Understand that just because they won't fund it doesn't mean they won't mandate whatever "vaccine" they deem necessary after they are developed.

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There needs to be a "LEAVE our crops, meat, air and environment alone" bill somewhere!!! I knew we were in trouble when they developed an environmental division of Wall Street shortly after Xiden came into power.

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I knew we were in trouble when they sided with the drug companies over GMO crop drift. That was decades ago. Farmers should have been able to sue for crop contamination.

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Unfortunately, all of this has awakened quite a few of us. Even trying to tell others about it, they just poo poo you and say they're going to die of something. Nuts.

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Imagine just how much people are going to injest with these toxic chemicals in every food source being proposed and already happening…..pork since 2018, beef starting 2023, now they want them in vegetables, and to be dispersed via aerosols. What could possibly go wrong. So instead of one injection, people will be continually poisoned until they are dead. At what point does everyone realize this is assault and murder being used against us by an illegal government, and many people just don’t care or even pay attention.

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Science fiction has now merged with Orwellien society.

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I'm tired of talking to smart/dumb people!

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This mrna immersion to our produce, animals, and ppl is gotten way out of control. Will or can it be stopped and limited? If there was ever a question of consent its mute!

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Well they wanted billions and billions of us dead so...I doubt unless people took to the street and good old fashion hangings start then it will continue.

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I’d like to see tar and feathering return, then let’s initiate the town square hangings after that. Anything less would be too kind for these evil monsters!!!

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What are the odds this already happening? Just like geo- engineering is happening but, “They” insist it’s not.

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Agreed - once it's announced, it's probably already happening.

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A foot in the door. Nose under the tent.

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Finally our representatives are doing some thing! I hope this passes!

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Laws are only good if they are followed. They’re not following nor enforcing the laws we have now. Justice has not been blind for a long time.

Just my observation over time.

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Lettuce is a new one! I thought lettuce was toxic enough after it's been sprayed with pesticides and coated with chemicals.

“Vaccination,” of course, can happen by any injection, by inhalation, by eating or drinking,


by Luciferese patches, PCR “tests”,


by “medications,” (Ivermectin may have been altered or was simply popularized by the official narrative faking to oppose it; most popular heroes have also been created this way during the plandemic: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/further-considerations-about-ivermectin)

or GMO insect bites:


The idea of informed consent has been moot for decades, so nothing really changes.

Actually, poisoning can be legal:


And it's just about illegal to claim to have rights:


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Easy enough to grow our own lettuce anyway - but many people still don't care. I'll have my lettuce and eat it too ha

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This doesn't pass the smell test. Congress, being the legislative body, makes the laws. So they're talking about funding - what about simply making it illegal. I'm sure Gates has plenty of money and is willing to pursue this all on his own.

Congress is useless.

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also bad for health and the constitution.

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Another great reason to grow our own food. Lettuce is one of the easiest things to grow. Make sure to get some Sunlight to help you digest, and detox the nano metals:


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If anyone questions whether these government agencies (FDA, USDA) are populated with psychopaths and/or demons, the fact that this lunacy would even be CONSIDERED by them should remove all doubt.

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These people are monsters!

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Who says they won't do it anyway. They'll get their funding somewhere. Where there's evil will there's a way.

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