Here are some examples from recent MSM reports:

Are we being set up once again ? Spanish MSM reports on war in Ukraine using a video game.
Supposedly “Russian plane bombards a village’.
Reality - images from the game ‘Arma 3’military tactical shooter video.
Three or four photos from the Mariupol maternity show the same girl. Suspicions arose that she is very similar to the model from Mariupol Maria.

Three or four photos from the Mariupol maternity show the same girl. Suspicions arose that she is very similar to the model from Mariupol Maria.

Propaganda at its finest
A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order
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I reference “Wag The Dog” all the time- seeing that movie changed everything for me! Impossible to know what’s real , but those posts are hilarious. Especially the video of the guy trying to pretend his clip didn’t fall out.