Well I everyone says no don't want a digital I'd - then it won't work 🤷🏻‍♀️

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We best get together then. Because they're gonna force this shit down our throats somehow.

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I'm sure most ppl under 30 are ok with this b/c it "makes life easier". They've no idea what's going on...

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An awful lot of people over 60 took the first ones, and continue to take every new one that comes out! Somehow they have not figured out what is causing death, and cancers in our church! We no longer warn people. They get angry with us.

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They don’t want any base line data that can reveal their bio-hack-cine crimes.

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The WHO and EU have had the passport already implimented since July 2023!


Obviously not seen on the BBC or other globalist propaganda outlets......yet!

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One objective of the Rona Nazism was to digital ID everyone. Not only to track stabs, but to track everything you do including your bank account and mobility. Your world as a bar code.

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I just told the wife about the areseholes from the WEF are trying to play Dr.Evil again, she said; "Look if those knobs come near me they'll cop what you did the last time you came home pissed." Don't do it WEF, you'll be sorry.

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A group of pissed off wives will beat any rugby team…they could use Klaus as the ball.

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What did your wife do? Maybe me and your wife should team up to whoop the WEF's asses! 👍👍

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all of them, with the greatest support from the breeder of global policies and billionaires under the wing of the american government for the most part, have succeeded in creating the image of humanity as a gathering of criminals. every man is a criminal if he lives as he wants, if he speaks what he wants, if he thinks as he wants, if he gardens, if he fishes, if he wants to work the land, if he wants a family, if he has a religion, if he wants water, if he wants heat, if he refuses what he is told, if he wants to travel, if he wants to earn his living, if he is honest, if he wants to raise animals, if he wants to go to school, if he wants to do a small business, if he is patriotic, if he wants a house or a car etc. in order to do all this, a normal person is given rules, more rules, and more rules, and taxes, many taxes, and more taxes, prohibitions, conditioning, war, death.... until he is totally overwhelmed , he is brought down, until he willingly gives up his life, his dreams, his land and his freedoms. it got here because so much was allowed to these little groups of parasites who are not eating bugs and out of trash and are mostly paid with public money.

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yes, they are parasites, dangerous parasites. They want to rule and control everything. If they get the world they want, the novel 1984 will look benign in comparison.

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The world they want will be the world of today's children and grandchildren. I am sure they will not keep us in their memory as being their heroes. We have already misrepresented the meaning of this term anyway.

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Right. A hero is now a trannie. A homosexual adopting a child. Stunning and brave. Not hard to understand the reaction to the Weimar republic.

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...you the vaxed have been injected with the disease , shouldnt you worry about that... common sense is not common anymore... dear good God please enlighten our darkness and help us return to goodness and truth

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Time to get rid of your cell phones, I will not be putting anything on my phone because I'll cancel it first.

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I’d love to get rid of my cell phone. I have deleted most apps and turned off every option I don’t want or need them tracking me. I have family and children I can’t cut off from reaching me. We need to organize and stop this assault on us and our country by this corrupt and lawless administration!

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Get a landline, I have always had one, they're cheap and you don't have to charge them. Eventually everyone will have to get one because cell phones will be dangerous to own, they are now but with the Apps they want to install, it will make them more evil. I agree the people in the WH have to go, Im in Canada and we have our own problems here, Trudeau, he's evil but he's like Biden, a braindead idiot who's easy for the WEF to handle.

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I had one and got rid of it 20 years ago. My mom still has one but they are trying to force her to get rid of it and I said no! The problem is when I am traveling even locally I can’t be reached until I am home which can be all day. I care for my elderly mom also and she has to reach me if there are issues. I am sorry to see what is happening in Canada too! Believe me I have had it with all of this. I can’t stand Trudeau!

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There are also satellite phones available now too! For texting and staying in touch with people! These phones can work anywhere on the planet. I'm not that familiar with these phones but I saw an advertisement on Brighteon.com Mike Adams network! Mike is also a pro freedom advocate! I want to look into these phones myself too! 🙂

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I actually bought one, but I sold it back to them! I had to walk outside to get service. It is great for people who have others to communicate with them, but it didn’t seem practical for me at this time. I knew no one else who had one. That’s the same company. It’s a great company, but I just didn’t think I was going to get the use out of it. It’s ridiculous our government is so corrupt now!!!!!

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Mike is a great guy and keeps everyone informed. I love his products, especially his frankincense essential oil! Everything is tested and pure.

