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May 30
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I'm much more shocked to see many of those/fools who still trust those farmas, knowing their plans : to reduce population.

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"It has led to almost a complete loss of trust in public health and the pharmaceutical industry."


I tell people that before I retired I was a licensed "drug dealer' in 3 states.

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It is a rigged system. The courts are part of the government, as such they are most likely not going to rule against other government agencies. And when they do who wins, the government, since they get the fine. All us consumers have no protection and no recourse when we are injured. If we all stopped taking their products then they’d have to address safety.

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$cience, good one.

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Why in the hell is this company allowed to make any vaccines or drugs anymore! It’s clear they intentionally develop unsafe and harmful drugs! So when are the pediatricians going to stop recommending any vaccines!!! It’s obvious they carry more risks in destroying beautiful children! Shame on the corrupt FDA and CDC…..they all need disbanded!!! It’s all about the money!

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May 30
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So basically the shot is a neurotoxic aluminium delivery vehicle conferring no protection against the advertised diseases☠️

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Does Merk have a booster shot for this? I had to get some boosters for work in 2001. Applied for disability in 2003.

My body went haywire and the doctor said it was depression . They gaslight everyone injured!

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My cousin told me she forbid her daughters from getting merk Gardasil, her company sells it. They’re going to Hawaii because she won a sales contest. They’re still so corrupt!!!

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Here is the recent interview with Wakefield about this.


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So what? They might get fined, no big deal...they will just raise the cost of drugs to pay the fines. Then, as always, they will go on their merry way inventing scores of more deadly drugs and vaccines. You wanna make a bet they don't?

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Why would anyone buy their murderous "drugs " ?

" If all the med. in the world were thrown into the sea , it would be bad for the fish, but good for humanity".- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Prof. of Med.

The best guard of your health is your own body.

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Not a word about thimerolsol (mercury), despite the reports by RFK Jr., targeted at black youth in Atlanta. That's the dirty little censored secret about Merck's MMR vaccines.

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Why do the get such large fines but are allowed to keep trading?

They should be struck off, but then there would be nobody to dish out the drugs! What a shame that would be!

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Re: " They also swapped the wild measles virus for the weakened vaccine strain in the test." WHAT wild measles virus? In 2015, Dr. Stefan Lanka showed us that nobody has (at least, not yet) proved that any measles virus has been isolated from anyone allegedly sick w/ "measles" & made anyone else sick with it--the "science" has always been fudged.

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Repeat after me.

There is no such thing as a safe childhood vaccine.

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The 'Covid saga' was not a mistake--it was intentional. The lockdowns were used to destroy small business/economy, and the "vaccines" were used to destroy peoples' lives.

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I just re-watched the movie "Vaxxed", it tells the whole story about the MMR vaccine. Watching it now, after what we have been through with the latest jab, makes me fully disgusted with these demonic companies.

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