Mistake in the title, from 63 to 603 cases is not 960% increase.

You are supposed to only calculate the relative INCREASE, not the ratio between the two numbers. The absolute increase here is 603-63 = 540 cases.

The relative increase then is (603-63)/63=8.571 = 857%

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Also, it is not fair to pick the lowest number in the list for comparison, especially because that year, 2020 was the first year in the pandemic. One could also conclude from this data that the virus was good for the heart as there were far fewer referrals in 2020.

A more likely explanation is that many people avoided hospitals and healthcare in general and postponed their doctor's visits. This may help explain the exceptionally low number as compared to the two previous non-pandemic years. If we guess a bit and move some 140 referrals from 2021 back to 2020 so that year would be more average, then we are left with some 463 referrals for 2021. Compare that to pre-pandemic years and we get an increase of some 130 percent, more than double. I think this is a better guesstimate then what the title suggests.

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did COVID obfuscate the biologic impact of 5G rollout & did injections compound the biologic impact of 5G rollout?...

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Interesting the deaths dropped in 2020, averaging about 192 before 2020, then to 63. Might indicate a lot of heart failure deaths were "with" covid and got recorded in the covid file, not heart. Statistics are normally unreliable. Since 2020 they've become reliably incorrect. We'll never know how bad it was. Maybe never again.

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Maybe it’s because everyone was sitting around watching Netflix most of the year of lockdowns 😵‍💫

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If you're saying netflicks is boring, I can agree. But not therapeutic. But until someone provides a more analytical explanation it's as good a theory as any. Interesting event today -- nflx announced earnings, way down because they lost couple 100k users. Stock crashed hard. Apparently lockdowns are their only attraction.

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Agreed; not therapeutic…zombifying. I wonder if stocks are down due to recent price increase. I cancelled recently…no time for shows will all the Substack content to absorb!

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