May 13, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

One thing I think deserves more focus: there is no "shot" as in, I got THE shot. A BioNTech brochure describes three different platforms for their vaccine: one with uridine (could the body destroy the RNA in this shot?), one with pseudo-uridine (meant to disguise the mRNA from the body) and a third with "self-amplifying" mRNA (contains two open reading frames, one codes for antigen protein, the other codes for an RNA-dependent polymerase (and its helper proteins) which self-replicate the mRNA construct in the cell and creates multiple self-copies. Self replicating RNA generates 64 times the amount of antigen (spike) compared to non-amplifying RNA.

So at the very least, one could expect not all three platforms would generate the same adverse effects. This would certainly keep me from going back for a second shot. It looks more like Russian Roulette than getting a singular shot.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Well, well, well.......that's why all the spin, coercion and mandates.....I think they want to keep the jabbers in the system and playing hard ball to keep them there...maybe they don't really care about the non-vaxxed as much as keeping the perpetual lie going with the congregation of the believers......yah, kind of like a cult.....they welcome you with open arms, promise you eternal salvation but don't you dare try to ask questions or try to leave....it's not going to end well....

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Something is potentially wrong with that chart. It shows the lowest rate of boosters for VT but VT is considered a jab success story. Frankly, I think I think it must be a reporting error. And as far as people turning away from boosters, I wonder how many are simply lazy and see all their boosted friends and family coming down with covid and figure there's no need. At least with my firends, they're still convinced they are "safe and effective" (that should be trademarked). You couldn't get more in-your-face with this than having Gates come out with his own infection.

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Many parents don’t bring their kids back after the first shot… Why is that? Side effects?? 🤦🏽‍♀️ Every one of my family members knows people who have been injured by this death shot. What’s going to happen to these people in the next five years… 10 years… 😢😢😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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I'd say this is encouraging but if one looks to central and eastern Europe, and the Balkans people in Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia got it right the first time. Barely half the population showed up for a first jab and as low as 42% in Serbia. Almost nobody got boosted. These people know what's going down.

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These shots are a WMD. History will not be kind. Just my opinion.

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The covid shots seem to have similar injury profiles to chemotherapy which shouldn't be surprising since both are gene therapies. Will need to watch for leukemias in the coming years.

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This post received a rare two likes and reposts on my Gab,

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

It is TOO late for anyone had them; or had been passively - or secondhand - faccinated.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Since 2005 over 100 top anti-virus microbiologists have been murdered or died under suspicious circumstances


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May 13, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

It has been a slow and tragic awakening.

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Only revenge remains.

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Agreed, and it is coming.

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The schwabbys will throw a lot of distractions at us in the interim.

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No doubt, that's one thing that is for certain.

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