It’d be funny if not so sad…

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They’re mocking us.

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And my “science teacher” sister probably believes it. “See, I KNEW my brother was crazy!!”

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These people are evil. No other way to describe them. It’s time for good exorcist to step forward!

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Sociopathic demons.

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Agreed! 🙏 ➕

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yes, it is "climate change" alright ! they are changing the "climate" in the human body.

this world is run by criminals

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Always has been. They just used to hide it better, now they don't give a rip.

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yep, for sure. over 100 years they have been at it.


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Even in winter too huh?

I'm in California. Right now, it's 42 degrees Fahrenheit early in the morning. So all of these heart attacks should be going down right now if warm weather (standing alone) causes heart attacks, but they're NOT going down.

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Our skies are being poisoned.

Visited the zoo In San Diego yesterday and watched the insane CHEMICAL spraying criss crossing all over the sky. Then in horror watched all the chemicals spreading like a nightmare watercolor painting, to eventually dull out the healthy beautiful, HAPPY blue morning sky - replacing the natural blue sky with dull, muted, white sheath of poison blanket (Aluminum, barium, etc)

Sooooo evil!!

It spoiled our 2 hours of being outside just knowing we had to breath the micro particles into our lungs and bodies.


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I’m in SD, too, & saw it going on in the sky all day 😩🤬

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It’s like being stabbed in the heart when you see it for yourself!

Watch the video above to learn how these monsters actually can make MONEY off our misery and misery of farmers. They can even create storms to destroy regions they will hedge bets against using insurance like they did with the housing market.

I think a class action lawsuit is needed to stop this.

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Will definitely watch the video you shared...I presume you’ve seen The Dimming produced by Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org ? A slew of solid documented articles & videos there & he does a weekly broadcast to update the public about this highly falsely represented poisoning of all living things on the planet. It’s one of the most “successful” propaganda campaigns that humanity has been sold for longer than most of us have been alive...& we didn’t even know we were buying it all this time, & paying for it not only with tax dollars, but at the greater cost of the health/lives of all creation on this planet. 😞

Will enough of us be able to stop them before it’s beyond a point of no return? 🙏🏻 I have a slow growing circle of influence that is listening to me (or they’re placating me by pretending to!), but most people just say “It’s condensation from the jets...it’s always been there,” just parroting what was engrained as we were growing up.

I recall as a young child asking my dad about them & he said “contrails” & gave me that short answer. Then I asked why some of them made endless long stripes that turned into clouds when others were really short & disappeared nearly immediately. His answer was that the humidity at the different elevations caused those differences. Then I asked why the sky writer planes’ trails didn’t last long at all...and they’re even using something like smoke. His answer was that I asked too many questions. It never made sense to me, but don’t argue with daddy...or Big Brother, right?

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They actually are creating a HEAT DOME and CAUSING the elevated temperatures worldwide with what they are doing.

The honest, uncaptured scientists in this video above and many others have stated this over and over again. AND the rising problem of neurological problems like Alzheimer’s is due to the aluminum and other chems they spray that is not only entering our lungs but our brains.

THEY ARE the problem. And for political reason they are telling us it’s the cows and the coal and the cars and and and…

Really Kissingers idea documented in the 1970s of controlling the weather and the food and you control the world - is their U.N. WEF agenda to take over everything - even water and natural resources.

We have to wake people up and our politicians who aren’t captured to change the TITANICS course now before there is NO free future for our children and grandchildren.

U.N. Agenda 2030, WEF and WHO and Gates of Hell GAVI are all part of the same evil cabal.

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please visit beeheroic.com lmk if you'd like info to a geoengineering workshop - beeheroic@gmail.com

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Thank you for that link! They have a lot of solid information...including links to geoengineeringwatch.org which gives them instant credibility with me! I’ll be going deep into all the info at beeheroic.com & thanks again for sharing it! 🙏🏻

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Yep Non stop spraying in Reno/ Tahoe I never feel good anymore even though I’m not vaxxed If the thunder don’t get ya then the lightning will Evil sick pricks We all need to come together and stop this madness We owe to the future generations

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I wonder if Dane Wigginton who has been trying for years to shine a spotlight on this problem has tried to sue. I know the film maker of the link above did.

