Let’s see who else will listen or will this be brushed aside.

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GOD bless us all for our GOD lives in the TRUTH. Spiritual warfare - grateful more are waking up to the evil cabal ...

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Acknowledging mistakes is difficult for most people. But the major mistake wasn't the poison vax, nor even the government tyrannies. The worst mistake was the mindless panic that drove most people to uncritically accept those tyrannies and to ignore the risks of corrupt medical providers. Punishment of those who drove the panic, and those who profited from the panic, will not absolve the populations who willingly stampeded to fatal outcomes. Watching the inevitable trials, and remembering the victims, will make the survivors wiser about many things. Maybe next time some of them will be more careful.

Nuremberg time.

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Too little, too late.

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Better late, then never. It turns my stomach to think that it has been approved for babies at six months now and on the vaccine schedule for children. This is a decent into utter madness.

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