Wow your post just reminded me of the prophecy about the "little horn" perhaps a trump...et. one uprooting three counties rising up?

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I think its Daniel 7 (or 9) and its 3 kings that come and then the little horn (the Antichrist) takes out 3 of those kings (some translations say kill) and then the little horn becomes the 8th king but then rises to power and becomes the only one to be worshipped etc. But it's kings not countries. An excellent study and contains some old testament as well is Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. Excellent study. I especially liked #4A but probably good to go in order. But it does seem the rapture is nearing!

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Yes. Thanks much!

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Daniel 7 (by sea) military beast, Daniel 8 (by earth) false prophet

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Thank you for clarifying. I was wondering if there were any holes in Tim Cohen’s identification of the Beast/Antichrist as King Charles III. Cohen’s Gematria calculation proves true in both Hebrew and English (Rev 13:18). Charles’ investiture in 1961 stands as the first occasion he was introduced to the world, coronated Prince of Wales. Please refer to my Substacks, like my latest:


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Imagine what we could learn if the world had access to all gospels. Interpretations of the Bible might be very different.

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Amen. Well we know brothera sisters in Christ we are enlisted in His Army. Soon I remember it written that the gospel will be spread to all the earth....then THE END.

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The UK should probably be added to the list, too.

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Greater American empire. Yes out of nowhere as well. Never discussed over the past 8 years....then suddenly it is a core policy. Maybe fix the 1000 odd problems in your own country first, including preventing a nuclear WW3.

The only way to take over Canada is by military force. Most Canadians are very happy not being American. There is next to zero support in becoming a Gayer North Dakota-state, notwithstanding the opinions of billionaires like O'Leary.

The Americans are trying to conquer, proxy control, the Uke-topia. Is Canuckistan next?

What Trump is implying is that the US military will invade Canada, Greenland, Mexico, & Central America including Panama. Is this something a sane person actually voices outloud or even in private, reeling over his cups of whiskey at the local tavern?

Or, is it indeed part of the 'NWO' that the Bushes-Clintons (CIA, DoD, Rockefellers etc), babbled on about. Or is it about 'negotiations' with various parties over various issues? Or is it just insanity?

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A more co-operative arrangement would be good though. Canada, the USA and Mexico all have very distinct cultures and histories so the idea of a merger or a takeover is simply not on.

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I'm more then happy to become part of the US if it means less tax, more opportunity and hell second amendment rights including stand your ground. I am Canadian, ex Military and once would have given my life defending this country, but not now. Not after the last 4 yrs.... hate what this country has become under Truedope and his criminal gang. Hate to break it to you but Canada is over as a country....we have been bankrupted for years and no politician will be able to fix that....only way out is a meager or WWIII .... history is repeating itself

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So basically Trump is the Trojan horse to bring about a NWO and One World Government? Seems plausible but then you would think why all the hate towards him unless it’s all an act.

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I don't think so. But a North American empire would ressemble the German Empire (sorry EU) with a military and projection capability.

My opinion, wrong or right, is that Trump is not a NWO'er or Globalist, but he and his team, in proposing the invasion/annexation of other countries are delirious and dangerous. Trump might understand that the US is bankrupt and is headed for failure. Maybe expansion is the only way to survive. I don't view this personally as a 'globalist' plan but as desperate talk from a desperate state.

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Hi doc lol I had love for trump he's 1 of many reasons I don't speak to my parents and siblings. I hope u get it . Elite and politicians live in ancient characters from the Bible but unless your spiritual u are clueless, these ppl worship LUCIFER, no matter what he says they're devils !! They are pathetic really trying to make prophecy appear...the god of this world is Lucifer UNDERSTAND THIS IS ACTUAL... THIS IS HIS EVERYONE WORKS FOR LUCIFER, ROME IS 2ND IN LINE THE MOST POWERFUL ENTITY ON THE PLANET! THEY (ROME) wrote down their plan or goal most believed this was truth /prophecy... Nope! It's them they are ALL QGAINST HUMANITY THEY ARE DEPOPULATING IN OUR FACE...😔 WMERICAN FKAG IS ANCIENT EGYPTS FLAG!! THE god IN THE BIBLE is an god, an anunaki god Satan/ENLIL. Trump has converted to Judaism in 2022, not Christian anymore he is MAGA= Seth's son a Demonic-diety. So yes he is antichrist.

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Let's stay w ur intuition on this 1 lol, ACT! CHINA IS NO ADVERSARY we get our military boots for our soldiers made there, Putin and Trump are probably same mob, democracy and Republicans a were made up by the true decieving satanic ass Romans!! The Vatican or Romans made up everything after the anuks left! They made up Jesus Christ at a council meeting in 325 ad. Called the council of Nicea, these are rotten ass mfs that played w our souls, I'm sorry I hope u were ready for this info we gotta wake up and take our brains back. It's also a law to not think in Rome! Rome is the CEO of this satanic realm w Lucifer.

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Come to Detroit and see the new bridge… fits right in. Follow the money and the NWO.

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What do you mean?

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They are all so full of it, funny no one talks about Cosmic Consciousness & what the Cosmos thinks of it all. (I call God The Cosmos), remember man proposes God disposes! I hope so.

