'The world’s oceans are super-heating.'

Don't agree with that part but otherwise its a good article

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No one can negotiate with those of insanity and greed for power and control. They only understand what they call wealth, take it from them.

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...or, at the very least, demand of them enough cash so that the rest of us don't have to suffer from their insanity & greed: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself

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I bet the Rockefeller cabal is behind it.

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I was flooded by Helene , and would love to join a class action lawsuit against our Government.

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Guys like that give humanscway more credit than any human ever earned. It is physically impossible for any human or collection of humans to redirect a 250 mile diameter storm. Only God and Mother Nature can do that. How big does one's ego need to be? Superman big. Lol

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Anything is possible. But what does scriptures say on the topic? "Knowledge will increase...."

But that is not all. "Evil shall wax worse and worse."

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At moments in history it was never thought possible for man to fly to the moon. Look at the reality of the medical field. Or of electronics. etc

But with advancements comes more and more corruption. Incline oneself to the "Wisdom" of the Ages," that only fools deny and ridicule. Prophecies eons old are coming to pass. These horrendous events are real in living color. Fools deny it is approaching time for a corrupt world to "Prepare to meet thy God."

I am not a scriptural scholar but have enough common sense to see what is happening though, and He alone knows the time of the Apocalypse. I believe as sure as God lives that moment will be when He in His building Wrath and Anger decides to effect judgment. God will not be mocked. His Justice will lay waste all His enemies.

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God."

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

It is not enough to try and execute these murderers, their wealth must be confiscated and given to the survivors of innocent victims. It is also not just enough to bulldoze the U.N. into the East River. Should it not be done as a a lesson to the workers of iniquity at eleven in the morning when it is full of employees complicit in murder? That was suggested to me and makes a lot of sense. Some people do not deserve to live. Those in any way connected to the murders of innocent people should face the death penalty as indicated in the Holy Bible.

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Funny how "terrorists" never target the UN building. I wonder why:).

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Or the WHO and/or the WEF. 🧐

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The whole damned organization is a farce and enemy of Freedom and Justice

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It's a Rockefeller-Rothschild joint venture.

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Might be more hands in the cookie jar than we ever realized.

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David Rockefeller declared one world government was coming, whether we like it or not. Covid was a giant leap in that direction. And the Rockefeller machine doesn't seem to have a reverse gear:).

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But it will have critical engine failure.

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Great stack! 😁

This should be thrown at every denier…and we do have plenty of them!

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Is normal to be deniers, the dissolution of society through separation was the first goal of the "new world" architects.

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I suppose you are correct because I was once a denier that nothing could be this evil in the world…EVERYTHING that’s going on now!

Bought into their BS.

But with that being said, after everything they’ve thrown at us and everything we know now about technology, patents, etc. people SHOULD be hesitant to believe anything the Gov/MSM says. They can and do modify/manipulate weather patterns to fit their agenda. And one way they are able to do it is by buying “patent licensing agreements” which are always sealed to the public by signing non disclosures. This gives them the right to use technology (which is not theirs, they just buy the rights to use) and you don’t get to know what they are using it for! Patent holders and buyers make sure of that!

They want more dead with no pushback.

Point is, people still believe in climate change…which used to be global warming😂. What happened to that! 🙄

Manufactured climate change was always one of their goals!

“Conspiracy theorists were always conspiracy factualists” 🤷‍♂️

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The supporters of "climate change" claim that this "science" is based on scientific consensus and this is where the story is woven, but it is not true, not only because in science the consensus is irrelevant, but because in reality, ehat we see is that everything is a political consensus. and being a political consensus adopted by states, it is based on lies and interests. the states themselves are failed and impostors, since they too are in dissolution, no longer able to fulfill their duties and no longer part of the contract with society. We are living around a huge amount of lies about everything.

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🙏 AMEN Eris!

I could not have said it any better👍

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Thank-you for the post. I truly agree something weird us going on. I have been trying to understand what is going on. The US government and military have been at the game of weather modification for decades. It is a strange world.

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I was amazed. I thought this was bunk. But looked up Project Cirrus.

It's true. Even our government says it's true. They just lie about it not happening now.

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Unfortunately, I don't put anything past the government and their contractors. They are likely still up to something.

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“They are likely still up to something”.

Probably a lot of things we are not fully aware of yet.

At this point nothing would surprise me anymore.

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I think so too.

So many cannot believe people can be that evil, despite historical evidence of such evil.

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Many other countries are involved in weather warfare, not just the US.

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I am aware of that.

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Go to the latest show from StellaQ on Youtube called weatherornot for a full run down on hurricane Helene

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26th September at around 17.30 in the UK where I live the heavens opened and a deluge like Ive never seen was unleashed and drains and roads were completely awash and looking at flightradar.com there was an unusual flight from the RAF over the North Sea which was taking place just prior to the deluge.

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I recall hearing a conversation between Louse Snob, the c e o of pa yp al, and a woman from the London screwl of economics where they mentioned that their agenda would be pushed under guise of environmental activism. Carbon credits, credit cards, etc. are already here.

