Yes no more telling us we're crazy conspir... squirrel 🐿️. Excuse us can we get back to the conversation. I just wonder are the legions of evil...I mean how they can pull this off takes many. But when you own the world's wealth since 1913 we now $35 trillion and "they" are that much richer...hmm seems the greatest ponzi scheme ever they buy whatever they want to get it done. I mean when we talk about who manages the money... private entities get paid massive interest for our debt

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Todd, Evil is all around US. Our family has been battling evil for over 30. We won when my first wife was taken by Satan from Cervical cancer. She shoild have lived in Hollywierd. Sick fucks have nearly destroyed This once Great nation is a shell of it's former self. I imagine ALL if our conspiracy theories have proven true by now... Prayers for all of US who just wanted to be left alone as WE are the ones who will be called upon to help fix the Fuck Ups of TraitorCons. John

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The love of money is the root of all evil.

BIG money can buy BIG evil.

Nothing new under the sun, only different methods to get there.

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Those perpetrating this have all the money beyond imagination.

THE TRUE DANGER IS OF POWER ADDICTS; the Psychopaths and Sociopaths perpetrating sadistic, brutal torture, rape and murder. They literally DO sexually orgasm with perpetrating suffering, misery and death upon all but especially adore destroying innocence. The only goal of evil Power Addicts; those CHOOSING to host demons, is theft of God's creation.

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Well said !!!

Could not agree more with your statement.

Thanks for adding to my comment to make the point crystal clear.

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Beginning to laugh openly about the obvious lies, tyranny and deliberate attacks defining this time WWIII.

Evil assumes it's won.

Evil doesn't seem to recall, "To assume makes an azz out of you and me."

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"The book presents several modern crises, such as overpopulation, pollution, and resource depletion, as existential threats that require immediate societal restructuring. These crises are used as justifications for the sweeping changes proposed."

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


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Where can I find Part 1?

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I read your posts and value them.

On geo-engineering/weather warfare as this article is about and another one by you on this topic with Dane Wigington in it, I cannot find Jim Lee who is the expert I trust on this matter much more than Wigington. If you do not know his work here it is


Get free, stay free.

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Don't they also breathe the same air?!

I have not ever seen any one looked up when the chemtrails were clearly visible if they had looked over the horizon.

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Blue skies seem to offend these psychopaths.

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Who is surprised?

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To the deep state we are slaves to be killed, sacrificed , rape our children, scare them to death to drink their bool for the Adrenochrome created as adrenaline floods they blood when in fear and eat their flesh to help them stay young and powerful. We are but creatures to be used as they want, to them we are cattle.

These evil creatures are demons who are psychotic insane murderers and in truth, thee are the dregs of society and deserve only trials and when found guilty, executed for their many crimes against humanity and our children.

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Totally agree with you

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They are really trying to mess with mother nature after all. Very disappointed in JFK but someone must have gotten to him on the topic. Odds are good the weather geo-engineers had a hand in the flooding & devastation in the Western North Carolina area on Sept. 25th, 26th, 27th, of 2024. Head bowed and prayers said for the stricken.

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Absolutely. Their stupidity is showing.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

We know we are very sprayed day and night. But where is a link for the "official documents"?

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I saw your comment after posting a link to some of those.


if patents also count as official documents there's weather modification patents back to the late 1800s, a sampling of them here (I know, this link only goes back to 1920, but the late 1800s is accurate.)


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I was referring to those documents that generated the article, should be mentioned by the author . Thank you. I have a big collection of patents too, I don't believe in them too much.

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None of them work. Good luck proving it if you think they do. Yes. USPTO.GOV is EVIDENCE for ALL to see.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Not even GOF patents people are so afraid of? :) And WIPO is a branch of UN...patents = "can be used to empower decision-makers, policymakers, and innovators to make data-driven choices, allocate resources effectively, and foster collaboration in areas where inventive contributions are most needed". Well, the story of intellectual property is bigger than that said by UN and more bs and kots of interests in it.

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Search Congress.gov to learn who authorized anything that impacts you. The list of TRAITORS there is shown at EVERY YEAH OR NAY VOTE. It's unbelievable how much information is there. REVELATION written by Congressional Stenographers who would suffer charges of Treason should they NOT record in entirety and Truth. Visit www.congress.gov for your own good.

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regarding government admission, They do the standard Illuminati tactic of putting it in plain sight while they lie out of the other side of Their faces.

example: list of grants and approved projects


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While 388 members of Con-gress eat Meat Potatoes, Carrots and Bread, we are left with cake that has fallen.

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It’s not just spraying. It’s technologies like HAARP. And they have the audacity to call their purposeful actions to manipulate the weather, destroy homes, communities, and kill people as ‘climate change’.

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Mother Nature will continue to ravage the globe whether humans survive or not.

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If these same geo engineering Deep State jets were dropping instant death bombs on all the same locations our top guns would be out there terminating these same flights and pilot assassins. Just because the inevitable end product of their treason is long term and invisible to the media losers does not mean they should be allowed to carry out completely free of any retribution from what is left of the true military. Murder is murder and our military should be knocking out these aerial attacks like they would any foe against the democratic populations even if they are contaminated by implanted NWO Globalist traitors.

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But they're not because they are given orders. Good properly programmed soldiers do as they are told by command.

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It is astonishing how many people are blind to it all. They have no recollection whatsoever of the skies ever being free of the trails, and will argue their faulty remembrance ferociously while insulting you as a conspiracy theorist. Anyone aged forty-plus ought to see plainly that this is certainly NOT the way it has always been.

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Conspiracy Theorists give WAY TOO MUCH credit to Men who claim to influence the weather. It's more Propaganda. They surely are poisoning US from the sky although they are NOT GOD or MOTHER NATURE. ONLY they can wreak the HAVOC we have witnessed over the decades. What a FOOL believes...

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With weaponized (thanks to dual citizen Epstein) media, how can we possible know what they're doing to us? Time to remove all dual citizens and their money from government, media, education, justice, big tech, etc.

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That "historic step" in Tennessee, in practice, is a FARCE. They have never stopped chemtrailing--in fact, even ramped it up for a couple of weeks right after "the ban" out of impunity. Thing is, the bill DOES essentially say on paper "you can't spray in our skies" but there are ZERO ways for the citizens to take any action or stop violations from happening! It is the textbook example of "do nothing" legislation. But our RINO-run legislature looovvvesss them these worthless bills!

It's that same compromised, corrupted politicians' "logic" we see on the national level, that passes non-stop feel-good-legislation-for-votes (or AIPAC), that basically says "don't use the weapons we've supplied you to hit _____. OK? Pinky swear?! OK, thanks. See what we did? WE'RE SAVING YOU."

Corrupted BS beyond redemption.

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Eject 388 Traitors from Con-gress NOW to Solve. Permanently. They identified themselves on January 6th 2021 by their NAY votes on Election Fraud investigation s that didn't happen. These same 388 Traitors are DYING to out Cumala in the Shithouse for the next 4 to 8 years just because their GLOBALIST CABAL wants control of US. Remove the 388 Traitors ECHOED by Loy Brunson's SCOTUS filing which criminals in SCOTUS denied in late 2023. When Revolution appears to be thr ONLY solution...

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