Defund the UN… 🔥🔥🔥

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Sometimes we need some laughter. T ~ UP TRUMP. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


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You seem to be quoting this article:


The UN source is here:


Could you please show me where the UN source article mentions sex with minors, because I read it and it seems to deal mainly with sex workers, but does not mention children or minors.

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The UN source has the link to this document , see The ‘8 March principles’

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Thank you, found it, finally;


"With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of

consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may

not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.

Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed

minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this

context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual

sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to

their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age

should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity

and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees."

Whilst I agree that the UN is governed by pedophile Luciferian Kazarian Mafia that want to kill 90% of the population and enslave the rest, I do not read this as encouraging sex with minors.

I read this as giving voice to 16+ yr olds, as having some voice in their lives.

For example, I was in a Group Home as a child (for truancy) and my roommate was a 16 yr old girl, days from her 17th birthday, whom had sex with her 19 yr old boyfriend and they were both charged and sent to Juvenile detention for doing so. The charge was 'underage sex'. For him, it was worse, he was almost charged with rape. They were in love, deeply.

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According to the UN 5 years old can consent, basically a manor of ANY age. If you don't see a problem here, I have no comments

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THIS is what I see:


"with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests,..."

To me, that says that it only applies to MATURE minors, and I have known some 16 yr olds to be quite mature. I have also known many 25 yr olds that are still extremely immature. My judgement of someone's 'maturity' is based individually.

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The problem here is that who decides what defines a "mature minor". That is BS. It would be much better to reduce the age of consent slightly or to allow parental consent, or some such. If you think a court is going to rule that some wealthy politician pedophile picked an "immature minor" you are sadly mistaken. This is clear to me what is the goal.

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I agree, it needs a much better definition, and I would want maybe parental involvement or irrefutable evidence that any minor is extremely 'mature' to be able to make that judgement and not be subjec to coercion. I am still on board with the legal age of majority being the definitive decision making age for consensual sex, and/or surgery. I would want plenty of open discussion and debate, and would feel that the 'couple' would need to undergo stringent standards and monitoring until it could ever be considered ok.

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I don't see in that it says anything about a 5 yr old. I have Aspergers, so I never make assumptions, I can only go by the evidence I see clearly.

IMO nobody younger than 16 can even remotely consent. I just don't see that as definitive proof, is all. Time will tell. Debates need to be had to see how it moves along. Not that I think the UN is of any use to us, the people, it is run by oligarchs that don't have our best interests at heart. They are globalists and the entire organization needs to be torn down and rebuilt.

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Where does they say 16 yrs + and who determines maturity?

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It doesn't, that was my thought when they used the word 'mature'. Because there are some people that can be much more mature by that age. In fact, I have known some 16 - 17 yr olds that are more mature than some 25 yr olds. We are all different.

But clearly it needs some more serious discussion, and consultation as to whom could make that judgement. I would want plenty of difficult hoops to jump through to even consider anyone under the age of majority to be considered 'mature' enough to make that call without being coerced.

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They don't specify the age for a reason. Pedophilia will be decriminalized Check the Related Articles under this post, they are very open about it

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That is sickening. We need to take them ALL down to the gallows for public hangings!

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Is California Senator Scott Weiner running the UN now? These sound like the laws he sponsors here in California. More likely, we were a test case for the bigger UN agenda.

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I was listening to Steve Bannon War Room. His sister joined him discussing the curriculum the satanic world has in our children's after school programs. Yes. Worshipping satan. Coming to your child's school very soon. Already in many schools as we speak.

But in a cute way. A way that would lure a child of course. WTF? She then went on to say that churches are afraid to bring it up in service because it would push people away. If a church does not want to bring this corrupt crap to light, then they are a very dark usury church. Whether in ignorance or intentional. They Would rather sacrifice our children to fill the basket? So messed up. God will come down with fire. Those that love Our Father will not be harmed. He knows very well who will be exterminated. Can't fool Him. Can't hide. Amen. ~ Pamilla

One more thought. Satan is full throttle. Fight and go after the churches and schools for the children. You will know them by there fruits. WAKE UP AMERICA IF YOU STILL WANT FREEDOM.

Please!!! Fight against satan. Talk to your churches and schools. NOW!!!

