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Feb 20, 2024
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High functioning daughter With Down Syndrome!

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Feb 21, 2024
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Why the frick was she in the damn hospital? She should have been no where near a hospital.

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So much evil.

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Ergo, they murmured your father. QED.

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This was murder!

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They need to find a very angry malpractice and/or civil rights attorney and sue these malfeasants into oblivion and then prison. Pressing criminal assualt and or murder charges would be a bonus.

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The medical mafia and the doctors don't care about anything other than following the agenda they are paid to follow. They know they are all immune from any types of penalties.

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I believe that the "immunity" to which one might allude, is fairly short lived my friend.

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How many did David and Laura Kohler kill or maim with their employee vax mandate? How much money was the Kohler company incentivized to mandate vaccines? They inherited a company and mandated a medical procedure for their employees, calling them too dumb to make their own decision. Why do people buy these kids product at all? They hate the common man, they have been rich their entire lives and are a danger to all.

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They make toilets after all… Im sure if daddy Herb wouldn’t have died just before the rollout that he would have done the same as his kids.

Old man Menard was just about as bad as Kohler Corp. in this regard.

Aurora health terrible as well.

So glad I left WI many years ago. Too taxed and too cold!

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Only old ppl with no next of kin should go to nursing homes! Chinese and many others do not practice sending their parents to butchers! Where are our children? They are paying us back for us dropping them at the daycare centres since they were few weeks old. Rightly so?!

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Interesting and excellent point you make I haven’t thought of before and I tend to agree.

I am in my sixties and my Mother stayed home and took care of me and my siblings and we took care of our parents as they also took care of their parents until needing total institutional and or hospital care.

I can see your point that the children learn from their parents. In short it’s a, not my responsibility attitude.

Very sad state of affairs.

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There is not enough time and effort put into the development of parent- child relationship as the kids are “processed” from womb -> daycare -> schools -> out of family house to adulthood…. So old parents are just an obstacle to the fullness of their lives. Yes. Very sad. We are all following that road….

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Alina, Most Chinese and many other parents from other countries who are taken care of by their children spent the last 2-3 decades of their life helping their children and grandchildren whereas many parents in the Western or wealthy countries who end up in nursing homes spent their last 2-3 decades enjoying their retirement while their kids juggled childcare. So you are right that this is in a way a pay back. I have lived in both worlds and the difference in parents attitudes are very different.

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I believe this led to my father’s death. As a minimum, this worker should face consequences. He should be sacked.

Or put in a sack and dumped in the nearest river.

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A familiar story repeated in NZ where gain also supplanted limited consent, whether financial gain from payment or gain by mandated coercion. Too many fail to sense the palpable evil.

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Absolutly appalling action taken by administering person. Hope they are no longer working in health care.

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this was no error, this was deliberate medical assault resulting in death

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The Nazis started out with eugenics and euthenasia as well. Retrospectively a book was written with the title "They Thought They Were Free". I wonder what the title of the book written to cover our time will be.

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" You are going to kill your grandmother if you don't get the vax"! I heard that was used to coerce people.

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What they meant was "if you don't kill granny, WE will".

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How about this title?

Blinded by Greed.


How Medical Malpractice makes Millionaires.

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Whilst this is about ignoring patient's and power of attourney's wishes, I can't stop thinking of his parents, both, but father especially, who'd gone to bed for 7 days and not eaten in all that time. Where was the family support? Both my ex in laws health deteriorated after jabs, mother's dementia got worse, she fell ended up in hospital and left in a black bag. Father got severe mobility issues with arthritis in knees plus a speedy onset of dementia also. He got euthenised in hospital 10 days ago.

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Just heartbreaking. Soulless murderers. From the start of this kabuki theater it looked like the elderly were the first targets, and as the net has widened, I guess the elderly are still in the crosshairs. The inhumanity is so ugly.

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Complicit to murder. WTF do these people think they are? How can they sleep? Do they think they're doing gods work? When in fact they are serving evil. I'm so glad I decided against nursing as a career.

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