New science on why people can't reason. https://rumble.com/v4n47dc-the-indoctrinated-brain-tucker-carlson-interviews-dr.-michael-nehls.html Dr Shiv Chopra worked at and fought with Health Canada for over 20 years Wrote "Corrupt To the Core" after retiring He stated that not one vaccine is any damn good.

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Excellent summary from the trenches.

Bless her for standing up and speaking the truth. It does ring true the people that went along with the Covid bull crap wanted to be part of the " club " . Humans becoming lemmings.

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Calling people anti-vaxxers is as ridiculous as calling people non-smokers. It turns rationality and normality upside down. People who reject doubtful and unhealthy treatment or lifestyle are just people. Those who take the jabs should be called pro-vaxxers. Their behaviour is the abnormal, not ours. Those who smoke are smokers. All others are just thinking, rational and self-responsible people.

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Vaccines don’t work but are the biggest money makers for Big Pharm immune from lawsuits. It’s time to question the entire foundation of vaccines, namely the pseudoscience called Virology.

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I mean they clearly can work look at the chicken pox vaccine in the last 20 years I got chicken pox is the 90s and kids don’t get it anymore. However just because you gain immunity to a relative benign or even a rarely dangerous disease accepting guaranteed risks vs obscure hypothetical risk is not a winning bet for 90+% of healthy people and kids.

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Now you will likely get Shingles in your older age because you don't have natural acquired immunity to Varicella ( Chicken Pox and Shingles ).

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I know what a great product line when you think about it for them. Get all the new kids immune to chicken poks and now all the adults that didn’t need their shit are at elevated risk to shingles cause those kids just existing around with chicken poks maintained immunity for the rest of us to not get shingles but now… they got a shot for that too lol

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How come Doctors and people are too stupid to see this?

Blind trust? They were born yesterday? They want it to be true?


It is exhausting having to to think for everyone and I am not even that smart.

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Because they’re taught what to think not how to. When you actually read the data on and off the CDC site it’s obvious no actual safety data exists to justify the schedule and giving these poisonous products to children is beyond illogical and idiotic given the actual risk of 90% of these diseases.

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That’s the only way vaccines give you immunity: if you’re the manufacturer and you injure millions of people it’s ok because you have legal immunity

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Found the original book from 1900:

Vaccination a curse and a menace to personal liberty : with statistics showing its dangers and criminality : Peebles, J. M. (James Martin), 1822-1922 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : lInternet Archive


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Thank you for this! That people knew about this danger in 1900 is making my head spin.

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My mum was anti-vaxx in the 50s/60s and onward. She kept me and my brothers off school on jab day! Thanks Mum!

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Reading “Turtles All the Way Down” Encouraging everyone to do the same…

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If you want to be part of a group that do not vaccinate then find a local and good chiropractor. Ideally educated from Palmer. Their ideology is about natural health by keeping the spine healthy because all of our nervous system runs inside the spine. So not only is there structural issues that can cause health problems because the spine is not optimally aligned; the nervous system can be impeded by nerves bing pinched off from getting signals to various parts of the body. This includes all immunity function's that are everywhere in our bodies.

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Maybe acupuncture would be a good complement to that?

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Many chiropractors offer acupuncture as well. My doctor retired in 2021 that did both during our treatments! Chiropractors haven’t been given the respect they deserve! I’ve used them all my life. Orthopedic surgeon wanted to do surgery for an injury I had when I was 19 and the chiropractors kept me going when my back went out of alignment. No need for surgeries that will require other surgeries! I had family members who died as a result of back surgeries gone bad. Now I do regular monthly deep tissue massages and chiropractic when I need an adjustment!!!

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Yes, ALL VACCINES are unavoidably dangerous!

1986 vaccine act! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!

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WOW. Proud to be Pro-pureblood. ("anti-vaxxer") Amazing the speed at which a-v has become a pejorative.

I am ashamed of my past actions before I knew better. (getting vaxes and even vaxing kids)NOT the new bioweapon however!!! I guess we sometimes have to learn the hard way from our mistakes or the mistakes of others.

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Being against vax in general is like being against water. Some is bad, even dangerous, some is useful, even essential. Vax is a risk management exercise, weighing the risk of infection versus the benefit of vax. The problem with the covid vax was that we were lied to about the risk from infection, actually very low for most people, especially with competent medical care, and we were lied to about the vax benefit, actually very low, probably statisticly negative given the possibility of severe adverse reaction. Our problem isn't the vax, which gives net benefit for a few, but the failures of integrity and honesty by the medical industry. They caused millions of unnecessary deaths and enormous suffering, far more than the direct damage from the vax. Nuremberg time.

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Can you tell me which Vax is essential?

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If not familiar with the brilliant Dr. Moulden, then deficient in "virology research". As I recall his premature and highly dubious circumstance of death, very much likely an assassination due to his inconvenient research, and also IIRC, pending release of a manuscript to document his research and findings on the damaging effects of vaccination to the microcirculatory system. Very damning evidence, that could not be allowed to see the light of day by Big Pharma. Your argument is ridiculously irrelevant, btw.

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Dear David--Meant to reply to your subsequent reply post below, not this comment. My apology.

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If they're so essential (some, as you say) then why did the manufacturers insist on the products being liability free?

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all vaccines are poison.

stated very clearly in past

ICD International Codes of Diseases.

" poisoned by__whichever vaccine_______".

the new updated codes are ,on purpose , very confusing

because people are finding this incriminating govt. information and realising that the vaccines are nothing but harmful.

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"Brilliant" means he agrees with you apparently. The article says he "unexpectedly" died. I wonder what he got wrong that caused that. We are immersed in a sea of toxins, and are built to survive most of them, unless we do things to undermine our defenses, as most people do. Most medicines, artificial or natural, are toxic and need to be administered carefully. Broccoli is toxic. Water is toxic. In everything, we need to balance the risk of toxic effects against the benefits. There is never a safe choice, especially the choice of doing nothing. Some choices are always better than others. Those who make poor choices are more likely to die unexpectedly.

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Dr. M is a hard won MD, and PhD with researched and published papers. And you David?

What do you have in Education and "brillance"?

Dr. M was drowned at 49 years old ( suicided - fairly frequent for knowledgeable outspoken individuals these days ) in a small body of water in Ontario. Yes, he knew how to swim.

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Maybe those who oppose the mainstream narrative are more likely to die unexpectedly.

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Be suicided. Like the Clinton list of over 100.

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big difference between " toxic" brocolli or vaccines!

humans have co evolved with plants and animals. except for a few deadly poisonous plants and animals, we can handle the minor defenses of plants..and safely eat them.

not so with nothing but human made garbage or synthetics. we are NOT built to deal with those. which is why MCS and EMF

sensitivities are on the rise.

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I hate needles.

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I was watching a video recently about pine needle tea and how it can help to expel the effects of the jab or shedding. Someone commented about how amazing it is that a natural drink made from needles is an antidote to the synthetic bioweapon needle...

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Hahaha! I eat the tips of cedar leaves and pine (leaves I don't do needles) when out in the forests and think it has something to do with my good health.

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hate speech! 😁

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I had a bad reaction to a tetanus and its been refusal for all needles since. Three kids never had a needle into them either.

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Unjabbed sperm donor available.


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Gonna be a hot commodity.

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Already is. I read something, but sorry, can't remember where

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