Jul 4, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wow! At the end of her Superbowl Halftime Show performance, she sinks seemingly into Hell's fire as she says she is "home." There aren't really two ways to take that!

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Can’t heart this. Loathe and pity it. But ‘tis true.

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Madonna sold her soul to the devil many years ago ...

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Madonna trying desperately to remain relevant. I guess she sold her soul a long time ago.

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This is worthy of being ignored. That's all. She's captured and so completely distorted. Make her, and her ilk, irrelevant.

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Mad-dona will do anything to get in front of a camera. She lives in a dark world, and I feel sorry for her, gripped by demons.

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really not worth commenting about , but opportunity to offer , an " intersessory prayer that the good god help maddona and her followers return to goodness and resist and defeat evil according to Good Gods wisdom and devine will ... glory and thanks to the Father Son and the Holy Spirit

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I don’t understand these celebrities and all their plastic surgery. Do they actually think they look good? 🫣🤔 She literally looks like a f’ing alien. 👽 What a pathetic existence!

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Transhumanism is the desired existence for them....

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I just do not get one, how these utterly and infinitely demoralized morons, are not afraid of THE CREATOR who could annihilate them in a fraction of (1/infinity) sec...

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I often wonder what they think their eternity will be like. When they signed on with Satan, did he convince them that Hell isn’t the horrible place the Bible tells us it is? Once again, lying to them and calling our Lord a liar as in Eden? As the father of lies, did he convince them they will enjoy Hell and it’s all a party down there or out there in the outer darkness? For them to all act as depraved as they do with seemingly no worry of the consequences, I can only imagine they’re thinking they’ll die and wake up at a blackjack table or in Madonna’s case, she’ll preform for an audience of dead stars and demons. They’ve set themselves up for one rude awakening. I feel sorry for them. God sent them a great delusion just like all of the people we can’t seem to wake up to the dangers of the jab. They loved not the Truth and were sent a strong delusion; thus, no studies or stories of people dropping dead of heart attacks will ever wake them up. Not until they learn to love and seek the Truth — Jesus.

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They’re all Satanists.

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yes, so they must know, they are doomed to be annihilated, one day...

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Evil. We can deny, make excuses, or turn our backs on the facts. Time is near.

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She must be very solid in her belief in Satan to do this to our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! She will face God’s wrath one day and not soon enough for this horrible mockery. It nauseates me to look at these pictures. We don’t watch the Super Bowl performances anymore. They took a demonic stance a long time ago. Christians need to come together as one to stand up to this evil. One way is to NEVER buy any of their products! Even her voice isn’t good anymore. She will get hers one day and burn in hell. I saw a recent article where she has been child trafficking and pornography of African children: https://www.cf.org/news/madonna-accused-of-pornography-and-child-trafficking-in-southern-africa/.

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Seriously? Ever heard about abuse the Catholic Church has done to children? Ever heard of the witch burnings? She's a performer. That's what they do to create controversy. I'm sure she's thankful for the free publicity lol.

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Yeah she performs alright.

“Like a granny...getting touched by everybody in line”

She’s so full of herself. She hasn’t been relevant since the early 90’s.

And if it wasn’t for Shep Pettibone, her music would have been Muzak. Dull and boring.

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I don’t think it has any religious meaning per se. She’s totally irrelevant and no one cares about her or her music anymore and she’s just doing this for shock value.

The more you write about, the more she has achieve her goal. Ignore her, like a troll, it’s just her last grasp at some attention. Don’t give it to her

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It does mean a lot these days. Satan is being worshipped and glorified. This mockery is horrific and makes me sick in side. This all goes hand in hand with what these evil people are doing to innocent children through the woke ideology, transgenderism, change to allow pedophilia as “minor attracted person,” Christians are being jailed for standing up to abortion clinics, while abortionists are celebrated by the left and its getting worse and worse. They are putting Satan’s symbolism in everything and people are ignoring it. Many musicians and movie stars attribute their success to worshiping Satan. Madonna has recently been exposed for child trafficking and pornography for her work with the African children. Sound familiar??? Many of these elites say they are helping these types of children, but instead are trafficking them and doing horrific other torturous things for their evil desires. It’s up to Christians to stand up to it. She is despicable and has been for many years. She needs exposed for the evil woman she is. Remember the latest issue that exposed Balenciaga for their evil!!! Well is sure isn’t working out well for them and I am glad it has been spread all over the world as to how evil they really are.

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This vile woman has no shame and will do anything to stay relevant and please her demon overlords. God will not be mocked and I long for the day Jesus comes to put an end to this. Can you just imagine if she wore a hijab and profaned “allah”? The Arabs would be up in arms, calling for her execution. But sissy Christians won’t say a damned thing and some will buy or listen to her music. I’ve had enough. When I hear someone use Jesus’ name as a cuss word, I let them know how deeply offensive it is.

We need to stand up for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We need to take a page out of the Muslim’s handbook when it comes to not allowing OUR king, the REAL King to be blasphemed!

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

And, just like that, Madonna is trending again.

She accomplished her goal - get everyone talking about her again. It’s very telling of who she is when she has to go this low to be “relevant” again.

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