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Was that satellite phone hard to use? It doesn't work at all indoors? I'd have to talk my husband into getting himself one of those phones too and us both learning how to use it!

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Also in Canada, complexly controlled by WEF and we now have a sitting member on GAViS. Our gov't loves the vaccines.

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I know, right.

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Sign up for Glenn Meder's newsletter here on substack! His newsletter is called "The Liberty Zeppelin" and Glenn teaches people about internet privacy and he is a freedom advocate! Glenn has a course that teaches people about the very things that you are concerned about! Big tech and the government definitely tracks and spies on people without their knowledge or consent and Glenn teaches people how to block out Big tech from tracking, spying and collecting people's personal information! The first step is getting a de-googled phone 📱. I'm seriously thinking about getting an Above phone 📱 a de-googled android phone for myself! 🙂

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Thank you! I will sign up! I have deleted every app and shut off or have not activated all the tracking apps etc., so I’ll check it out!

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Yes and that's good! That's the first thing that Glenn tells people to do! Get rid of the apps on your phone that you don't use! Use the Brave browser and search engine, completely stop using Google! Also Firefox is a great second choice for searching! I use both Brave and Firefox and I've made Brave my default search engine! I have a Samsung galaxy phone right now and I'm looking into the Above phone! But the thing is, is that my husband just got the brand new Samsung galaxy S23 and he loves it! It's a nice phone but it's still a Google phone and my husband isn't as concerned as I am about privacy! I use Proton VPN too! I've learned a lot from Glenn through his free webinars that he does! I use the free Proton VPN right now but I still use Gmail but I want get away from Gmail! I'm thinking about upgrading to a paid subscription to Proton VPN and encrypted email! That's great that you've deleted apps and shut off tracking apps! I've done the same! I don't use YouTube anymore either! I don't support sites that support censorship! 🙂

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The WEF can go to hell. I cannot say it any other way.

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Funny you should say that. I do believe that's exactly where they want the majority of Earth's inhabitants, all of us, down to the smallest microbe. They won't be happy themselves until Earth resembles Mars.

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I needed emergency entry to return to France to visit my dying mother in December 2022.

I had to travel overnight to get to the appointment in Manchester which was for 11.00.. if I missed it.. I would have to wait another 10 weeks and pay another £130 .

When I went through all the ridiculous hoops to get my visa(travelled to France 47 times before no issues)I had to join another queue for a biometric photograph and fingerprints.The “English” booth was next to the German booth.. all Germans just needed a straight forward photograph.. no biometrics or fingerprints required.

The system we were forced to use on British soil was to cater for French authorities who quite happily let people without passports travel the entire length of France in order to get to a boat to enter Great Britain.. Macron is pushing for the digital id harder than any other country yet allows people from outside Schengen areas free access..can you see anything wrong with this picture?

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Thank goodness nobody's elected them to so much as dogcatcher. Although if they were elected to dogcatcher, they'd probably be the kind of dogcatchers who'd execute the dogs rather than catch them. I have a theory about a conspiracy. During WW2, it is said the reason the nazis were able to murder as many Jews, Gypsies and other minorities as they did was due to the administrative help they received from IBM and the IBM numbers tattooed on the victims of our last and current death cult. Now little Billy Gates, whose parents lied to him and told him he owned the world, has already done a YT video a number of years ago in which he discussed people (not him as he's extremely private about his own life) having chips injected via IBM.. Don't even know if the video is still available since he's hired a PR firm to assure us all that he's the good and the generous antichrist.

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I don't think anyone thought other than that they intended to do this "vaccine passport" ID. They have always been quite open about it. AT least I never doubted WHAT THEY WERE ALWAYS SAYING they intended to do.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Too much awareness, now. The jig is up.

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They have no authority over us.

They have only three things left in their playbook: 1. fear 2. force and 3. propaganda. These are the playing fields we will meet them on.

Fear is dealt with by gaining knowledge and having courage. Force must be met with legal actions and refusal of consent. Propaganda is met with knowledge and speaking with the clarity and power of truth.

They have no authority over us.

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🎯🎯 These assholes definitely don't have any authority over me!

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Wow.... 8 mins worth watching and sharing.... The Top level of the game, or TABLE TOP EXCERCISE plotted in 2015 was a a Global Carbon Tax.

"And here is my video on Hunger Games. I call it that because they make us docile in the game by having food costs go to 400% long term average- through their plotted in writing klymhate disasters, civil unrest, refugee crisis (open borders anyone)"

Hunger Games


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This system is already somewhat implemented in many countries including the US

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