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Consider the following and write your state reps (both parties) asap:

The aftermath of Hurricane Helene left up to 150 affected counties in various states of damage in the disaster zone. This is a federal emergency of epic proportions and relief is already a week plus behind. Reports of 1,000 confirmed dead and it’s likely to reach 2,000+. Time is of the essence! Temperatures are dropping and near freezing conditions will be reached soon. Americans affected by this disaster are homeless!

1) Remember, it’s our money that’s going toward FEMA, not the government’s.

2) Speaker Johnson and congress can quickly reallocate funds with one simple vote for Hurricane Helena relief efforts. We’re in a new fiscal year! Help Americans first!

3) The President and Congress have the full authority to call out the National Command Authority to mobilize along with the active duty division (82nd Airborne can literally be there in a few hours), federalize the National Guard (a division’s worth of capabilities comprising 15,000-20,000 personnel) for logistics, a aviation assets, communications, clothing, mobile kitchen trailers, water purification, etc. to mobilize in order to help the Hurricane victims.

4) Our government has disaster recovery response funds. Only 1,000 have been deployed thus far; 75,000 were quickly deployed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina!

What in earth are you people doing, because it is clear to many what you’re not doing?!

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I sadly also wonder about Hurricane 🌀 Milton. I pray for the victims of Helene and those in the path of Milton that they have evacuated.

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If you don't believe that weather can be directed then you are fully convinced of coincidence.

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You-tube just sent this after I looked up Dane Wigington.


Title: Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert

Be sure to read the comments.

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The government definitely caused the destruction by Helene and they have zero qualms about massively intensifying Milton to try to obliterate Florida as much as possible. I believe this is not only a ploy to get to the Lithium but to prevent a large swath of the SE from voting. This is how they will steal the election.

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I thought this was bunk when I first heard it. Then I looked it up: Project Cirrus.

Even the US Government says it's true. from NOAA.gov:

"On the afternoon of October 13, 1947, an Air Force B-17 aircraft penetrated a hurricane 415 miles (667 km) east of Jacksonville and dumped several pounds of crushed dry ice into the storm, just to see what would happen. This was the first attempt to modify a tropical cyclone by seeding it with freezing nuclei. It was almost the last.

The previous year, Vincent Schaefer working at General Electric (GE) Laboratories discovered that by introducing dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) into an environment with supercooled water (water that was colder than 32°F [0°C] but had not yet frozen) he could induce the water to freeze into ice. He realized that this could be done in the free atmosphere and could spur microphysical reactions that would alter clouds and precipitation. At his urging, GE Labs reached an agreement with the the Naval Research Laboratory and Army Signal Corps (dubbed Project Cirrus) to carry out experiments where Air Force aircraft would ‘seed’ clouds and fog with dry ice to see what changes occurred. It wasn’t long before plans were made to try a seeding experiment in a hurricane.

They first made a half-hour run over 100 miles (175 km) long dumping 80 pounds (36 kg) of ice along the way. They backtracked then to see what the clouds had done. Next they did two mass droppings of 50 pounds (23 kg) each into one large cumulus top and orbited the cloud to see any changes. They noticed that after the first run, the cloud deck below began to break up. After the second test, the cloud top continued to grow. Satisfied with their effort, the airplanes returned to base.

he scientists were eager to examine the storm the following day. However, when they flew to the predicted storm location, they had trouble locating the eye. After some hunting around, they found the hurricane center nearly 100 miles (160 km) west of where they expected it to be. To their astonishment, the hurricane had made a 135 degree left turn and was now moving due west. On top of that, it was strengthening! By the afternoon of the 15th, Hurricane King struck Savannah, GA. One person died in the storm surge and US$2 million in damage was done to Georgia and South Carolina.

The public was outraged that the scientists had caused the storm to swerve into Georgia and threats of lawsuits were thrown about. GE’s case was not helped when the head of its Laboratories, Dr. Irving Langmuir, issued a statement that he was “99% sure” the storm had changed course due to the seeding. Chief of the Weather Bureau, Dr. Francis Reichelderfer, thought differently and appointed three of his weathermen to find a case where a hurricane had followed a similar track but had not been seeded. The case was published, demonstrating that hurricanes could swerve like that without the used of dry ice, and the threats of lawsuits eventually evaporated...."

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👍👍👍 Cirrus and Stormfront didn’t have HAARP and nano particulate aluminum, barium etc conductive chemtrail spraying to steer. But they proved the Dry Ice and silver iodide spin up and cloud seeding technologies back in the day.

Milton, TD to Cat 4 in 2 days!

Joe Kamal, Federal Gov to Feral Gov in 2 years.

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Yikes. Scary stuff. Especially in the hands of totalitarian Democrats.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

What SHOCKS me about this is that just a few pounds of dry ice can so severely affect a massive storm like that. It makes me wonder if this is a "cover" story, and HAARP (or similar effort) was REALLY being used.

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Exactly. I have to say, I saw Alex Jones talking about it. And did not believe it, because it's Alex Jones. But after looking it up and seeing that N Carolina doesn't get hurricanes....

I have to say, it makes me wonder too.

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