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I think it's time for everyone to consider home education. Not an easy decision as it involves an economic sacrifice, what single parents will do, etc. But good people who love their children must have a conversation about this and find ways to support one another. It's that or it's allowing children to be brainwashed and groomed. When they are grown they just might be the next generation who thinks of even worse depravity. There is no guarantee that your children will remain true to the foundation you gave them if the left is the one spending more time with them each day than you are.

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Definitely homeschool… if not your children, then your grandchildren… I’ve known several homeschooling “grands”… They bring so much maturity and experience to the table… 💖

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Yes. A wonderful way to go. However, we are late in the game. I am not saying give up. What I am saying is that go for the CAROTID. This is a horrific spiritual war at warp speed. Merci ~ Pamilla

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I agree 100%. The battle is spiritual and too many have let things slip. The heinous acts against children will continue. This is the new battlefield.

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Bless you sweetheart. You just nailed it. This is so serious. So simple if we would just turn to GOD. I wish you blessings and comfort and safety. UH God parted the red sea. When will they get a light bulb moment? Love you back. ~Pamilla

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Thank you so much. But only those with eyes will see and ears will hear.....The world needs Jesus desperately.

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I know. That is so sad. Blind as a bat. Scattering into the abyss.

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True. Churches can really counteract Satan with the Youth groups also. They need to be teaching the children to love themselves as God made them. Also to call out the lies of the Satan clubs and spread those truths to other children in school.

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While we are sitting on the fence it is so sad to me. We have the power God gave us and we are dissing it. A gift from God and we are trashing it? WOW. With you Un-silent. ~Pamilla

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Exactly, we both know how He felt about the lukewarm church.

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Thank you. It's lonely over here. A lot of folks are so in the dark. Heartbreaking.

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Well, duh! 🙄 Every last one of them is a disgusting pedophile. So of course they want to normalize their sick, deviant lifestyle and make it legal. They all know they’re deviants and they’re gonna burn in hell for it. That’s why they’re doing everything in their power to remove God from every facet of life as we know it. But that’s not how things work ~ you can’t remove God from his own creation. There is no escape for them. And deep down, they know this also, hence their desperation.

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Do look into Le Circle, a private members club that works on Chatham house rules. In Holland and Belgium it was exposed to have been kidnapping children to order from on the streets for sex abuse and often death. They would surreptitiously photograph the children in public places so these ‘elite’ could choose their victims. Members consisted of High ranking politicians and clergy as well as the aristocracy.

According to the UK branch of Le Circle, they claim they’re not the same. (Yeah, right!). The present chair is Kwasi Kwarteng who was in Johnson’s Govn’t and briefly chancellor for Trust. Prior chair was Zahawi, who works for Kuwaiti oil giants on their pipelines as well as being Covid Jab czar. He’s been embroiled in tax scam scandals recently.

Interestingly when the Bank of England was destroyed another chair Lamont was chair of Le Circle.

I’m apt to recall Carlin’s famous quote ‘it’s a big club. And you aren’t in it’.

Thank G*d for such mercies.

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Think talmud and tanya and then you'll have your answer as to who the deep state is. Add in Noahide Laws and you'll have a connection between the two.

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what is "tanya" ?

Noahide Laws are not found in the Bible, its a Babylonian Mystery religion, just like Mystical Kabbalah teachings rooted in Babylonian mysteries ( worship of the fallen Sons of God). Talmud is a writings of man influenced by the Babylonian Mystery religion which is older than Jewish nation itself.

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It's a book the Rebbe loved.

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.

Notice how they con people to read their oral teachings instead of just Torah alone...

"Every beginning student of Talmud is taught that when the Talmud uses the term tanya, it is introducing a baraita, a teaching from the Tannaim, the rabbis of the Mishnaic age. These sages flourished in Israel during the era of the Second Temple and approximately 200 years afterward. ... explains that tanya is also the name of an especially strong negative spiritual force. This force specifically targets Torah scholars by trying to convince them that “it is enough to learn the revealed aspects of the Torah, and there is no need to delve into the mystical.” However, it is specifically through learning the deeper mystical aspects of the Torah that one breaks this negative force. ..."


"The Rambam [Maimonides] wrote about righteous gentiles in his Mishneh Torah. And other rabbis hundreds of years ago also mentioned Chassidei Umos Ha'olom in their writings (in the book "Lesson in Tanya" it says that the first Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote about Chassidei Umos Ha'Olom in his commentary on the Jewish prayer book). But back then, there was no Noahide movement and Jews were not allowed to teach the 7 mitzvos of Noah to non-Jews."

