Is all for money and always maximizing profits the most dystopian way they can w/ out breaking out sheep that are too distracted to realize it’s propaganda po*n

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Mar 6Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I called around to 10 of the biggest hospitals in BC, April 2020, to see if they were full and overflowing, as we were being told. I specifically asked if they knew of anyone sick with COVID 19, or if they knew any doctors or nurses that treated anyone with COVID 19 and the answer to both questions from all ten hospitals was "No". Nobody was treated at any of the hospitals at that time, and they didn't know anyone who even knew anyone who had treated or admitted someone with COVID 19. That was four months into 2020. I even called one of the licencing bureaus in BC and they didn't know anyone who was sick and didn't anyone who knew anyone who was sick. I figured it was BS and that's why I called, because online, Wuhan was showing people falling over in the streets and I was on a road trip in BC, staying in a campground with my family, and nobody anywhere even had the sniffles. The only reason I was aware of the so-called pandemic was because of a note left on the public washrooms warning people about it. It makes me think of joke about the Amish people who didn't even know there was a pandemic until it was over, because they don't watch TV and they don't get vaxxed. There was no pandemic and Wuhan turned on city-wide 5G at the same time people started falling over in the street. I saw nobody fall over in the street and I was living on the road around all kind of people, no mask, no hand sanitizer, no social concern at all, other than what I was seeing with people being so scared of nothing, to the extent that other parents wouldn't let their kids play with my kids in case they got caught the plague.

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Just talk to the morticians they knew they were just killing people! They also know the Jab was deadly!

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Evil will pay for the murder of all these people! They will not be able to walk down the street and will Not be able to hide from what’s coming for them! You will look at where they were and they will be gone! Psalms 37:10

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In the Australian state I’m in we went from 500 ICU beds to 300. They also closed three floors down f that be hospital and hundreds of beds across the system. Then they put tents outside for the “overflow”- all theatre. They also stood down all nursing, medical and emergency staff not vaccinated- to this day none have been allowed back to work. At the moment all states are having a health crisis due to lack of workers. Controlled demolition of healthcare a WEF goal

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I believe same here in BC Canada, and we still have mandates for medical workers. Also have not hired back unvaccinated fired workers.

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I don’t believe they will put all the beds back. Have a friend in hospital at moment in 2 bed wards one has been removed. In QLD they are hiring back nurses who chose not to vaccinated, then referring them for disciplinary action.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This sounds very much like the Pfizer and Moderna attempts of their submissions of data fro EUA’s.

We will just not save the numbers or we will just not write the report so therefore no new data.

Step along folks - there isn’t anything to see here!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Gosh that was my conspiracy theory edit from March 2020.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry



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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I'm not from BC, but I see they ran the same panic porn on the news there about hospitals being "overrun" by a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

"For the past two years, health-care professionals in the hospital intensive care units across B.C. have been stretched to the limit during wave after wave of COVID-19, which has left many experiencing mental health challenges and burnout." - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/healthcare-professionals-update-1.6410591

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Defund the CBC. I live in BC and have many friends who are nurses. Sorry but this CBC story is bunk! They are being overrun by vaccine injuries!

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But they will say that the vaccines kept these #s low.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I have a FOIP request in with Alberta Health Services. In January, AHS posted graphs showing that about half of “breakthrough” cases, and hospitalization and death among breakthrough cases were people who were infected within a week of their first jab.(I.e. temporary immune suppression). As well, these people were counted as unvaccinated, so it inflated the vax vs unvaxed hospital and death statistics. I'm asking for records of their analysis of their data and communication regarding the decision to remove the graphs.

I have also filed a complaint with Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons regarding Dr Hinshaw failure to warn the public of the temporary immune suppression.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


Did you file this FOI? A huge thank you to you and/or whoever did. I am a resident of British Columbia and had no idea that hospitalizations etc remained relatively stable throughout the so called pandemic which the govt has repeatedly used as an excuse for aggressive and destructive lockdowns and mandates. We have a BC MD in the family and they had no idea either. It seems the that BC ministry of health isn't keen on sharing such information with its physicians!

Our health minister Bonny Henry just extended her vaccine mandate that was supposed to end January 29, to the end of June 2022.

I have shared this data with folks I know in local and international media. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

Keep up the great work!



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I did not file it, found the link while doing the research. These numbers would be similar to other provinces. Canada stats data about deaths confirms that there was no pandemic, The same is in other countries. One big LIE. Very well played PSYOP, no wonder they spend decades prepping for it..

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Final thought. I can't help but wonder how many other jurisdictions health departments were equally guilty in using bogus numbers to scare their constiuents? Let's hope we see a raft of other FOIs come to light to hold these criminals to account!

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All of them used bogus numbers in coordinated effort

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The hysteria was incited by people who wanted to ensure Trump lost and, subsequently, to ensure Republicans never win again. Other countries saw the same opportunities. The solution is to defeat the perpetrators in elections, and replace them with honest politicians. The problem is anyone who can win needs support from dishonest tyrants. Power corrupts, and those who seek or win that power will become as corrupt as those they replaced. Canada's extreme efforts to steal funds collected by the protesting truck drivers shows the lengths tyrants will go to. And they now want to replace money with digital currency, so they can individually control our income and expenditures -- they can digitally incarcerate, starve, or kill us. The only solution is to reduce the power of governments. Every new law, regulation, and rule diminishes is he's our freedom and increases tyranny. Societies needed administrators, not rulers. If we don't manage them, we'll get tyrants, every time. They won't voluntarily reduce their own power. We the people have to insist.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

As so many already thought, these were all lies and fear mongering. No real reason to get the jab other than profit and hurting us. I read an article that China did not give it's residents the mnra jabs. Wonder why?

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China didn’t have mRNA , a while back Trudeau sold the patents to them, and they have started manufacturing. Their vaccines were deadly enough. I have a Chinese hairdresser who told me her mother needed emergency open heart surgery after a large clot for eked inside her heart.

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Thank you for sharing another angle to all of this madness. At this point, I have an open mind to any new information. There is so much we don't know.

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Most information is by personal contact and anecdotes, governments aren’t releasing information and statistics. Let’s face t we’re no longer living in democracies

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Agreed. Even our Republic is fading fast. I hope states will hold out and not go along with this insanity.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Same in the UK; article from Sep., 2021. https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/there-is-no-pandemic

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Yes, worldwide scam

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I’m curious to see the data beyond March 2021, the data after the injections were rolled out.

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I thought the same thing, that's pretty important to know

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