched on 1 December 2022.

These instruments of extreme control are being rolled out first in places where the push back will be minimal.

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I've gathered Nigerians were less than enthusiastic ...🤔

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I guess cash is still king in many African nations.

Latin America as well.

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I reverted to cash a few years back.. and after Deputy Reichsführer Kuntᛋᛋtia Freeloader's promise to seize the accounts of anyone who supported the Canadian Truckers I've been very careful never to leave more than a dollar in my bank...

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They beta tested bank bail ins in Cyprus in 2013.

Pretty much every country has now adopted laws allowing the same.

It's my understanding that that is one of the plans: they intend to steal our money in return for some useless bank bond.

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That's why my savings are in silver bullion coins, Linda... and they AREN'T in a bank safety deposit box! (Banks can also now, help themselves to the contents, doncha know, Dear...🙄)

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To defeat the WHO's plans for "the world," I think someone just needs to organize a counter media campaign that simply shows the horrifying, worm-like substances that are now in the veins and arteries of probably hundreds of millions of world citizens - thanks to the "safe and effective" vaccines this "health" organization pushed incessantly for three-plus years.

A whistleblower has now come forward and says definitively that personnel at his hospital are finding those thick, white fibrous "clots" in "three to 10" patients every week. This corroborates the findings of tens of thousands of embalmers.

In my opinion, this might be a narrative-changer if we get even more corroboration or a real investigation. Here's hoping this interview goes viral.


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It's a swell thought Bill... Have a look at the "News" tab at Canuckistan's execrable public broadcaster, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:


Not a breath, not a word, of the fulminating cataclysm that's been foisted on humanity with the Covid Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections, and there never will be. Any comment I post on those douchebag's website – no matter how restrained or carefully phrased – is instantly censored.

Why are you talking about a "counter media campaign" which will never happen, when we should be hunting down and lynching the bastards?

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The ultimate solution is taboo - the S word - secession.

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This country is beyond repair. Far as I'm concerned the sooner Canada breaks up and joins The Union, the better... even if you guys need one hell of a house-cleaning...

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We need a massive purge of all "leaders" in all important organizations. The entire swamp has to be drained ..., but, how likely is it that this will really happen?

I think we need at least one undeniable and seismic "truth bomb" that would prove to the public how corrupt and evil the establishment really is. This would trigger the thought that perhaps all the "official narratives" have been wrong all along. Covid crimes and cover-ups actually give us a golden opportunity to produce this narrative-changing "truth bomb." It's probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reveal the evil-doers ... but I see no serious effort to pursue this golden opportunity.

I see it on Substack, but Substack is NOT an "important" organization. It can be ignored.

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I watched this inverview of Bart Sibral by Mike Adams the other day:

https://www.brighteon.com/8420d19b-5492-478b-b88a-4551a776ae9a.. Until now I thought the idea the Moon landings were faked was ridiculous. Suddenly, I'm not so sure. If they could lie and hoax us like this for 50 years – about the Moon landings! – what else will they lie to us about?

Or here's another, Mike Adams interviewing Robby Starbuck about the Transgender war on our children: https://www.brighteon.com/7c1d1ed8-b5e9-409f-9f8b-4eee98527316. But in Canada, to speak out against the Transgender depravity in any way, is to risk a $250,000 fine AT A MINIMUM.. and soon you could be facing life imprisonment! Learn about Robert Hoogland here in British Columbia and what happened to him when he attempted to prevent his confused teenaged daughter from "transitioning." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4-L0-s6llU

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For older people like myself, young, single in the 80s, seeing constant AIDS public service announcements, showing gravestones, in black and white, like a horror movie, atmospheric background music too, really was very effective in making people stop and think. When I discovered Jon Rappoport, Celia Farber and The Perth Group, that HIV was never isolated, proven to cause AIDS, which is a term to mean your body has no means to clear out toxins, or transmit to another, I was totally shocked but it's the truth. Harm to men was the lifestyle, drugs, not eating well etc but "the cure" was AZT, the shelved chemo drug that was too dangerous for cancer patients and we know what happened to gay men. In Africa, they made up a monkey story being the vector. In addition, both groups had been innoculated, gays with Hep B and Africans with, I think, smallpox. bluemoonofshanhai.com has plenty well referenced articles. The point I'm making is that Covid is not the first time this has happened and they need more history to realise how used and abused we've always been and see it again now. Edit link is bluemoonofshanghai.com

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or maybe it was the Gates Foundation in the opening title that

brought the word nefarious into play

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There was a Christian movie done with that title.. I actually highly recommend it.


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Who gives a crap about any of these geniuses? They are all tyrants in their own right and anti-humans.

