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Mar 21
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No, while he is conscious lying in bed because now he is the at risk persons he was talking about. The nurse should make that really clear as he gets all his boosters.

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Poor man. Such a shame. Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail. Proverbs 22:8 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap Galatians 6:7

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I’m hoping for the worst

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Let's hope he doesn't die... rather we'd like him to linger so he can suffer knowing (hopefully) that he f789ed himself.... and live (hopefully) with the guilt of having influenced so many others to f789 themselves.

That would be an outstanding outcome.

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You don't want to go that route; lest you become like him.

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You are right, god will take the burden of retribution🙏

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Well stated. I understand your emotional frustration. It is very deflating what we are witnessing. Difficult to keep one's composure.

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No sympathy here.

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Listening to him laughing.

Absolute POS.

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Again, you're the first one to report this...across my desk, anyway. Pretty impressive that you have your fingers on the pulse of things. Thanks for this important story.

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Grifter scumbags give religion a bad name. Karma's a bitch.

/rant off

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SCHAD-alicious! Thanks for brightening my day!!!

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Those Pfizer documents are no longer secret. They were forced to release their research here in the US months ago. I'm dam glad a Judge forced them to be released.

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They are releasing it slowly but surely. Many blank or "redacted" pages.

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It was dumped all at once as I understand it and the court ordered unredacted research. So I cannot even begin to guess the time it would take for court and other researchers to go thru 80K pages of dense research materials of a scientific nature without having a Dictor of Science Degree. I know I couldn't understand it all!

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They been available for many years through FOIA.

They were required to be submitted to every country so the country could/would administer.

Dr Byram Biddle got Pfizer's Study Docs from Japanese gov in 2020 or 2021 through FOIA. I read them and so did lots of others.

With the Internet, information is not restricted to one country. " here in the US"

If it is " released " in the country next door, it is released.

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Dr Ardis did the same thing. As well as reviewing the professional literature and reports that the public was unaware of.

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Professional literature is by nature available to the public. I don't know where you are getting these exclusive ideas. You can subscribe to New England Journal of Medicine or group publications you just have to pay for information like I do. Like here.

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What a patchouli way to go.

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Satan is calling his people.

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Let's just pray that he comes to Jesus before he passes away!

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Right! 🤣

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Thank you so much for posting this story. I remember seeing that video of this individual saying he "wanted less souls on the planet" and laughing. At the time in 2020, it was hard for me to believe that he actually made that statement and that we weren't being trolled in some way.... Well we learned through our research which we shared in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, that indeed there is a globalist predatory agenda to control the world's nations and citizens -- and we are indeed the prey....

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Even from gurus God will not be mocked. However we have been mocked, slandered, ridiculed, harmed, killed yet in the end evil is being exposed, made visible and the light shines on them.

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Right. "like the ants, they wouldn't take the time to move those in the way, just run over them." As Musk said. Not sure if he was telling us their view only, or his also.

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I'm a firm believer that if anyone feels the planet is too crowded they should start by removing themselves.

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that's what I suggested a few years ago to someone who was ranting about how the world was seriously overpopulated and people needed to die. He didn't mean himself, just, you know, other people.

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These people are all the same, they value themselves so highly...

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Agreed. Lead by example.

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Exactly “ as in ok lead by example” we decided we will stay but one less body to contend with. When people say there are too many people, I look at our countryside here how vast and spacious it is. Or even flying across the States how many places are completely empty. “Too many” ???

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dont give them any ideas though

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I was considering talking about only legal aliens. Since 15,000 new people invade this country everyday. That’s really impossible to understand.

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That makes so much sense !

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We must give Sadhguru credit where credit is due. He's called for fewer souls on the planet and is certainly trying to achieve that goal. Bye, Sadh. Thanks so much for volunteering!

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He's not dead yet! We are not to rejoice over the death of even the wicked, lest we be judged for wickedness on our own hearts?! Even Almighty Creator God Heavenly father doesn't. Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? Ezekiel 18:23; Ez 33:11 Who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4

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You are spot on Brother . Even though it is hard to Pray for the Salvation of the Wicked. We are called to do so.

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"rather they be converted and live.."

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Unfortunately, you've failed to detect the humor or irony in my comment. I make no advocation for his death. I frankly don't give a damn about Sadhguru. He's best described as a man of limited knowledge and insight with no true understanding of the mysteries or the divine...just like you. Equally unfortunately, you projected your own wickedness onto my answer because you completely misconstrued my comment. Perhaps you need to read your bible with a more open heart to God.

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I care for his eternal soul and I weep & pray for Sadghuru's repentance & that Jesus will pay him a special visit as he is undergoing his brain operation because if while he still lives & breathes he doesn't repent & renounce all his wickedness & evil will end up in hell and then the lake of fire eternally with so many other lost souls.

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I don't want for anyone to end up in hell separated from God eternally. We all deserve only hell & Gods wrath upon us yet those who are in Christ Jesus have received His overwhelming amazing grace and forgiveness and repented we are now new creations in Christ Jesus, living sanctified lives, forsaking living in wilful habitual sins, dead to self having died in Christ and been made alive in the newness of spirit of life. Picking up our cross daily, living for Chrit loving Him and to love & serve others, whilst proclaiming His truths in love. Bringing glory and honour to the King of Kings & Lord of Lords Jesus Christ & Heavenly father.

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When Jesus was dying a torturous most brutal death upon the tree, that cross He said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

And that's the truth for the majority of the lost perishing people of this world whom are ignorant and are given over to their wickedness and vileness and are completely decieved. Did you know Jesus said that our days would be as the days of Lot of Sodom & Gomorrah & as the days of Noah? So what was happening in the days of Noah? The earth had become corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.

The LORD saw that the wickedness & depravity of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. The LORD regretted that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was [deeply] grieved in His heart. Yet he told Noah to be a preacher of righteousness to them for 120 years.

Noah preached righteousness, he did so by the power of the Spirit of Christ: that is, it was the message of Christ, delivered in the power of Christ, that Noah proclaimed. The ungodly men of Noah’s day had a chance to repent and be saved as Christ preached to them spiritually through Noah. Unfortunately, they rebelled against the truth, refused the ark, and drowned in the flood.

In addition to Noah’s proclamations to the unbelieving world of his day was also his “wordless preaching.” In the very construction of the ark, Noah bore witness to righteousness. Every hammer blow, every pounding of a nail was a call to repentance and a declaration that judgment was coming.

Jesus called out the fact that Noah’s contemporaries ignored the message that would have saved them. At the same time, the Lord Jesus warned us of making the same mistake: “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26–27).

If God did not spare the ancient world who rejected Noah’s warnings, how much less can He be expected to spare those who dismiss His calls to repentance today?

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I bet my last dollar he is a snake oil salesman, a pedo and a murderer.

Just based on many years of education, experience and travel.

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Karma and schadenfreude in a nice tidy package.

Waiting on Klaus and the rest.

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