"Australia will offer new COVID-19 vaccines..."

Let's see how many take them up on that offer - not many, I bet.

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VERY, VERY FEW...There's no doubt of it. The whole world knows of the Omnicide of The City of London and The Crown Corporation with their Treasonous conspirators of The U.S. Coastal Establishment and CCP/China. THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS.

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"... with Pfizer's version available for those aged five and older and Moderna's for those aged 12 and older."

Paedicidal maniacs.

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NZ approved Pfizer recently. 😔

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Australia’s rapid unchallenged descent to totalitarianism brings to question whether they ever really considered themselves a free people. Their rulers recent program to establish a digital currency system and eliminate cash seems to be another majority accepted means of authoritarian bondage.

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Let just stick to natural therapy, sunshine and exercise and you won't get f..k by the killer shots..of course the jabs going to be approved. Why bite the hands that feeds you, yr benefactor being big pharma..

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The exercise thing isn't happening. 31% of adult Aussies are obese and 12% are severely obese.


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Nothing comes easy, those obese that wants to stay healthy without drugs needs to start getting on their feet and not being lazy..ie if you value yr health

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Correct. Do everything you can to stay out of the ICU death chambers.

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There, even one of the quack parrots said it:

"....if you have cold or flu symptoms,"

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Utter madness.

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No more money for the sick.

No more GoFundMe donations.

Spend your dollars on the fighters.

- If you want to win.


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You cannot teach an idiot.. common sense... seems like the clowns are running the fiasco down under.

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How many of the new, you beaut, fairdinkum we wouldn't like to you, "vaccines" have they budgeted for?

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VSRF Live Comedy Fundraiser

11/28/2023 Tuesday from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST


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And where are the long term trials and studies that prove any mRNA injection is safe and effective against any new variant? Of course, viruses are all a big fat pharma created joke. Trusting any health agency or minister is akin to having a death wish for yourself.

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It's very interesting, the names they choose for these variants. They're telling us something...hmmmm.

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So the check cleared.


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