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Dec 11, 2023
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Dec 11, 2023
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Dec 12, 2023
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martial law?? They do not need to do any of those drastic things….look how collaborative people of the earth were in 2020!!!!

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The best way to eliminate your enemy is to let them do it themselves, then you do not need to use any weapons that is why the ding-dong system on the black and white chessboard works so well .

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

I am sure Sun Tzu is a Jesuits invention as I mentioned it in another thread.

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Have you watched the new movie “Leave the World Behind”....it began streaming on Netflix a week ago. Very interesting. Also interesting to not who the producers of the movie were. At the very least, thought provoking.

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they did it before with RA-Legion…..you go to hell, purgatory or whatever….or….we kill ya because you are an heretic.

So always works in one way or the other.

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The Internet allows too many ordinary people access to information. "They" have been trumpeting this treat for years. The Internet of the future would have Permissions and filtered access, unless it is all open source. Too many countries are working in concert under the Globalist Control, as we saw with Covid!

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It's not if, it's when!! This has been the plan the whole time! Get us used to and dependent on doing everything. I mean everything online and then create a catastrophic event through a Cyber Attack and blame it on some outside foreign terrorist cell in Russia, Pakistan, Iran, China and then have a solution for safety and security to use the internet; perhaps a Digital ID to track everyone's computer use! Let's go back to basics and unplug from this insanity! Journalist Whitney Webb discusses this. She's EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y36ZEKYMvzM

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Dec 14, 2023Edited
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Absolutely, 100%!!

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Why do people continue to post to YouTube where the liklihood of censorship is around 100%?

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Agree, I launched the www.MedicalTruthPodcast.com in January of 2023 and was censored within the 2nd month on YouTube! I told my Social Media Editor that it is a badge of honor!

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Digital currencies and societal control are wholly dependent upon electricity and the internet; both can be easily sabotaged.

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Our entire lives are dependent upon the internet!! Everything (Money/Banking, Investments, Everything)

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Seems like a prudent mindset to consider how to live life without the internet, just in case.

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I'm 60, growing up as a kid, I got through life without the internet, computers, and technology just fine!! It was called LIFE!!

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LOL...73, Canadian, and literally, "born to a log cabin" (an anomaly even for 1951).

"Living without technology" is equivalent to Mad Max. It wouldn't be possible in cities, and not pretty anywhere. In 1929, 50% of Americans got part or all of their livelihood from working in agriculture; Now it is 2-3%??

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Let's go back!! I think I'm going to watch Back to The Future tonight with my wife!

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A box of printer paper, some pencils, an old analogue phone, and a hardcopy encyclopedia, would be a start?

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Just watched the link. Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure how or if we’ll find a way out of this mess.

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Fortunately, there have been 'Aware, and Freethinking people' involved since the beginning of the Internet.

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Now to find them before the nefarious find me.

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Build it (A substack to support 'The Builders'), and they will find you.

There are more "Good People" than Bad People. Otherwise our Civilization wouldn't have survived this long!

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Something I'm moved to ask at this point: "Who are 'the Globalists'?" Yeah, corporations like BlackRock and Vanguard, the Rothschild/Rockefeller Crime syndicate... Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari.. But the truth is, "The Globalists" is pretty faceless. Would anyone care to come up with a comprehensive list of names of people and their assets? Identifying humanity's enemies might help us in putting a stop to them.

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See the recent substack post by Frances Leader.

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Yeah read about the Black Nobility on Frances Leader's substack. (she's a good writer, but can be a bit of a pit bull if you disagree)

Nefahotep is writing into the history of who is behind the Globalists as well.

From what I'm seeing a lot of the 'front men' will likely be thrown under the bus.

And maybe we could stop using the phrase 'predictive programing' and call it planning.

'They' must be having a lot of fun watching us squirm.

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Really, who is squirming? Have no fear as it is written. This is a purely spiritual battle.

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I would think the squirming really has to do with how the last four years has affected a person.

'We' are in the same storm but not in the same boat.

If you've lost your income, or if you unknowingly chose to be jabbed and are dealing with side affects... there are so many etceteras here.

People had lives before 2020 hit. In very different circumstances from each other to begin with.

No matter what, we always have to do the work of being human. Some know how, some do not.

I've seen some very ugly behavior this past year.

Same storm. . .

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A drone needs to descend on Davos and take every single one of the out 😖

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BIS Bank of International Settlements...

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Why would you announce a catastrophic event ?? I think many people are seeking these kinds of events anymore.