I will see if that lawsuit is in the courts or was rejected…

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deb.. have been presenting on geoengineering for over a decade... highlighting tahoe/reno area recently... lmk if you want to see one of the presentations

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Yes I would I watch it all day long almost every day right over my house

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Been watching this for over 12 years. Horror.

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We have that video on our geoengineering and environment page... as you likely know his - michael murphy's - newest documentary - put out posthumously - Shades of Grey - has more updated info and interviews with several people he could not put on the initial documentaries (what in the world, and , why in the world). If you'd ever like to chat I can put you in touch with some awake people in SD. Also, amcurrently working on a GE project/workshop for people to learn more. nikki beeheroic@gmail.com beeheroic.com

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You're debating with too much logic. That's unconvenient to the believers.

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Absolute insult to intelligence but unfortunately there are ample idiots out there who lap this vile slop up & believe every word, to deceive their tiny minds that they've the moral authority to climb on their high horse & start ordering everyone else around a la mask Nazi's

Maybe ole billy goat Gates & his charmless ex-man wife can create a new climate change Vaxx & all the morons can gallop off to get jabbed - oh the joy!

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Given they have been whining about the fake climate change for decades in order to enslave and murder humans how come this sudden rise in heart attacks has only occurred since the COVID bio weapon injections?? Just sayin'

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Good point. Perhaps we should stay as far away from carbon-neutrality as possible to avoid any further premature sudden loss of life.

And while we’re at it, we should all just avoid the jabs.

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Redneck sucker of horse paste here. Been mountain biking several times a week since I recovered from Delta using the horse medicine. Riding constantly in NC heat. No flutters. No palpitations. And since I have moved to a carnivore diet, I’m getting vastly stronger and faster. I’m 56 and need to lose more weight (slowly getting there) and the other day I was staying on the heels of a young kid built like a pencil. My buddy who inexplicably got jabbed AFTER easily beating Covid, had to walk his bike out of the trails with a racing heart that would not come down. I sent him the story about Kyle Warner and urged him to consult with a heart specialist but he laughed it off. I pray my buddy will be fine. Such a great guy. We were hanging out in September and he took a phone call. “Did you hear about Billy? So young, strong and healthy!” Yeah gee Mike, what could possibly have happened??? His daughter needed an emergency surgery for a brain tumor. And he seethes about the Sacklers and the FDA. Ummm, nothing has changed bro, it’s only gotten much worse

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For a University to even publish such nonsense knowing full well it is completely false and only to fit the narrative being sold to the sheep, they must have gotten a big bonus from the corrupt feds to do this. Frankly, most of these colleges/universities have lost all their credibility. This is as dumb as it gets.

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There are no words left for insanity!

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It is imperative that we put an end to the atrocities committed by these monsters. We must take action to counter their actions. Throughout human history, dating back to 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, we have faced similar challenges and managed to overcome them with our innovative thinking. We can draw inspiration from Solzhenitsyn's incredible writing, which played a crucial role in bringing down the Soviet Union.

- Luc

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The Ivy League is now the Poison Ivy League. Any parent spending $100K per year on tuition (Marxist Indoctrination Fees) is out of their mind.

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Neo marxist indoctrination.

According to the Leninist marxist view, the dictatorship of the proletariat should force capitalists to surrender their capital and turn into proletarians. Is not the case now. The great reset has different ideologies based on the insucces of marxism.

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Wharton School of Business WEF ... Gâtes please 🫵🏼🤡

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And, ladies and gentlemen and whatever else you may consider yourself to be, drum roll please. 🥁🎵🎵🎵. If you were waiting to see how they, you know them people, dodge the vaccine injury death bullet, here it is! Blame it on climate change and pour a couple of million 💰💲🤑 into some institution who doesn’t care where they receive funding from, to provide a, pretty much worthless and extremely vague and biased, report to back up yer sorry arse. Can we all start singing in unison now, “🎵🎵only in America, only in America”

Enjoy the day you have in front of you for there are no promises of tomorrow.

Be well in all you choose to do

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The extreme heat has my part of Saskatchewan at -5°C

There are people starting to spontaneously combust at the global boiling all over.

Keep fire extinguishers ready.

/ sarcasm off

People ARE dumb enough to believe them.

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The sad thing is some people believe this garbage.

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