For those cowards you know who think they "can sit this one out," (and I know a LOT), the fact is they *can't*; they *won't*.... and they NEVER INTENDED FOR THEM TO BE ***ABLE*** TO
We saw this all before with the "good Germans" who lived in the towns where the concentrations camps were and did absolutely nothing. You know where all this …
For those cowards you know who think they "can sit this one out," (and I know a LOT), the fact is they *can't*; they *won't*.... and they NEVER INTENDED FOR THEM TO BE ***ABLE*** TO
We saw this all before with the "good Germans" who lived in the towns where the concentrations camps were and did absolutely nothing. You know where all this cowardice leads? I can't post a picture, but one is here:
Appeasement is just hoping the crocodile eats you later that afternoon. Might be better to band together and take the crocodile out, but the vast majority of people I know are too cowardly, to normalcy bias, to entitled to want to get a clue.
Einstein supposedly said "Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth... I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel great affection and admiration... and am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly." This source claims it's from Time magazine, reported December 23, 1940, but like so many other quotes (see at bottom) it was something related, but not what the quote says. Rather, according to Skeptic, Albert Einstein already answered this himself, and apparently he said: "he had casually mentioned to some journalist that hardly any German intellectuals except a few churchmen were supporting individual rights and intellectual freedom. He added that this statement had subsequently been drastically exaggerated beyond anything that he could recognize as his own". That's fine. Fact is, the Confessing Church of pastors Bonhoeffer, NIemoller, Reger, et al did precisely that. Eric Metaxes documents this wonderfully in his book Bonhoeffer. Reger, in his eponymous book Dachau, about his experience as a pastor there, said in his book 10% of the inmates at Dachau were Christian clergy.
Or think back in the Revolutionary War. Every morning on the prison ships, the Brits would call down into the hold to the rebels, 'Throw out your dead." And they did. And now the great great gread grandchildren of those types are, as one woman told me, when I informed her about the aborted fetal material used (2) or tested with (2) in the Covid shot, "I know. But I got the shot because I just wanted to go to Cancun next month.
Can this person REALLY be related to those heroes, or, say, the Greatest Generation????
For those cowards you know who think they "can sit this one out," (and I know a LOT), the fact is they *can't*; they *won't*.... and they NEVER INTENDED FOR THEM TO BE ***ABLE*** TO
We saw this all before with the "good Germans" who lived in the towns where the concentrations camps were and did absolutely nothing. You know where all this cowardice leads? I can't post a picture, but one is here:
Appeasement is just hoping the crocodile eats you later that afternoon. Might be better to band together and take the crocodile out, but the vast majority of people I know are too cowardly, to normalcy bias, to entitled to want to get a clue.
Einstein supposedly said "Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth... I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel great affection and admiration... and am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly." This source claims it's from Time magazine, reported December 23, 1940, but like so many other quotes (see at bottom) it was something related, but not what the quote says. Rather, according to Skeptic, Albert Einstein already answered this himself, and apparently he said: "he had casually mentioned to some journalist that hardly any German intellectuals except a few churchmen were supporting individual rights and intellectual freedom. He added that this statement had subsequently been drastically exaggerated beyond anything that he could recognize as his own". That's fine. Fact is, the Confessing Church of pastors Bonhoeffer, NIemoller, Reger, et al did precisely that. Eric Metaxes documents this wonderfully in his book Bonhoeffer. Reger, in his eponymous book Dachau, about his experience as a pastor there, said in his book 10% of the inmates at Dachau were Christian clergy.
Or think back in the Revolutionary War. Every morning on the prison ships, the Brits would call down into the hold to the rebels, 'Throw out your dead." And they did. And now the great great gread grandchildren of those types are, as one woman told me, when I informed her about the aborted fetal material used (2) or tested with (2) in the Covid shot, "I know. But I got the shot because I just wanted to go to Cancun next month.
Can this person REALLY be related to those heroes, or, say, the Greatest Generation????