Children should never have been approved for covid EUA vaccine. They were never at risk and the government just wanted to push their fear program and jab us all. Truly reprehensible and evil.

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Every parent should have pulled their kids out of college and all schools. If everyone would’ve just said no, this shit show would have been over in a week. But instead they euthanized their kids. Now my kid has cancer, heart condition, or died! Great choice parents! And this shit show isn’t over yet! Just getting started.

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Bingo. Besides that, these institutions can change your childs sex, is that not horrific enough for them. Our second daughter graduated right before the convid movie premiered, I would have pulled her in. NY minute!

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You're right. And the recording of fauci (along with ALL of the other evidence) is proof of that. No child should ever have any vaccine. After the CHD case fraudci had to adnit there is no safety testing done on any of them. I doubt there has ever been ANY testing on giving a child 80 shots from birth to age 18.

Even if they argue they "prevent disease," there is no sound medical argument that an infant/child should be injected with anything containing aluminum, mercury, tromethamine. None whatsoever. They're all poisons.

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Fauci is a lying murderous weasel.

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Why so kind?! Jk, sometimes I wonder if there is an adjective sufficient enough to describe how sick, demented and evil he is.

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I don't think so, at least not in English:).

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Well, at least weasels aren't human. Gecko got that part right.

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100%! But kinda an insult to weasels!

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He’s behind the AIDS lie as well! HIV never caused AIDS! Jabs and blood contamination and other bs! Small pox jab! Treated the sick with AZT and finished them off! Sound familiar with remdisiver?

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"Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS," by Celia Farber


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This is an excellent book! Worth reading it.

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Robert Gallo faked AIDS.

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YES! The Mengele 2.0 -Fauci 'Creature', has been Well at it, since Circa 2002 - Just the RenderYouSevere 'Protocol' alone, In League with the Usual Front of House Depopulation Demonics of the GlobAlists. Who EVER said that there was EVER 'Seperation' between Govt & COMIC (CorpoRat Organised Military InDusTrial CONplex)! And in OZtopia, ALL of the Major pHARMa 'Groups' & their 'Research' Covens, ARE ALL 'Tapped into' the OZtopian Medical Research Futures Fund (AU$ 22 BILLION). Plus, the Closed Set 'Medical Research' Institutes, ALL PRE- Purchased by the Same pHARMa Global Corporations, ARE the SOLE 'Advisers' to Govt Groups such as ATAGI (Population 'Cradle to Grave' [ Or 'Gravely'] 'Jab' Schedule 'Out-putters'), Hospital 'Protocols' AND, The Medic CONpliance WatchDoggers FOR THE 'INDUSTRIES' BENEFIT = The Population can 'Go Hang'!

And A.I.D.S, IS CurRent amongst Multiple CONVID 'Jab Believers' - Along with the other Plethora of Safe & Effective Outcomes! And, 'DEATH', AppaRentLie, is ONLY A 'Side Effect'!- Thank God for that then! LOL

Wellness - John D.

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Virus never caused anything! Human beings were being poisoned for profit and depopulation!

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I think there's also a ritual blood-sacrifice aspect to the whole atrocity.

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They wreck your immune system with poison and blame it on a virus so sheep will take poison to finish themselves off! They poison you so you will take more of their poison! Make money while sheep suffer from their stupidity!

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"Vaccines" don't work, do harm and aren't safe. That's all anybody needs to know.

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🎯 That's why the government says they work, because they poison, maim and kill.

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Safe for Pharma because of the liability shield! Effective at killing and maiming humans! Sheep don’t care! Crickets and silence!

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Yes, I know what you mean; but I don't believe that the liability shield will work for very long. Fraud vitiates any contract and there is so much evidence of fraud that surely some lawyer somewhere will find a way to make a name for him/herself by taking Big Pharma down. If you listen in the right places, there have not been crickets and silence either. The noise being made by whistle-blowers and others is growing louder by the day. Sooner or later, push-back will achieve critical mass, Big Pharma will be taken down and humanity will move away from allopathic medicine. Rome wasn't built in a day ;-)

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Didn't this problem start long before covid EUA so-called "vaccines"? Maybe truer to say "vaccines" should never have been approved for any purpose ever? Is that where we went wrong?

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True, but neither should any organism on the planet.

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But the vaxtards will Never believe they will turn on you in their anger and delusion for you show them to be foolish and cowardly AND to have killed something so precious as their own children from fear no better than Azteca sacrifices of hearts to the go's to bring rain..

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Well, it's ultimately about the children, but lots of adults died, and are dying too, and it turns out that the injections were only a stage during the mass extermination project:


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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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Malone is full of krap or a CIA asset or both.

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Governments and big pharma have been murdering citizens and patients for many decades. Is this news? No. They have always striven to murder you and they don't want you to know they are doing it. Why would they want to murder us? It's part of the depopulation scheme which has been losing ground because the world's population is still growing and the globalists cannot stand it.

This goes back hundreds of years when over-population or eugenics was being talked about. Of course, there is no one on the planet who knows what true over-population looks like. It's all guesswork done by retarded globalists who hate humanity with a passion.

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Big Pharma mostly want to make money for the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, British Royal Family, Gateses, Finks, etc. Killing people is a side effect to their main game. Depop doesn't square with the billions they plan to move from the Third World to the west. So I think their strategy is more nuanced than plain murder.

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Where are all of these parents?! They must know. Is the death of their child not tragic enough to scream this at the top of their lungs. It's disgusting.

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That's got me puzzled too. I can only infer that nobody dares question the demigods in white coats known as doctors.

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I was talking about that today with a friend. Is it they're in denail that their child, whatever age, was of dying age? Are they contacted and paid/bribed for their silence? Are they threatened into silence? We've lost two (adults) in our family in the last two years. 42, ans 51. Not exactly dying age.

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Imagine euthanizing your child because the TV said so!

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You're aware of the pending legislation in either New York or California (I'm not sure if it's which or both) permitting so-called "abortion" ... up to the age of 5... 😱

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In a word...

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Curious Canadian asks: does the VAERS system give the person reporting the even a copy of what was received? Eg. If so, might an analysis of those reports show differences between the report and the data in the system? If not, how can the data be considered valid?

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Ever heard of “The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment"?

“The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a study conducted by the United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 1932 to 1972. The study aimed to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis in African American men, without informing them of their condition or providing them with treatment” says the Brave Browser’s AI commentator and the question in my mind is “Why would you need to do this?” given the consequences of untreated syphilis has been thoroughly documented over CENTURIES; and while one might also wonder how anyone could trust the PHS or the CDC with a burnt-out match knowing this story – which is probably why it’s so little known – curiously enough the Black community of America have been remarkably reluctant to take the Covid Lethal Injection…

Now I read your headline: "Top Data Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of MASS DEATHS Among COVID Vaccinated Children"

Well... Imagine my shock... 🙄

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Was there ever a virus?

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Nope! Connect the sheep to the towers!

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Child murderers.

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Antony Fauci has a B.Sc. in BS. He majored in Homicidial Studies.

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The study compared cyborgs and human subjects. That's much more accurate.

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They jabbed sheep to connect them to the towers aka 5G!

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There’s patents on humans connected to digital currency and humans as an antenna with technology!

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In Canada you can euthanize yourself if you jabbed injured! Justin cares! Inject you with poison and give you the solution!

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Justin has got 30 million immigrants coming in from Chindia to replace them.

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Euthanize citizens and and bring in the NWO! Didn’t see that coming over a decade ago! 😂

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Strokes and heart conditions are better than a sniffle! 2030 Sheep logic!

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