I've been mentioning this for a few years; it comes from Martin Armstrong's model (ecm), which pointed to Ukraine as the hot spot for global war since 2010. His model is so accurate the CIA has persecuted him for not selling it to them. (see the documentary The Forecaster)

2020 was an election year that saw massive cheating; 2024 will be worse. But 2020 was a coup inside DC; this is the real story. The Neocons control the White House now, along with the intelligence and State Departments. We also have many Neocons in Congress.

These people do not care about anything but war, spreading their type of Americanism to our perceived or manufactured enemies.

They are dragging us to WW3 even though few are signing up for military service; a hybrid draft will start soon, along with a war with Russia.

All the nuttiness we are witnessing has its core to the above.

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Aug 11, 2023
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You know the reason I don't mention that in open comments. I get push-back from people who think it's hyperbole. So I let them find it on their own. I have been touting Martin for a long time and learned how to remove the trolls before they engage. But you are correct. They jailed him using false charges that only had an 18-month sentence but kept rolling it over for about eight years. Justice Ginsberg got wind of it and they released him. Guess who many of the players were. Yep, Comey and company, the same bunch who went after Trump. The NY justice system is about as corrupt as they come, including the judges.

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Aug 11, 2023
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How do I finf his blog? Thanks for sharing

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This is a video posted by Kim Dotcom. Look at the faces of the listeners.No levity here.



"I warned about this for some time. We are getting close to the ultimate escalation. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed miserably. NATO leaders look like incompetent fools. Biden worries about his re-election chances and the multipolar alliance is growing. A perfect storm."

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It's becoming evident to the entire world, that it's the U.S that is the problem.

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The woke agenda is really western Marxism. We must know our enemy in order to bring it down. They want to destroy western culture in order to bring in “equality”. Which means living in a pod eating bugs with no freedoms.

Yes WWlll has started. It’s a war over the control of our minds. It is a psychological operation of control. The cabal own the media which uses fear to control us. Look how many put on masks and stayed in their homes over a covid hoax. Then people lined up to get jabbed with an untested bioweapon. I hope Russia is actually the last bastion of hope against the woke anti family crusade.

When NATO looses in Ukraine they will set up a demilitarized zone splitting Ukraine like we have in Korea. What a scam.

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Ya think? It was fairly evident by early 2021 that WW III had begun, using biological and chemical weapons, and the further weaponization of medical practice. It's an odd sort of war where people are assured that nothing unusual is happening, as the casualties and the death toll mount, and they seek to resume their ordinary lives.

And the problems of how to deploy biological weapons have finally been solved, so that people submit to them voluntarily. Much simpler, although pulling that off was not so simple.

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We are not close to the end of Civilization! Everyone has to be kind, loving, and sharing of the Bible. We must have 90% of Biblical believers before we are at the end of Civilization.

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90% christians or people worldwide?

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People who believe in Christianity.

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Celente is the man

He’s one intelligent straight shooting MOFO

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Celente goes off like Alex Jones does! Someone needs to get pissed about what’s going on!🤬

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And they along with Martin Armstrong, have been right all along.

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You better believe they’ve been right! Nothing happening now surprises me. I know it will get much worse. That’s what it will take for the consensus to awaken and realize their spiritual self! This IS a war of good against evil, make no mistake.

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Oh yes. Not a doubt in my mind. People think evil is like a cartoon image of the devil.

Evil is everyday banality....and its all around all day long...and especially on tv.

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I literally picked my television up and threw it away 20 years ago. I was done with the bs THEN!

Evil IS the absence of God. I make prayer and gratitude (even for crap) a part of my existence. I am here because of God.

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