"The term "Noahide" was coined by a Rabbi in France in the late 1800's, and the Noahide path began to be publicised in the early 1900's in Europe."


Regarding: statement in Tanya (Baal HaTanya) at the end of chapter one and chapter six.

“…however gentile souls are of an entirely different nature. they are derived from the three klipot, they are entirely EVIL and have NO GOOD to them, whatsoever."

A paraphrase: non-jews act only with selfish propensities and are totally incapable of altruism.

"So, what do we mean when we say the non-Jews have only an animal soul? In my small and insignificant opinion, we are explaining the idea of the Jewish people being the light unto the nations in a practical parent-child relationship. It isn't that the non-Jews have no Godly soul. We are the Godly soul of the non-Jews."

In comment section:

"The question is how one then reconciles the way Chabad seems to interpret Tanya with other sources such as Derech Hashem, that say that non-Jews have G-dly souls, albeit of a different type than Jews. ... However, if one does read it within the mesora of Chabad, which seems to strongly hold that there is no G-dly soul whatsoever in non-Jews, then there is an issue that needs to be resolved. Of course as R'Sears rightly points out, there are a range of views on this issue, and thus the Tanya (as interpreted by Chabad) need not be the final word on this."


However, since we know Rebbe of Chabad is behind worldwide Noahide Laws, it's only their interpretation that counts: "strongly hold that there is no G-dly soul whatsoever in non-Jews"

Tanya: The Kabbalah of You #6 - Chapter 1 pt. 3

"The Alter Rebbe introduces us to the doctrine of the Two Souls. We don't have one identity, we have two, distinct and completely independent souls, each with their own identities, drives, and personalities."

"We conclude chapter 1 by learning about the Animal Soul. This soul is motivated by its ego and is fully self-absorbed. The spiritual source of this soul is Kelipah, which suppresses any awareness of G-d, allowing the ego to emerge."


Tanya Ch. 1 (3): The Animal Soul

I'm lost for words after watching this. Also throughout his teachings on Tanya, he says, "the author states", not the Creator or Torah state it.

@51:40 Look at how uncomfortable he is during the last 15 minutes. He even uses the word "caveat" which is usually used in a negative sense (eg problematic or unfair). Which means that we prefer not to have this provision, but we must for yada, yada, yada.


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Of course Torah is merely the first five books of the Bible. Noahide is from Noah and tbh I’ve not looked into them but tbh those that would follow are few in number compared to those who pray to the pagan black stone at Mecca

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There’s is the decriminalisation of prostitution for the victim of sex work, which are predominately women, which is reasonable. For few, if any, women would choose to undertake such work if not for the circumstances they find themselves in, whether as victims of trafficking, drug addiction, extreme poverty, or homelessness. To make them criminals only adds to their hopelessness.

However, historically the users of sex workers have rarely been prosecuted and few of such that profit from such work are ever brought on charges. A simple look at the Epstein-Maxwell cases is testimony to that where the lists of high ranking men and women facilitators will unlikely ever be released. And those partaking in the abuse will remain free.

But why would the UN give urgency to ‘get out of jail free’ cards to traffickers, profiteers and under age sex abusers? Well, it would mean the guilty amongst them could no longer be blackmailed. The guilty includes the UN itself. See Haiti’s food for sex scandal with underage girls.

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If you think about what connections there are to these practices and $$$ laundering, you'll see why they want to decriminalize these things. After all it's money (laundering) that makes the world go round. That and THEY don't want to be prosecuted for these crimes once the light's shined on them. But it's already happening - BWAHAHAHA!

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This is the devil’s world. Normal is not returning; Jesus is returning!!

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My sister has been tracking organised child sexual trafficking and ritual abuse since the Jimmy Saville 'scandal' broke in 2011.

For those here interested in the state condoning and involvement at various levels, here is some research she supplied me in an email in November 2022, as I have been bringing myself into the awake world. As we are looking at how this whole 'thing' interconnects, my sister wanders into oil reserve shortages.

"Child sex trafficking (aka grooming-ha!) not new to me, no.