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"Who gives a crap about any of these geniuses?" I do, and so should you: They are aiming for beyond totalitarian control over each and every one of us!

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I don't have a digital ID, i don't have a smartphone, and i don't have a bank account. I'm all set. Bring it on, "New World".

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If you don’t have a smart phone then how did you produce this message & send it?

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You don't need a "smart phone" to use substack.

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Must be some kind of electronical device?

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Yes, but you ARE using a computer..


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Yes Captain.

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Good on you.

Most people will absolutely melt down in a grid failure such is their addiction to their personal tracking devices.

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"16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.

— The Revelation to St. John

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"Where am I?"

"In the Village..."

"What do you want?"


"Whose side are you on?"

"That would be telling. We want... information... information..."

"You won't get it!"

"By hook, or by crook, we will!"

"Who are you?!"

"The New Number 2."

"Where is Number 1?"

"You are Number 6..."

"I am not a number, I am a FREE MAN"

.... Diabolical laughter...

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I loved 'The Prisoner'. It was set in Porthmerion, North Wales which I have been to, beautiful spot.

Did you see what is in essence the run up to it called 'Danger Man', again with Patrick McGoohan in it?

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Haven't ever watched any of Danger Man, guess I'll have to dig for it.. Meanwhile all of "The Prisoner" is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As4u93rSOFc&list=PLw6gg897HVfsEX7A3CFCdZF1TnNbXx2jh... download "yt-dlp" and save the episodes to your hard-drive while you still can!

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In the 2023 UN sustainable goals for tyranny. Special addition they did. With just seven years left

to deliver transformational change, political leaders and public institutions

will need to rally all stakeholders around the SDGs and strengthen

collaboration, while building trust and accountability. Steps like regulatory

innovations that align private sector governance models with sustainable

development objectives could spark significant change, if applied soon


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"He also called for governments to own the IDs, so they can guarantee their citizens privacy and security."

Is that an oxymoron or just moronic?

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"You can't Reason with Them." This is what our wouldbe overlords have planned for us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRDlEBM99yU

You think of what's gone down in the World since the beginning of the Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections; the surge everywhere of deaths of all kinds, but mostly heart issues and turbo cancers, the stories of "vaccidents"; the deliberate chemical fire in East Palestine, OH; the energy-weapon induced fires in Maui, the revolt in Sri Lanka against the WEF's farm interference, similar struggles in Holland where farms that had been families for CENTURIES were expropriated, the bizarre forest fires in Western Canada and North Western America, the insane war in Ukraine, the genocide in Occupied Palestine; in Canada, the seizure of firearms and the unending and obscene "Human Rights Legislation" that is anything but... The destruction of supply lines, the Nordstream pipeline bombing... and everywhere, the unending stream of illegal migrants, the bulk of whom appear to be men of military age...

And all that's just off the top of my head. In the Controlled Mainstream Media, silence, and if someone tries to direct attention to these issues, they're contemptuously dismissed as "Conspiracy Theorists"!

All of these things of course, are facets of the Satanic Global Elite's war against the rest of humanity.

What in God's Name will it take, to wake people up?

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its death by 1000 cuts and we can’t stop the music “it is unremarkable the trans we have succumb to ..

trojan horse could be the code word for what we are witnessing …

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Banga used to be CEO of Mastercard.....so of course he favors centralized digital control of your finances. It's the logical next step for him.

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looks like the intro was derived from a Marvel comics “Spiderman” movie ..

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World Bank prez Ajay Banga is former executive chairman of Mastercard.

Revolving Doors, anyone?

Mastercard is one of the Kingpins in digital Id and digital currency.

2019: Mastercard Wades Into Murky Waters With Its New Digital ID

The credit card company has more details about its plan for a decentralized, universal digital ID, but questions remain.


2020: Mastercard launches digital currency kit for central banks

Whenever I see one of these fellows, I think:

What did you really do to get where you are today?

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the old school “master card” money and their people will do anything to get the label “old school” redacted from their history …

they’ve got a cash hoard that can withstand the economic turbulence ..

it is unfortunate that the general public has neither the cash nor patience to endure the said turbulence …

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They've already censored, surveilled ALL OF OUR ACCTS. along with DEBANKING THOSE THEY WISH TO PUNISH FOR WHATEVER REASON. Electronic Banking has been here for years and even this Substack is now being forced to comply with demands to share FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF USERS of every Substack Contributor.

Gee, curious about the reason they would demand such compliance in an Outlet based in FREE SPEECH sharing information the U.N. and all Treaty Agreeing Countries wish SQUASHED, CENSORED AND DESTROYED about themselves and their methods of TYRANNY; THEFT, LYING AND MURDER.

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