We do not have a medical system we have a predator system!

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IF the blood is corrupted, what do they do, rinse off the organ with saline?

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Hey! Parts is parts!

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"NZ Medsafe has been able to maintain that there have been only two vaccine-induced deaths"

In the U.S. the CDC continue to claim that only nine deaths have resulted from the vaccines.

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Right out of the communist manifesto "Keep repeating the lie until it becomes the truth" That is what and who we are dealing with here.

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This is the most ghoulish thing ive read today. They seem positively delighted the kidneys are ok...nevermind we cant use this organ cause of vax induced thrombo.....

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This is the most ghoulish thing ive read today. They seem positively delighted the kidneys are ok...nevermind we cant use this organ cause of vax induced thrombo.....

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Different but my experience- my sister in law had a stem cell transplant for leukemia at Moffitt in Florida. She was in isolation for weeks! They made her take the jab. She was declared free of leukemia and died from kidney failure 6 weeks later. On their record , more funding $$$, she was a success , we miss her terribly. They didn’t respond to any of my emails of course.

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So sorry for you and your family.

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Thank you

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So many terribly sad stories like this.

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I can safely say that all of us here are equally horrified and grieve along with you on the loss of your dear sister. I'm so very sorry.

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Thank you.

She asked me about ivermectin repeatedly. It was forbidden, may interfere with her anti rejection medication… I couldn’t share my organic smoothie but she could drink all the ensure and boost she wanted! So backwards.

It’s amazing what a huge industry cancer treatment is.

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It is simultaneously evil and tragic. You are right, it's completely backwards. Just looking at the evolution of the corporate-corrupted Food Pyramid shows us how they've designed it to develop a pipeline to big pharma and big food in perpetuity. It's just evil and gross. So many of my own family members have suffered at the hands of these psychopaths.

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Agreed! I have autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness. God put an integrative medicine doctor in my life about 7 years ago. I had been neglected and gaslit by insurance dictated doctors for almost 2 decades. Upstate university hospital denied me treatment for mold because of my low income being on disability. I would have died of complications eventually. Having hope & a little quality of life again is priceless.

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I feel like we have enough evidence that it could fill up Challenger Deep at this point… And the push for the shot of death continues! 🔥😡🔥🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙏🏽

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Hmm tons of new revenue sources for transplant doctors-and there is expectation to the downside (increased rejection/clotting/death) being reported from the docs? Pfft - my question is why haven’t “health” insurance jumped on this and curtailed their expenditures? They Were quick to deny legit procedures 20 years or so ago to help their bottom line yet not these massively expensive transplants? Hmmmm

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They have replaced that revenue with the trans surgeries.

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I'm not even laughing at this. I'm sure you're dead right.

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I would rather not be right, but this is my gut feeling.

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Very good article Lioness! I don’t even want to think what could happen to purebloods , then I’d be called a conspiracy theorist. 😓🤔

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You know what will happen to purebloods. they'll have to "put us down" to get our organs.

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Truth there Edwin.

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The Covid vaccine aka clot shot problems are illustrated in blood donations also. Why don’t they want vaxxed blood? Or am I fully mistaken

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You write: "In other words, young adults are dying following Covid vaccination in sufficient numbers to be appreciated by transplant surgeons as a new source of viable organs."

Thanks for this information. Yet another clue showing us how far we have fallen.

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It's as if doing the transplant is a big deal, survival afterwards not so much.

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