RemovedMay 27
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Thank you for spotlighting Dr. Rick Bright who too often flew under the radar during the COVID catastrophe but had so much to do with blocking early treatment (hydroxychloroquine) and paving the way for the EUAs (Emergency Use Authorization). Our book COVID 19 and the Global Predator: We are the Prey, documenting his 2020-2-21 activities

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And if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you . . . wait for it…

across Baltimore Harbor .

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Thats even better!

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These scientists themselves are the greatest threat to mankind currently. They have evolved these viruses on purpose not to protect our health, but to generate massive profits for the bio-pharmaceutical industry.

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Some of them are motivated by the sin of greed, sure. But some of them are motivated by the sin of pride, which, when taken to its extreme, results in the desire to annihilate the being of others.

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May 27·edited May 27

Really Theodore ? Can we isolate " these viruses " and DNA or RNA Type them and reinfect a particular mammal with them and then isolate again and RNA or DNA type this same virus again, each time along the line with the same exact sequence typing ? Asking for someone.

This would prove a lot.

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5 amino acid changes per Robert Redfield. "You got that last one done Ralphie?" "Yep"

"Release the virus"!

Boy are we gonna make money from this ,

But here is the reason why: https://open.substack.com/pub/lionessofjudah/p/dr-vernon-coleman-the-moneys-gone?r=94r9t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Oh good, MORE kill shots. Let’s see what clinical trials they can dream up. These lying conniving medical industrial complex mercenaries are ruthless, let Almighty God send.His lightning TRUTH to expose their latest folly for all to see. 🙏❤️🙏 “The face of the Lord is against the wicked to wipe out the remembrance of them from the earth.” Psalms 34:16

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Amen & Amen to He who sits in Judgment on High!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Key word "experimental" here we go again...

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Yup. Hark, hear the sheeple all in a row following the Judas goat to the slaughter. I will pass, kiss my ass, go to sleep, you stupid sheep.

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They are so predictable! It won’t be the the easy con job that the Covid Plandemic was.

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Sorry but you're kidding. Heard a guy say yesterday "how amazing it is all these people getting ill" lately.

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Yeah, 2 of them. With pink eye. Amazing.

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Don't count on it! They may have plans with ultimatum jabs! take the jab or give up your money, guns, through a CBDC! It's coming, that is why they want to usher in cashless payments!

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That is likely a planned event to push more control.

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I agree ... they do have an end game they're shuffling towards.

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It will be a perpetual end game that they hinted about in 2020 with hints that they threw out with words like "New Normal" or "We are all in this together." they were hoping that we would collectively all agree that the boogie man virus would bring us together as 9/11 did in 2001 and if anyone went against the narrative they were the oddballs or outcast. The Globalists did not expect people to do their homework through the pesky internet (reason for censorship). We, the people, better wake up and realize that we are at war domestically with both political parties in this country; collectively, we have the power! Both political parties use the strategy of division (Satan's playbook) to keep the masses divided. Could you imagine what this country would be like if We, the People, came together and pushed back on Government policies and procedures?

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Agree. I listened yesterday to Steve Quayle on Hagman & one of them said Poland has said, no way, raised a huge army of thousands to stand up collectively. Not on the news of course.

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Nah. We aren't that far along yet.

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These guys are psychopaths!!! Where is the years long study in humans?!?!?! Or are we all discardable Guinea pigs now?!??? 😡

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

UK Pathologist Rules 36-Year-Old Mom Most Likely Died From Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

Why proper autopsies of COVID vaccine victims are STILL not being done 3 years into global vaccination


This should be a murder case. Poisoning, which would make it premeditated murder. It should be provable that it was intentional. There should be many, many such cases in many countries. The important thing for the first few such cases is the discovery phase, where the relevant documents and witnesses are found.

There is no statute of limitations on murder cases. No matter how long it takes, or where the perpetrators hide.

Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


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Not a chance in Hell.

Why don't you give it to the birds, like you said you were going to attempt to vaccinate all the bats.

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The birds are already suffering under the benevolence of mankind. 5g ,EMF, windmills,etc. The animal kingdom is dying. , experimented on and tortured. Frankenfish, franken animals. The ocean fish are sick and becoming psychotic..strangled by pollution . The whole world is sick. The churches have become places of greed and abuse. Run and hide in Jesus. Genuine faith. trust in Him alone. He said the last days would be like the days of Noah when every one thought evil continually. And would He find faith on the earth at His coming.

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It is us who do it and allow it. We are their minions who do the bad deeds. They never get their hands dirty. It is us who have to stop it, us who have to change. Waiting for some myth to arrive is pure folly and just falling into the laps of the vipers.

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May 27·edited May 28

If there is evil there is good. If there is a devil there is a Holy God. Not a myth. It is everyone’s reality facing death. Getting right with one’s Creator is the only right thing. It is us who are sinners . Sinners cannot defeat Satan and evil. Jesus only defeated the devil and death. Can you defeat death? No one has power over their own soul when they die. Only God. Psalm 22:27.

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May 27·edited May 28

You can try to change the laws as Katherine Watts and Sasha Latypova say is the only way. But will the politicians change them? What if they don’t change. Do you have a plan when you face certain death? One way or another death comes. . Fear God and obey his commandments because all is vanity says the preacher. What is your life? It is a vapor. That appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14.

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I was going to comment essentially the same thing, you beat me to it. Hole in one.

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Let us have the Faculty of Applied Science verify their work this time. covid 19 Vax(Gene Edit) a failure.

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Situations like this have cropped-up before. I think it's known as crying wolf.

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It will be interesting to see how many people fall for this, this time, and line up to get another experimental injection, especially one that purports to protect us from something that is "not a danger to humans."

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Another ''not a danger to humans.''

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The only danger to humans is the establishment cabal. If only people understood that.

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There is one potential danger, and that is G-o-F of the H5N1 virus, where it is tweaked to jump from human to human. Because it is more deadly than covid by a long shot. So, the virus right now isn't a problem for us, it is us that is a problem for us.

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Another "vaccine" that does not stop transmission. Right out of the starting gate! So if you take it, you will get the sickness but you won't die. They decided to skip the first few steps and go directly to "but you won't die!".

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My guess, at least 50% of the last lot. That is still a lot of billions for pharma.

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In my opinion What a load of fake BS news in my opinion WHO in the world would believe these liars ever again It sounds to me like they have created another Biowarfare virus and the money making vaccines are their cash cow will make them trillions Surely people must realise these germicidal lunatics need locking up 😱

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The majority of people really are not awake to all of this, I know it is hard to believe, especially on sites like this where most are on the same page. But the public at large will continue to act like sheep, and these guys know it, they must be doing side jumps in anticipation of the money to be made, more transfer of wealth, destroying utterly the middle class.

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Yes. Could not agree more...but I confess the public at largest unwillingness to stop buying the propoganda vis the MSM is so upsetting to me....I struggle with acc3pting this and I don't know why?

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We can't control others, and we don't have a right to. The problem is when the public accept the propaganda, that propaganda includes controlling us with mandates, mask, lockdowns, censorship etc....That is very upsetting.

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Dont let them fool you again... THere are proven things that can benignly be used to work with the flu. Such as : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23208422/

And then there is EGCG from green tea and theaflavin from black tea... such as: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32855668/

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