I love how you presented your list of distrusts. I saw that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is following, so I subscribed. That was all the confirmation I needed. Thank you for not being afraid to speak the truth, unpolarized in exposing evil during these last days before our LORD'S return. You're an inspiration. Keep up the good fight. Thank you, GOD bless you all.

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These “elites” who live forever obviously have access to treatments suppressed by big pharma. One such treatment is fenbendazole for various cancers. Read the Case Reports and peer-reviewed science justifying fenbendazole’s use https://fenbendazole.substack.com

It’s all hidden in plain sight. Not selling a thing - not even subscriptions - just a pay it forward effort.

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Jesus Christ.

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More proofs? THIS is BIG:

Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: reducing infant mortality, can’t reduce population growth!


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This should be of interest.

James Corbett: FLASHBACK: Meet Henry Kissinger (2009) https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/flashback-meet-henry-kissinger-2009

1974-04-24 National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Cover Letter: https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/nssm200coverletter.pdf

1974-12-10 National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974) https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pcaab500.pdf https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/nssm200.pdf

1975-11-26 National Security Decision Memorandum 314: https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/nsdm314.pdf

1977-01-03 NSSM 200, NSDM 314 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL UNDER SECRETARIES COMMITTEE POPULATION TASK FORCE FIRST PROGRESS REPORT: https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/1976_progress_report.pdf

The forced sterilization in India, Africa and Asia dictated by the Council On Foreign Relations Shot Caller, H. Kissinger. Can he phucking DIE NOW ???

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He just turned 100 last month.


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A few nerds want us all dead.

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2009 ... thank you Dr. Rima and Lioness , beyond disturbing.

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I thought the swine flu during Obama was a huge scam and that the reason it failed was because not enough people were afraid of the virus. I was working at a hospital and I didn’t see people dying of the flu nor the people in the lab being afraid of it. It was business as usual. That was the 5th epidemic that didn’t get enough people to get jabbed and so the PTB running this show made sure that people were afraid of the Rona virus. It sure seemed orchestrated to me and this article confirms it. Now we know one reason why they used remdisiver and ventilators. They had to get the death toll up so people would be afraid and rush out to get jabbed. I sure hope that this is the last time people will fall for the scam…I’m afraid that it isn’t.

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You’re correct. It’s all about the fear.

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Well looky here. About a quarter way down this essay Thomas Binder talks about the swine flu scamdemic and the main reason why it didn’t take off was because the media didn’t cover it and hype it up. The PTB rushed out a vaccine then too that caused lots of harm to those who received it. He also talks about the false pertussis infection that happened in one hospital. Yep history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


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Sam I’m afraid that it isn’t either . Good comment/ true!

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Here’s some information on the swine flu scam during Obama’s tenure. One reason I was skeptical of the mRNA shots was because of what happened during the 'flu epidemics' during Clinton and Obama. Sadly people seem to have forgotten about those scams so yes there’s a good chance that they will fall for the next one too.


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Okay, this is haunting me...been thinking about it on the drive home...what if that is what they did with the jabs?

We had a 20% excess death rate on average the past 2 years since the rollout. How many or what percentage of the population was that (where is Ed Dowd when you need him?)....

So let's imagine the worst...the ones who took 3 jabs die in 5-7 years...2 jabs..10-15...1 jab maybe 15-20 years out. 5 BILLION people got at least 1 jab....

So how many people does that leave after 15-20 years here on earth?

Does anyone know? Or can anyone get on twitter and ask Ed Dowd to run the numbers...just in case she is right?

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Just heard the interview with Edward Dowd on the fallout to come concerning the jabbed.. Sasha Stone (Arise Guerrilla News) did the interview. Find the interview - a lot of interesting info with Scott McKay, Dr Bryan Ardis, etc.

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Jun 12, 2023
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I tried to run the numbers just in the US, but my math has always been bad.

Supposedly, about 1.09 percent of the population died every year and was normal pre jab roll out, even in 2020. . And I think the new death rate was 20 TIMES, not 20 percent increase. if there are 340.000,000 people now in the US (counting illegals who don't have the jab)....what would a 20 times increase be?

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would that be .218??? so rougly I am getting 74 million people every year if it doesn't slow down? Instead of 34 million? That doesn't sound right somehow....

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They did indeed try to pull this off in 2009 with the swine flu. The same multi-shot program was implemented with the fake Covid plandemic. I guess the sheeple weren’t quite stupid enough in 2009. They sure are now.

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The perpetrators had 10 years to get better at their nudging skills.

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Powerful & informative article - thank you Lioness of Judah & thank you Dr. Laibow for your work. Dear Lord, help us to help & protect ourselves from the evil cabal. This is a global genocide, Spiritual warfare - GOD deliver us from evil ...

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This is pretty scary considering it was written 14 years ago and they used the same playbook again. We must learn from this once and for all. 🤬

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Aint it just? 14 years ago..i remember her talking to jesse ventura that ot was time to leave as anither "pandemic" was in the works. Damn she was spot on.

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