Wow! Many of us have long-suspected that this was the case. However, to once again get front row confirmation of these suspicions from yet another credible source is always a shock.

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The truth has a way of reasserting itself. ~ Julian Assange

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Luke 12:2-3 King James Version (KJV)

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

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The “medical professionals” that willingly participated in this mass murder must be judged and tried for treason. The penalty for treason is death, hanging or firing squads.. When Father God in all His mercy is done waiting for people to repent, Woe to those that don’t. Hell is not a place to spend eternity.

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hell is going to be a very crowded place

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the pact for the future has passed WILL THE PANDEMIC TREATY BE NEXT???

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Yes, they're fulfilling prophesy, they're the devils puppets.

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She has become a historian and an archeologist - sifting through clues and seeing patterns. I can hardly imagine the mountain of data she processed. Her experience was multiplied how many times? In every hospital with an ICU? Imagine the number of victims, and the number of compliant staff who themselves would sooner or later have seen the same connections.

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I had read, $12,000 for a +. 45,000 for vent. Thought I was accurate. Nope. My doc said it was up to $100,000 per death, to murder through test, drug of choice then vent. Think of what Cuomo made killing those approximately 14,000 seniors whom he forced into isolation "care."

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I remember seeing Cuomo on TV…., his eyes always looked wild, like he was staring into the pit of hell. Sadly, they’ll be his end if he doesn’t come to know Jesus.

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I feel sick every time I think of this horror.

I pray every night for justice, but am not optimistic.

I lost in 2020 what little faith I may have had left in doctors, hospitals, and the medical --- i almost wrote "medical profession" but stopped myself --- and the medical *business.*

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Some of The self employed physicians did the right thing , then the hospital brought in their own employed physicians that would follow the death protocols. Dispicable and unethical practices occurred daily .

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Me too. 🥺😡

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If only more folks had studied the history of the Nazi holocaust… maybe… MAYBE… all could have been avoided!

I did study at the age of 8yr. I KNEW it would happen again.. a gut belief!

In 2014 I walked away from a lucrative position as an ICU RN of 44 yrs… I had been seeing the dumbing down of interns and resident MDs as well as a “New breed” of young nurses that had slowly but steadily been occurring for years(subtle but unquestionable). For years hospitals had begun issuing protocols for all diseases and those protocols had physician orders included. Think about that! Why… all of the sudden preprinted medical orders!!!

Back in the early 1970’ and long before interns and residents were taught how to think, how to become medical detectives, how to make a plan of care and how to monitor and tweak that plan DAILY according to the patient’s response. By the time I left, the new interns and residents arriving in medical centers knew far less than the experienced RN’s.

Evil will take years even decades to institute its plans for death and destruction…. WAKE UP AND TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL! STOP protecting them… TEACH THEM THAT THIS WORLD BELONGS TO SATAN… and we are his play toys!

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Me too. I alternate between raging and weeping at the evil that continues to be perpetrated.

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It is very sad that Remdesivir was promoted by WHO employee Paul Elias Alexander, leading Fauci to encourage Donald Trump to take it.


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I thought Fauci was in on the Ebola studies?

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Also see https://theylied.ca/Hospitals.shtml


They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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Murder for money in plain sight.

It still amazes me how many just went along. They should have known better but the temptation of a big payday was too great.

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Payday for whom? Sure the hospitals were raking it in but dr.'s nurses? Were they getting bonuses? Or were they good just going along with it because they're God-less?

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I believe probably big bonuses to work in a Covid ward plus due to understaffing. Travel nurses made and probably still make a lot of money, probably not as much as before. Maybe easier to not see what’s going on when you’re in a different community. I’ve worked in healthcare and the intentional understaffing and abuse is crazy and then they’ll turn around and pay a ton to travelers, makes you wonder

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When suits are allowed to decide it all what we get is decisions via spreadsheet. No humanity is involved. Only numbers

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But everyone in those hospitals that knew better because they were seeing could have stopped it in it's tracks, BUT DID NOT! Then cried and whined and expected sympathy when they were being forced to take the clot shot! Mind boggling!!! I've said this before and I'll say it again...if just 20%, of those they didn't already furlough, would have stood up rona wouldn't have survived! I had several nurse friends tell me it was all bs! WHY I didn't ask, "Then why don't you get with everyone who agrees and go to the news, to newspapers, to fascistbook, ANYONE?!" I still don't know why I didn't! The suits couldn't have executed their money making murder plan without the ENTIRE staff!

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It's pretty simple. They have no security other than what the system gives them. Losing jobs, paychecks, and retirement are too important. But when the time seems less risky, they will begin to speak up. It's human nature. Same with most of the suits, they too are subservient to powers above them.

This is the problem with our society. We are tied to the system and have too much to lose if we cause trouble. Look at what they are doing to Trump; it is aging him, you can see it. When enough people get red-pilled, which is about 40 percent in my estimation, they then are willing to group up. We are getting close.

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We are talking major-league evil here. This is non-trivial. Evil with a capital E.

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One coder, a few nurses (NP/RN myself), and a few dozen docs do not seem enough. Thousands should be speaking out by now! 🙏🙏🙏Just wrote about the widespread jab induced inflammation, seems half the world has had flares of old, or new -itis of some sort the last few yrs. Some, ever since with no sign of letting up. Get your inflammation down.


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It’s interesting how life works. When I graduated from high school over 25 years ago, I studied to become a respiratory therapist. I lasted 18 months in the program because I could not stand being in hospitals. I was much too sensitive to withstand the deep sadness and despair that permeated every space. Now I look back, and thank whatever it was that led me away from that profession. I would not have been able, in good conscience, to ventilate a patient knowing it was basically a death protocol. Thank GOD I left and pursued a completely different career. I feel for those good souls who wanted to help but instead found themselves harming, most likely against their better judgment.

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One would have to be willfully blind not to see all the graft ongoing.

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