But part of the psyops warfare is keeping people forever on alert....bc it wears you down mentally, psychologically and gets everyone in STALL mode.

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I think it is called "fear porn". Very wearying and confusing also. All part of the plan as you say.

I also have wondered about announcing an event prior and it seems it is partly for the reason you suggest and also because the entire agenda is all based on evil and the occult and symbolisms are a major factor, including prior warnings. it is just how 'they' operate, plus of course, displaying their arrogance and 'superiority' is irresistable.

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Funny how they know this shit. Will it be around Sept./Oct.?

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This globalist vision of bringing down US influence and power (economic and military) will be greatly facilitated by the millions of terrorists and America-hating sympathizers that have been freely admitted to our country by the Biden/Harris regime.

It does seem that all the puzzle pieces are coming together exactly as the Global Elite have planned.

Once WWIII starts many will be shocked to see the fighting, bloodshed and barbarism in our own cities and towns. I’m guessing the attacks in Israel on Oct. 7 are a preview of what what we can expect here once the terror cells are activated. We will be clueless (AND defenseless if the Marxists succeed in confiscating our guns, another part of the globalist agenda.)

By the time our ignorant and complacent citizens wake up, it will be too late. Praying for God to either intervene and stop this evil madness or for Jesus to return for his bride, the church. If not, we will be in an unimaginable living hell.

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the US of America was created to be taken down. This was the project from the get go of its fake discovery.

Look carefully how this country developed the inner infrastructure (not existent), the energy grid (like it was in Europe in 1940’s) and the construction science techniques (still building homes like in 1746).

Everything here can be completely destroyed by submersion, incineration or earth-shakes.

WWW3 has already started…..and it is all psy-warfare of economics. If anything WWW3 will not spare the US because, as I stated above, this was in the plans.

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With all the Chinese military aged men crossing the border, is there any question what is in store from them and our China backed gov?

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I received a text this morning about the newly released Netflix movie production (executive producers among others are Barack and Michelle Obama) based on a novel written by Rumaan Alam with the title “Leave the World Behind.” I haven’t seen the movie or read the novel but reviews indicate prescience of possible near future events. It just may be a forewarning.

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One tactic is to steep us in fear to make us ill.

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It’s called predictive programming.

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I remember my Mother telling me in 1979 that if there was a WWIII, WWIV would be back to bow and arrows.

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That's interesting.

I believe we are in World War III, have been quite plainly for four years and more subtlety much much longer.

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or WWII never ended

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Or WWI or back and back and back and forward and back and forward and back. . .

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we are experiencing similar events to WW1 only faster and more complex.

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Hopefully a last ditch effort that will fail. It's a bumping harrowing ride.

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I know what you mean. It hasn't been a conventional war, with the generals sat on the surrounding hilltops choosing which fireworks to go off. They did it by Zoom call , and WTF meetings in downing street (Wine This Friday - the arrogance).

People have been targeted and killed in large numbers however, this cannot be classed as a healthcare measure.

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Yeah, it's hard.

But the whole health care system has never truly had our health at heart. Not from my personal experience or from anything I have read.

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About time!!! I don’t believe it. This would result in people talking to each other.

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Yes, this is for the theft of your money.

CBDC etc.

Then the gov will come to help you.

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Sure...empty cash cans next attempt to incite fear. The world need to burn that club down. We are in an enhanced solar flair cycle that peaks in 2025.

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Dec 11, 2023
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which earth? The fake one or the Bigger Earth?

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What can be done to thwart this control?

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Three Words: Do Not Comply!!

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Two words “Boycott Everything” all we have to do is mass boycott. It works because it hits the cash pockets. Example ….imagine if 30% of the high school grads would boycott college enrollment for 6 months?? It would dawrf the college industry instantly and the lending institutions as well. See everything is connected to the banks….always.

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1000%, that is the message I will continue to Spread throughout my Podcast!! DO NOT COMPLY; Do Not Comply with the Bio-Weapon, Do Not Comply With Cashless Society, Do Not Comply With Climate Change! DO NOT COMPLY!! Draw Yourself Closer to God!! The Globalist Want To Be Your God; That is Why Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Hate God; Because They Want to Be Your God!! They Count on People to be Non-Believers in the One True God Jesus Christ; they want to replace God; in the Bible the "Angel of Light"/Satan wanted to replace God, that is the Marxist/Globalist, they want to replace God! Don't Let Them Do That to Your Soul!!

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