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Well God is interested in getting the apple of his eye, Israel, to acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah who came once already and they rejected Him. Therefore as Israel goes through the 7 year tribulation (also called the 70th week of Daniel and the time of Jacob's Trouble) some of them will end up seeking after Jesus. They are the chosen people not bc of anything they did but bc God chose them. That came with responsibilities though that they didn't fulfill yet. But they will once they finally realize Jesus is God and their (and who ever believes in Him) Messiah. When you hear the full story it is amazing showing God's amazing love. Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a great study. It's hard for a lot of people to realize that is where and why things are going on. Church age that only started bc they rejected their Messiah, is almost over it seems. The church started around 33ad, and it's been almost 2,000 years. I look forward to escaping this mess at some point which will happen for those who are already born again Christians. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

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God is love you are right Julie. 😍

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Interestingly, the population of Messianic Jews in Israel has gone from 2,000 to 30,000 in the last decade. When it hits 144,000….! Time to get right with God everyone! I cannot believe I’m alive in these times 😵‍💫

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Would love to see the source of that number. It was a blessing to read!

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Gomberg 1942 map of NWO! CFR is infested the ZID;s

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Scroll down in this article to read about Greenland and what is taking place there. The Green New Deal is evil. There is no climate change. The only change is man manipulating things. To understand we have to research the past, not the present. And most of our past history is all lies.


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Here is an excellent Bible study, Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. It's important to realize what the Bible actually says about why and who us going to do what. There are many verses and old and new testament verses on this but it's very important to get the full correct understanding. That is an excellent study. #4A it starts to get more interesting but probably good to go in order. But the full Bible info is crucial right now to understand where things are going.

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Part of the Great Plunder of resources / natural assets. Many necessary to implement further digital surveillance & control.

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Thank you for this post! I have heard Leo Hohmann on J.B. Hixon’s podcast, NBW Ministries. (Not By Works). Highly recommend J.B., very Biblically knowledgeable and studied as a pastor and author.

I am currently doing a Daniel study and using a NASB study Bible to help my understanding. Just finished the chapters you are thinking of Julie! The little horn referenced in Daniel 7:8 does refer to the rise of the antichrist. However, it is different from the little horn referenced in Daniel 8:9. Here is what the notes in my Bible say: ‘Not the same as the horn of 7:8 which will arise out of the restored Roman empire. This little horn (of Daniel 8:9) came out of Greece and refers to Antiochus Epiphanes , who came to the throne in 175 BC and plundered the temple of Jerusalem, desecrating it by offering pig’s flesh on the altar.’

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The US had a well-detailed plan started in the 1920's that lasted till about 1931 where Canada sort of gave up. Led by General McArthur, we were supposed to be bombed, with chemical warfare and toxic agents authorized, In particular Vancouver, Montreal Quebec City, Halifax to be bombed. Shocking reading not taught in our schools. https://www.globalresearch.ca/donald-trump-calls-for-the-annexation-of-canada-deja-vu-general-douglas-macarthur-was-to-bomb-vancouver-halifax-montreal-and-quebec-city-this-is-no-joking-matter/5875722?print=1

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Not to mention the aerial spraying of some sort of Chemical over Winnipeg in the 1960's....

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21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man,

but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

(Proverbs 19:21)

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Perhaps this is where, later (in the 1970's?), the Club of Rome came up with its Region #1 (out of 10 worldwide regions).

Might fit with the 10 kingdoms mentioned in the Book of Revelation. (Rev 17:12)

All coming to pass before our eyes.

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Thanks for posting this story.

I saw this show on Brannon Howse Live on worldviewtube.com when it aired live.

Boy was it an eye opener. I don’t think most of the MAGA crowd voted for this.

Bait and switch ???

Just asking questions !!!

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Cmon North American union, freedom cities, 5G towers, and endless jabs! Winning bigly! 😎💯

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I don't know why you would say, "Well, nobody saw this coming;" the "elites" have been saying that they are going to do this since at least the 1940's. Have you never heard of their plan for a One-World Government or of Agenda 2030? There is a similar map of the integrated North America from 1942 that can be found online. It's really sad that so many people remain totally oblivious to what's going on. It reminded me of the scene in Douglas Adams' comedy "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" where Earth was about to be destroyed in order to make way for a hyperspace bypass: “There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. … What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.” The difference of course being that we didn't need to travel four light-years to get the information—or any distance at all. We also had an extra 30+ years to do something about our situation. The questions remain as to whether there is enough time to do so at this point and whether we will even try?

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Deception can only take place where there is lack of knowledge https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/president-trump-on-canada-becoming-348

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I hate to admit it, but I now think that Trump is nothing but another GloboHomo Trojan horse, and I’m embarrassed that I bought into the BS again…it really is true, no one is coming to save us.

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It's yet to be determined whether he is who he maintains he is, but it remains far from a foregone conclusion to say that he is. He didn't, for example, "drain the swamp" during his first presidency like he promised; so if we are going to assume anything about him it should probably be that he won't this time either. And, with that in mind, you might want to consider trying to wake up as many people as possible because it is likely that the only real weapon we would have would be our numbers—and that certainly wouldn't be much if facing down a unit of AH-1Z Vipers.

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Sadly, I think that our 1776 moment has passed…

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Humans are not heroes; we are all very flawed. Children look for heroes and mature from disappointment.

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