To Marks Family ,sorry for your loss. I would hope you could sue as Mark looks young and he should have had many years to live . Tragic what Fauci unleashed on Americans the lie of the century.
Good Lord, that poor man suffered and he was younger than my daughter when he died. This entire jab debacle makes me sick, I know people who are suffering right now because they took that poison. I pray people pay for what they've done to humanity, they simply must be held accountable for the murders they committed, all for their moronic de-population agenda. Heavenly Father, please protect us from evil and RIP Mark.
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves & each other. Blessings to the Marks Family - a global genocide, crimes against Humanity. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny. Thank you LofJ ...
God knows how many ended up with cancer after taking the " life saving" shots. We know have the evidence that they are causing aggressive cancers. I have one example in my close family. It's a tragic story.
So tragic, the misplaced trust. Worse were those who vilified others who had the sense to say NO to the jabs. And those who bought in the whole way and finding out the hard way after their 5th or 6th booster.
This is what planned depopulation looks like. If they don't murder you outright, they want you suffering with no-cure diseases that take your finances down the drain as you slowly wither away.
To Marks Family ,sorry for your loss. I would hope you could sue as Mark looks young and he should have had many years to live . Tragic what Fauci unleashed on Americans the lie of the century.
Fauci, Trump, Biden, Governors, your Doctor, my Doctor, Universities, Athletic Leagues, local-state-national Media, and many a religious leader.
I Agree 💯 % they are all in on it. Very few honest Politicians.
Depopulation Agenda ,massive amount of elites all money,power & and a New World Order. I think many are awake now.
It’s time for people to put their Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Cause there no Hope for this World
Good Lord, that poor man suffered and he was younger than my daughter when he died. This entire jab debacle makes me sick, I know people who are suffering right now because they took that poison. I pray people pay for what they've done to humanity, they simply must be held accountable for the murders they committed, all for their moronic de-population agenda. Heavenly Father, please protect us from evil and RIP Mark.
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves & each other. Blessings to the Marks Family - a global genocide, crimes against Humanity. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny. Thank you LofJ ...
If that photo doesn't provide the proof of disease and death from the vax then people are willfully lying to themselves and others.
Pfizer's Case Notes: 'Sore Arm'
Or "he suffered from depression and anxiety".
How many more Marks are out there? Afraid or unwilling to speak out.
To Mark's Family and All Who Loved Him:
My heart goes out to you and I am profoundly sorry for your loss. My God comfort you.
To the Pharma/Medical Industrial Complex:
May you be dragged to Hell by your pubic hair, where you will be roasted over the flames for an Eternity. Learn how to protect your lived ones now!
God knows how many ended up with cancer after taking the " life saving" shots. We know have the evidence that they are causing aggressive cancers. I have one example in my close family. It's a tragic story.
I would like to hear how the “Safe & Effective Cultists” explain that picture and the Mark’s tragic death. many people, taking the jabs, innocently, trustingly thinking they're doing what's good/right.
So tragic, the misplaced trust. Worse were those who vilified others who had the sense to say NO to the jabs. And those who bought in the whole way and finding out the hard way after their 5th or 6th booster.
This is what planned depopulation looks like. If they don't murder you outright, they want you suffering with no-cure diseases that take your finances down the drain as you slowly wither away.