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Sep 26, 2023
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Peacekeeper Pathogen (Galactic Alliance Book 6, Doug Farren) also has some interesting parallels.

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My first question - does really the vaccine contain the DNA and is true that this is the depopulation tool?

Second question - when this has been all publicly available in many movies and I am not still able convince people to talk about it or discuss it, are they really so stupid or something?

Third question, if they are unable after three years to turn on their brain they would probalby die anyway in normal environment, becouse someone would rob them or kill if there would be some natural danger.

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Yes X3!

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Wendeanne beat me too it, but here are a few other thoughts.

1. You have to remember/understand, that the action of regime and tyrants are rarely singular. They are designed to be multifaceted and building blocks for future initiatives and actions. As a thought exercise, think about ALL unintentional benefits 911 provided to the regimes and globalists - no matter how trivial or obscure they may be. We always think linearly and after the fact - they think multi-dimensionally and into the future.

2. You could show people videos of biden, unzipping a human skin suit, to reveal an lizard ET, followed by him sodomizing live stock and then zipping up and mumbling his way through a pressor and the general public would be unphased. A major reason is they have been desensitized by decades of media/hollywood indoctrination. Many are stupid, but many more have been slowly numbed to anything that does not directly and immediately affect them. And when it does, that's where the radical, tribal arms come in. I just read a stack reporting excess vaginal bleeding by women after the jabs and boosters - many who are well into menopause. The denial and willful ignorance needed to continue to get the jabs has been taught, generationally.

3. You are correct. We have been dumbed down and our societies have wrongly protected the ones who gradually became sheeple. Think how far Hominids would have made it, if large swaths of them, failed to recognize danger and potentially mortal situations. If you ignore those spots moving in the high grass, you probably get eaten by the leopard. Likewise if knuckle dragging buddy tries to warn you and you un-friend or cancel him or her, then you probably will leave the gene pool in short order.

The scamdemic did allot of good: The roads were empty during the lock downs, which I thought was heaven and it exposed, just how low humanity had sank, when it came to common sense, inane survival instincts and the ability to critically think on the fly.

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"We have been dumbed down and our societies have wrongly protected the ones who gradually became sheeple. Think how far Hominids would have made it, if large swaths of them, failed to recognize danger and potentially mortal situations."

So you share the same psychopathic reasoning as those who are perpetrating this mass genocide. Exactly. The. Same.

"The scamdemic did a lot of good: The roads were empty during the lock downs, which I thought was heaven and it exposed, just how low humanity had sank."

You will seemingly fit right in. If I were you, I'd rush to your local Masonic Lodge and pledge your undying loyalty and grab your fez, then scoot on over to the WEF and enroll in some classes if you're still young enough to qualify. HURRY! It's a limited time offer!

You have a very bright Luciferian future!

God Bless.

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Your first question is two questions. Yes, there is DNA, linear and plasmid, in the shots in varying quantities, sometimes exceeding (arbitrary) "safe levels", sometimes not. It's not difficult to detect, and the findings have been replicated, which is more than can be said for a lot of published, irreplicable science.

Is it a depopulation tool? Could be, but a rather unpredictable one if it depends upon uncontrollable manufacturing defects.

Second, I believe "deceived" is a better word for it than "stupid". To understand it, I look to the many times I myself have been deceived, the result of relying upon myself.

Third, who knows, apart from God? You can try to present some truth to them, but the truth that can set them free is not about DNA or "vaccines". It's the truth of the Gospel, leading to renewal and transformation, and discernment of the will of God. That is what would turn their brains on in a productive way.

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It is a matter of discernment. Let those have eyes see. Let those who have ears hear. Seeing and hearing does let the individual be aware of what is coming. That is a mixed blessing.

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Being the victim of a violent crime is rare, so most would NOT die in the natural environment of usual crime.

This event we are currently being victimized under is on a massive scale. It's entirely different than the chances of being robbed of killed by a criminal.

That's why so many have fallen for it and can't accept it's happening because the scale is beyond what most can imagine. It's not human scale.

That should be a clue as to who is truly perpetrating it. Someone who is not human.

God Bless.

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No one has the right to mess with our DNA right, but they have anyway. If only this were science fiction. Who knew XFiles would be a documentary in this timeline.

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It was predictive programming. This democide has been planned for 100 years at least. Read the article The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own by a lovely Freemason. It’s available on Odyssey

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Now that is just mental. Mission accomplished my mind was blown...

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There was one comment (long one) on twitter that really bothered me. He was poo pooin the possiblity of any of this being real...saying we invent boogeymen.

When so many people are saying the same thing ( many of them here on Substack)....when you have a convergence of very smart people saying they are seeing the same thing (an assult on all fronts, food, health, energy, etc. etc. etc.) and you see where the $$$$ private investment money is going...what

is it gonna take for you to take this seriously?????

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May they enjoy their gains before they start eating each other. Hope the last one standing turn out the lights to save the planet!

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To understand why, I looked at the true ownership and revenue streams of substack.

There are many reasons and incentives to lead people down many primrose paths to Hell.

Personally, I think "SS" (just look at those initials...) is gathering information. That's it's primary purpose. Corralling certain groups. For future cataloging.

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I don't doubt it.

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Quite exact; is it not?

Prep up, gear up....

Pray up. PSALMS 37:1-40 Amen


God will not be mocked.


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Talk about 'predictive programming'. Phew.

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These evil elites like to blab , just remember Acts 17 : 24-29 . Like Kathleen P . said ... “Don’t mock God “.

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X Files clips were spot on.

I loved that show and the movie. Never thought it would really happen. It was sci-fi at it’s best in my opinion. Never knew the story lines were that realistic.

My mind “is” blown. WOW !!!!

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2.13 sounds like Sasha has done a voiceover.

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Watched it (because it was short). Mind not blown. Stomach disturbed, lunch can wait.

Always, it's about "them", when the problem is "us".

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We have met the enemy! The enemy is us! Thank you for writing that.

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I’m not an OMG person but, OMG! Did Klaus write that X Files Episode?

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Okay, this does actually come very close to the hyperbole of being mind-blowing. Thank you for sharing. (I managed to not watch that series at the time.)

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I Wonder If The Vaccines Are Going To Start

Turning People Blue

The Way AIDS Did.


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Alex Jones talked about this a year ago prestaging narratives using follywood entrainment via the like of X-Follies.

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Yep, tomorrows news today.

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