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I cannot resist a chuckle when I hear the Orwellian moniker "Health Canada". This entity would appear to be doing very little to improve anyone's health:).

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Trudeaupia is not utopia:).

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I left British Columbia after living there for six years. I still have my permanent residency, but if or when I return???? It was quite dystopian during the faked pandemic.

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The best medical advice I ever received from an actual doctor was when I got a physical examination as part of my application for Permanent Residency in Canada. The doctor told me — after signing off on my exam — “Stay away from the medical system”. True story.

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Yes. was this within the last 4 years, Gary, or before?

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It was just after the beginning of the faked pandemic. I want to say the latter part of 2020.

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Watched a great conversation on McFillin's substack with a doc from Australia, who said most doctors are not scientists, so he went back to college and received a science education. And, based on their conversation, when it comes to getting better and healing less is more, let the body do its work, many interventions make things better for a short time and then it is a downward slide.

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By design

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I love ❤️ your screen name!!

Humans are being greatly deceived into not trusting our natural immune systems, being told that they need to be “enhanced”. It’s 🐂💩.

Then there’s the problem of poisonous food additives to already unhealthy processed foods. Insane!!

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” (a quote often attributed to Hippocrates). How many (so-called) “doctors of medicine” emphasize the importance of nutrition in preventing or curing disease? Close to zero, thanks to the Rockefeller model of allopathic medicine. Sociopaths, the lot of ‘em.

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The food supply is full of toxins, soybean oil, dye, corn syrup and unhealthy preservatives, not to mind the glyphosate. So, it is a task to buy and prepare healthy food. Doctors are not nutritionists, the average person interested in diet knows more than the average doctor regarding nutrition. The whole thing is one big dangerous scam. Yeah, the Rockefellers set the operation up decades ago.

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‘Tis the season for farmers’ markets. 😊

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I go, but super expensive.

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I was heartbroken for this brave man. As more and more studies come out on the dangers, the tyrants trying to take his license will be very obviously wrong, so they will be compelled to backpedal to save face. Harvard came out with a recent study on the harms, and there are many other studies proving the same. The smokescreen will dissipate, it is happening.

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Lynch mobs. I want lynch mobs, howling for blood, hunting these monsters down. Also I want to be in one of those lynch mobs.

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Proud to be an anti-vaxxer. Am I a science denier? When it comes to bullshit science like vaccinology and other medical myths, yes indeed. Vaccines are about money not health. And vaccine passports will be about control of undesirables - such as vaccine truthers. The new biosecurity totalitarian state.

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We had "Vaccine Passports" in this Hellhole province for awhile, Gecko1. Public gatherings, private receptions, sports events, movies, theatres, concerts, even RESTAURANTS, were denied me without displaying "Butcher Bonnie" Henry's despicable, grossly immoral, utterly illegal "Vaccine Passport." 😡

And oh yes, "Emergency" hospital care, unemployment insurance and welfare, were also denied me, not to mention the right to work!

Attached, my description of life in British Columbia under these contemptible, hypocritical leftist beasts' atrocious regime:


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Same here in the state of Victoria, Australia. Could not enter a cafe or public library or even a non-grocery store without digital or paper proof of vaccination. I basically went nowhere for about a year.

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I have washed my hands of humanity. I work as a security guard for not much better than minimum wage – it's what can happen when you do clever things in life like "Music Performance Degrees" – and support a wife and vaccine-injured stepdaughter on those wages. I speak briefly to the guy I relieve, and to the guy that relieves me 8 hours later. Beyond that, I talk to almost no-one. And I am content to do this job, avoiding human interaction as much as possible, until I drop dead.

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At the behest of my friend Stefan, I'm watching "The Chekist" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RSDqBn0bA&t=2436s); I'm at 40:41 of a 1:25:13 docudrama. Endless repeated scenes of people arbitrarily and forcibly arrested, compelled to strip naked before they're shot in the back of the head, their corpses tossed in a cart before being hauled off for mass burial...

This, Lioness of Judah, was the restrained, compassionate version of Marxism espoused by Vladimir Lenin before Joseph Stalin took over, creating a 29-year-long regime that would horrify Satan. But this is also precisely the mentality of the monsters running our province: I hope Dr. Hoffe will retain his licence, but the truth is he'll be lucky if he doesn't wind up for a long, long time, behind bars...

😱 🕳

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Canada needs more journalists like Drea!

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Two things are really clear, at least to me.

1. Dr. Charles Hoffe is both a TRUE and forever Canadian hero , who speaks only honest truth and is both a true humanitarian and follows the Hippocratic Oath.

He spoke outandd warned EARLY ON, of the potential harms and clots.

2. Dr. Bonnie Henry (the major oppresor and Private BC College of Physicians and Surgeons) areLIARDS , CRIMINALS and THUGS.

They sold themselves and their souls out to the devil for the seduction of money and power.

They are guilty of medical malfeasance, torture, deliberate adding and abetting manslaughter, crimes against humanity, fraud and more.

They will eventually be punished for their crimes in this life or the next.

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Lol, just passed a pharmacy and in the window was a poster with a picture of a hand holding a claw hammer and an ominous warning " Dave's flu is all over this hammer ". Below was an ad for hand sanitizer and another message about spreading germs. Beside this was another poster about influenza showing a steel trap. They really want people to get those money making flu jabs here.

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Same here in the States in the south where I live close to two pharmacies and a grocery store with a pharmacy inside.

Yard signs, posters in the windows and adds playing through the intercom system reminding us to keep getting our jabs. To keep everyone in our town safe of course.


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Yes, he expresses his concern about vaccines, but he still does not denounce the main thing, that they have introduced a graphene interface in vaccines. As long as graphene is not denounced by everyone, this will continue

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