I've been following the stories of child sex trafficking in the UK since about 2011, when the Savile story broke. Before that were a few stories about children being trafficked out of care homes that were scoffed at.

Look up "uk care home children sex scanda". Specific cases: North Wales, Rotherham, Islington, Jersey, Kincora, Spiritan. It's been going on for decades. The Jimmy Savile case revealed that, since he had been vetted by MI5 and possibly MI6, the State knew what he was up to i.e. procuring children (as reported by his nephew) and abusing hundreds of vulnerable people and kids while he was at it. One must conclude that child sex trafficking is useful to the State ie kompromat.

The first encounter I had with the idea of State-involved child trafficking was in BC in about 1992 and I frankly found it difficult to believe. But then some time later I came across these well-documented cases:

The Dutroux Affair in Belgium: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Dutroux_Affair

and the Franklin Cover-up: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Franklin_child_prostitution_ring

That's a good source, btw, ^^^ for vetted parapolitical analysis.

Here's one pro-pedo organisation that was backed and supported by people within the UK government -PIE: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Paedophile_Information_Exchange









Side note: I always wondered why Yorkshire TV had bothered to go all the way to the American Midwest to investigate and report on the Franklin child sex scandal -until the Yorkshire-based Jimmy Savile scandal broke, then it became intelligible.

Conspiracy Of Silence Child Sexual Abuse In Boy's Town

This was an 'un-aired' documentary which was supposed to be broadcast in 1994 but, at the last moment was 'pulled'. ...

The story is about a man named Larry King - (not the tv talk show host from CNN) - who was involved in finance and politics - but also - child sexual abuse/slavery/prostitution, where he allegedly got boys and girls from Boystown/Girlstown in Omaha Nebraska and took them to parties etc. for sexual purposes. The adults, mostly men, were said to be people in high positions of government, finance and industry!

There is so much more to this story. https://archive.org/details/SHOCKINGCoverUpConspiracyOfSilenceAbuseInBoysTown

And if you follow that thread, you may come across this tidbit:

Father Powers arranged for [Charles] Manson to be sent to the famous Father Flanagan’s Boys Town near Omaha, Nebraska. The Indianapolis News ran a front page story on March 7, 1949 headlined “Dream Comes True for Lad; He’s Going to Boys Town.” It characterized 14-year-old Manson as a “dead end kid” who was getting a second chance by being sent to the “last chance” haven for wayward boys. “He won everybody over,” the priest said. “The juvenile court judge was completely taken with his personality. He had ability beyond his years to present himself; he was a beautiful kid for his age.”


And https://web.archive.org/web/20201212033158/https://omaha.com/lifestyles/that-time-charles-manson-came-to-boys-town/article_ea1aff1d-60e1-520d-857e-9e6679afa522.html

So it's important to realise that our leaders (and anyone in a position of influence?) is probably compromised or on their way to being compromised.

Thanks for the links, Guy. I agree, that model makes the scamdemic coherent, it's just missing a couple of things: 1. The energy crisis and 2, Timing: It looks to me like They are behind schedule and that a Looter Class of crooks and cretins has replaced the more self-controlled social engineers that planned this transition ie Zbigniew Brzezinski , Kissinger, and the members of the Club of Rome -I'd even include Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr in that list of competents.



As for the energy crisis, we are in it now -the end of cheap oil. Cheap oil (abundant) is necessary to produce/transport/maintain everything we rely on -from food to, to alternative energy infrastructure:

Meanwhile, earlier this month The Financial Times noted that of 500 privately owned oil and gas companies in the U.S., 400 are losing money and unlikely to ever pay back their large debts. According to the Financial Times, the remaining companies are focused on a “last gasp” effort to look profitable to potential buyers in order to “secure a profitable exit.”


Diesel shortages now:



Ok, that's all -whew! Thanks again Guy and xxxx. Have a wonderful day!'

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Hmm... I’ve said for a while now... pedophilia is the end goal here. We need more strong men to stand against this insanity.

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Decriminalize all that but force us to get a covid vax???!

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Decriminalize HIV spread but make many wear masks to stop the spread...

Do they hear themselves?

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What bunch of hypocrites! Free to do what you like but must take a shit shot for the corporate boys club fear mongers.

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Look up John Podesta's art. When you have people like this running our countries...the devil is fighting for control.

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Dear God, please help us all survive this dark end of days.

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