Don't forget the electrical energy component may get us first or in mass numbers.

Electrical Engineers, Chemists and Biochemical Engineers have to step up for this one.


Another important link of Energy activation of nanoparticles inside humans from a genius named Sabrina ( if I recall correctly ). Have to search again, the one I just saw was scrubbed.


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Valuable information Karen speaks about and why she is a target.

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This is the best discussion I've read relating to this subject: https://open.substack.com/pub/arkmedic/p/5-ways-to-skin-a-genetically-modified

He takes a lot of trouble to adapt the language to a wide audience. Some of it is speculative at this point.

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Trying to make sense of what they're saying. What does "Up to 35% of mRNA vaccine contaminated with bacterial DNA" mean? If I'm making pancakes and a bug gets in, I say the pancakes have been contaminated. I don't say they're contaminated because 35% of the batch has sugar. I'd say that's a key ingredient.

I stumbled on a substack this morning that's ruined my day: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/everything-is-in-place-and-nobody

Essentially, she's saying a plan has been in place since the '50s to both depopulate and speed up evolution. It's hard not to see what's happened with these vaccines as being an intended part of this plan. And if it's been in the works this long, maybe it's time to start spelling out how the modifications - the genetic modifications - are going to speed up the evolution of those they don't kill.

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Then there is the electrical energy component to speed things up further.


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A critical component of understanding where we are now is educating self and others of the long road taking us here. I've seen this video previously and posted it. Predating this are others pieces of information linking further back - ultimately revealing this current rendition of control and depopulation is the battle of good and evil. Our current species of human has been grown in this battle.

Leading to the basics of consciousness and soul and the personal battle within each one of us to emphasize the good in us and unplug from the evil, also in each one. An inner battle as much or more than an external one.

The plan to rule and enslave as outlined in a recent (1700's) document is included in its full content in the book: "Behold a Pale Horse" by Milton William Cooper. (available through the library locally - Toronto, Canada) ... see pg267 Chpt 15

"Protocols of The Wise Men of Zion" - "for clear understanding, replace the word Zion with Sion; replace the word "Jews" with Illuminati; replace the word "goyim" with cattle.

Today's mayhem is the culmination of centuries of planned enslavement through psychological measurements using government and institutions for THEIR purposes, to enhance the idiocy of both the educated and the uneducated to powerless and witless cattle calling for their own enslavement. We've just witnessed this in the mandated vax idiocy.

- Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in top secret government files since the 1940s. -

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Oct 20, 2023
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It is always much easier to project evil/darkness externally instead of facing your own darkness and the lies you tell yourself about yourself and your life. The battle within requires a more courageous warrior attitude than any battle “out there.”

This doesn’t mean refraining from outward action. Far from it, but it needs to come from within, grounded in the real “I,” not the conditioned/wounded ego-personality with its programmed identifications (with a group, flag, religion, ideology, etc.), which is easily misled, tempted, and manipulated via the trap of identification.

This mechanical revolt is also what the matrix forces and ‘powers that be’ count on with their classical tactics of Problem-Reaction-Solution and Divide & Conquer agenda, which we see happening once again right in front of our eyes as people choose their sides, either standing up for Palestine and wanting to crush Zionism or demonizing Hamas and supporting Israel’s “right to defend itself.”

The ones just “praying” for peace without any effort to engage in the Work are also easily misled.

Both sides are played by occult forces pitting humans against humans for maximum “loosh” output to be fed upon and create the right conditions for absolute “domination and absorption,” as Michael Topper alluded to—the end game.

This game has been going on for thousands of years, and we are reaching its climax. “It’s either Truth or Abyss,” as Sri Aurobindo and The Mother foresaw.

As long as humans mistake physical reality as the only reality [stuck in the outdated age of materialism] or that they are the only higher intelligent “lifeform” and deny the supra-physical [metaphyscial] nature of forces [I’m not talking about “aliens” or ETs] that move and act on humans outside their awareness [and have so for thousands of years], nothing will change fundamentally, and humans keep being puppets for occult [hidden] forces under the illusion of “free will.”

Sri Aurobindo hinted at it over 100 years ago:

“Look at what happened in 1914 – ..."


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I lost interest in MR. Hana when the too cute by half, erudite cosplaying, morphed into a whiny begging for paying subscribers.

And then, when I found out that it’s really a guy hiding behind a female nom de plume, that was it.

HE is about making money and less about the truth. IMHO.

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Did you really find it out? Or were you just told it was a guy? By someone (whomever) you chose to believe?

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It came from Matthew Crawford I believe.

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Yes, that's where I learned this info too.

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But I don't know if it is true. And I personally don't mind if the content comes from a male or a female.

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The use of the term contamination is misleading and avoids saying that it was intentional. It's a DNA gene injection pure and simple!

"DNA vaccines depend on cloning the SARS-CoV-2 S(pike) gene into bacterial plasmids that contain a strong mammalian promoter, such as SV40, followed by large plasmid production in competent bacteria (e coli)."


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They know and knew what is going on with this poison gene therapy. How many need to die and become injured before they stop the vax and putting it in our food supply....

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What the heck did you expect from these murdering terrorists...kool aid in the syringes?

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mRNA injection my ass!!!

"DNA vaccines depend on cloning the SARS-CoV-2 S(pike) gene into bacterial plasmids that contain a strong mammalian promoter, such as SV40, followed by large plasmid production in competent bacteria (e coli)."


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Even honest attempts at gene therapy are doomed to failure. Everyone who has had a brush with life sciences knows this, because:

Immunology 101: every "not-me" protein, unless it being broken down by the digestive process, WILL be attacked by the body's immune system.

And the cells that produce that "not-me" protein will be destroyed by the immune system.

The only time gene therapy might be appropriate would be when the body is already producing some of a protein the body needs, but not enough of it.

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