All I have heard for the last 20 years is that China is no longer communist. Maybe these guys are China's capitalist communists.

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Not when you see a platoon's worth standing around at parade rest, accompanied by a couple middle-aged NCO types.

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It's the corporate system. China is corporate. The USA is corporate. Therefore, the USA and China are working together against the states and the people of America. We have literally been attacked by our corporate government with bioweapons that they spent decades patenting and developing.

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This could never happen without the active complicity of local, state and federal officials. These are people who have taken money from the UN/WEF/non-profits/charities etc. I don't believe people don't care, I believe we don't know what to do.

Law enforcement seems completely unwilling to do their job. I can only guess that they have taken the money as well. If you look at the videos on Lahina, it is the police who are protecting, not the people, but the predators. This seems to be the case just about everywhere. I don't understand how to reach these people because it should be clear that if your nation goes down, if your locality goes down, you aren't going to be saved either. Not to mention that globalists with murderous intents will not be sparing their willing foot soldiers. Taking the word of mass murderers seems like a really poor bargain.

So I will ask law enforcement again, what part of mass murder through injection is o.k. with you? Why won't you make arrests? What part of allowing your own nation to go down through treachery and illegal payoffs is o.k. with you? Taking payoffs is a crime.

When are you going to move on what are clearly crimes against the nation and the people you took an oath to protect?

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They should crack open some history books and read about Stalin's and Mao's purges, and then ask themselves which part of that equation they occupy.

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Absolutely. All the people who have taken money to betray their nation should read up. It never ends well for them. They all become useless eaters to their masters.

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Too many law enforcement officers complied with illegal, unconstitutional “mandates”.

I wasn’t one of them.

Compliance is the key to tyranny. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

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Knowing your enemy is very important.

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Suspect we are already being saturated and being taken over y so much foreign interference here in Canada but being a passive place , it'll be easy to do . https://www.thebureau.news/p/fake-chinese-income-mortgages-fuel-fec/comments

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Passivity is rampent here in the lower 48 as well. I have friends and relatives who think I am a crock pot or a Negative Nancy because of my views on what's happening to our country and world. They don't want to hear it. They would rather be busy with fun and games.

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Amazing, isn’t it Charlotte? It’s like no one “gets it”. Probably, because they don’t want to get it. I love God/Creator and I love Truth. I can’t live in denial (not a river in Egypt).

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Everything seems in lockstep regarding responses - those of us who question everything and those of us who think all is fine more or less. Now looking at all the chem trails I see in our" less than frequent" blue skies - that I didn't notice before ! Never ending events to be concerned about . Called the usual political people who had no idea what was in the skies ... good thing I have a dark sense of humour because it seems no one is aware of anything .

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Found out from AI that the word "chem trails are a conspiracy theory .... then asked about cloud seeding and got tons of info . Learning how easy it is to be dismissed with one word and then learning the work around with an AI tool to get more questions answered . When it's all said and done - those responsible are "looking into " its overall safety . Where have I heard that before???

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Conspiracy Theory = THE TRUTH

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Just learned that a word of difference can make you either a conspiracy theory person or not . IF you call something a chem trail it is a conspiracy , if you call something seed clouding that's fine . Either way even with AI , not great stuff in those seed clouds either but "they" or "the agencies" are looking into what is in these things trying to control the environment , Kind of wonder if this stuff is responsible for the climate change agenda .

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The sleeper Military and Terrorist Cells are just waiting on the Call to be activated.

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And our own government is most likely supplying these invaders with weapons.

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They've been practicing. I have two personal experiences that lead me to believe this to be true.

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"... and beckon the useless eaters of the world to come here?"

I can't believe you actually used those words. Did I misread? You know that these people are "useless eaters" HOW, exactly? You realize that you're echoing the very same supremacist scum that you shine a light on to expose their evil in other ways, right?

How can you join them in that kind of bigotry?

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Yep, reporting on thousands, yet it goes on. Kinda tells one where we are in this country, even if we fight for it, for the "missile day" is coming, it's everyman for himself then, or do we really get it together?

They can't eliminate us all, so the psychological games have not yet really begun.

Food for thought.

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They might be letting in these illegals to be the bronze class of workers to replace all of the ten of millions who have died and will die from the after effects of the covid shot.

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Great interview with Drew Hernandez, he is a courageous Christian warrior. The guy he was talking to, the angry one, was one of those who believe that California still belongs to Mexico. There are many who are brain washed and actually believe they have rights to our land. We need a lot more like him who are willing to shine the light in the dark places.

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