Just say no to all this madness and do not comply, that is how it starts.

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Big Tech and MSM pushing more fear!!! Hopefully people don’t buy this one! Crimes Against Humanity!!

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I'm glad there are other Christians out there that see Covid for what it is......A LIE! Most Christians bought the lie, hook, line and sinker. Most were gripped by fear. They worn their face diapers like good little sheeple. They stuck that long fake PCR swab up there noses not knowing it could damage their naval cavity and spine. They took the Clot Shots because their Pastor told them to like good little Sheep not knowing what was in these shots and the side effects they may cause. Very few Christians today have any wisdom/discernment. They trust their Pastors like they are God and rarely seek the Holy Spirt to "lead them into all truth". We truly are in the Last Days!

Also, Covid has exposed the Western Church as a FRAUD!!! Any Pastor that shut their doors for this lie called Covid..........IS A FRAUD!

Christians today better pray and hope for a pre-trib Rapture as they will never be able to survive the tribulation. Most will take the "mark" to survive.

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If anyone knows how to reach Dr. Vernon Coleman, I would love to let him know that he inspired this cartoon, that I did early on in this monstrosity: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/three-to-dos?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Thank you!

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The epic Biden tax hikes are another fraud -- record price hikes on everything are pushed as inevitable inflation, caused by mysterious forces beyond our control. Putin. Trump. White supremacists. Anything to distract the public from the real causes. Intended to subdue us.

All of these problems were born during the waning days of Trump admin, devised as a strategy to defeat him and win control. It worked, so they continue it.

They say when you're in a hole, stop digging. The first step in our salvation is to remove the dems who caused it, and their supporters. That begins November 8th. If dems are allowed to retain any power, expect their terrorism to continue. If they are defeated, we can begin retaking control of our country and our lives, by assuring those we select to replace them remain properly motivated to perform in our interests, not their own. We must learn to never again trust any authorities to control us unsupervised. We have the power to make sure government remains of the people, by the people and for the people. If we don't, we won't like the outcome.

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May 30, 2022
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Prove it!!! We were energy independent under Trump. WE ARE NOT NOW!!! How is Trump responsible for the rising gas prices that affect everything?

You sound just like a deceived Liberal who gets their news from CNN and MSNBC the biggest LIARS ever!!!

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May 31, 2022
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You still did not prove that Trump caused inflation!!!!!

This is PURE HATRED because people like you HATE Trump for no reason.

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May 31, 2022
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LMAO!!!!!!! So the couple of trillion that Trump signed caused inflation but the Trillions before that caused no inflation?!?!?!?!?!?

Liberal logic at it's best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do I even bother to converse with STUPIDITY?!?!?!?!?!?

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Inflation is caused by more money in the system than the productivity of the workforce needs. Paying people not to work reduces productivity while expanding the money supply by borrowing. That's what started it. All on the dem congress and Joe. Turning off the oil jacks up everybody's energy costs, exacerbating the runaway price spiral.

Embezzling is taking someone's money for yourself. Inflation takes money from everyone and burns it.

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May 31, 2022Edited
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Productivity is measurable. Not by me, or Nancy, but by people paid for such analysis. You know if you printed too much money by watching prices. The markets know how much is needed. Gold is not money in most societies, so it's irrelevant. Getting all that gold you envision would require a lot of productive effort. Few people are willing to work that hard for rocks. I do it occasionally as a hobby, and have captured about 10 cents per hour for my efforts.

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May 31, 2022
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Murdering trees? That would be psycho if true. It's not. Trees are goods, like gold. Theyre not money.

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talk about blunt, yes I agree, warfare.

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Vernon Coleman has always been one of the best, along with Rappoport. They are both old, but even young people might want to consider that being afraid is not going to get them anywhere in the extermination machine. They must realize what these two men know very well: we are being slaughtered, anyway.

Here is a correction by me:

The damages and deaths caused by the muzzle, the "tests," and the lethal injections are intentional. The injections are NOT “experimental.” The monsters who had the plan developed, know EXACTLY what the outcome will be, and have even taunted their victims by announcing it in public several times over the years and even erected a monument to their plan (the "Georgia Guide Stones").

However, not all threats have been created equal. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO REVEAL THE FRAUD AND PUT AN END TO IT:

The beast can be stopped ONLY by going for the jugular: no “virus” has ever been isolated and no “viral infection has ever been proven.” In Medicine, Germ Theory MUST be eliminated and replaced by Terrain Theory.

Virology is a fraud and this time, the FUNDAMENTAL tool in a worldwide genocide.

Still, I can't see how it will be stopped, unless the enforcers, "medical professionals" included, realize that they are also dispensable and will be killed and replaced with robots. Without enforcers, the juggernaut will grind to a halt.

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Well said! What saddens me is there are very few Christians with any discernment who see this entire Covid scam as a lie. Most Christians believe it is real and took the Clot Shots.

The words of Jesus are so true: Luke 18:8 "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

Most Christians have more faith in man than God. IT IS QUITE CLEAR!!!!

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These days, it turns out who is really a Christian or even a human deserving to live. Those, who succumb to fear have no faith and are quick to develop psychosis that endanger them and everyone around them, especially their children. They fail to realize in time that living in fear is worse than death and by the time they get it, they are far too submerged beyond the point of no return.

One must choose between preserving their lives or losing it; it works both ways, depending on the meaning attributed to the two options.

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May 30, 2022
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I can't see it happening at all...


Humanity, as usual, is destroying itself, but this time it is happening globally, and it's questionable if there will be anyone left to start over, unless some indigenous tribes on remote islands or in rainforests, but the chemtrails might take care of everyone.

BTW, I also try to promote the same link; it is a good one.

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If they haven’t listened at this point something is blocking their brain cells. The media are still pushing vaccines & the sheep are still wearing masks. Does anyone really think those pushing the narrative will be held responsible? I personally don’t believe they have an ounce of guilt. Speaks volumes!!!

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Wait till the manufactured food crisis lands on us. Then they'll drop the pass on everyone, needed just to get food.

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I tried to buy Dr. Coleman’s book but the link on the publisher’s site isn’t working 🤷🏼‍♀️

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not sure if it’s possible to help someone who is not horrified by this. (🐱💧💧💧kitten tears)

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May 30, 2022
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There was NO covid. It was ALL A LIE. We get sick because we do NOT take care of our immune systems. The lie Covid was used to take Trump down, control the masses, and for this global reset aka one world government.

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

The PCR "Covid-19 Confirmed Cases" are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake




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May 30, 2022
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Why do some people get sick and others not when exposed to people who are sick? If you are a Christian then you should know that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". We get sick because we eat processed foods, our lazy lifestyles and because of the toxins in our lives. Most people today work indoors and lack Vitamin D in their lives. I leave you with these comments from Jeff Green:

"SARS-CoV-2, the specific virus, does not exist. Viruses, including coronaviruses and all other manner of viruses, occur cyclically in the population and are a result of man’s environmental pollution of all types. I implore you to look up the available statistics, and you will see this up and down yearly fluctuation. But even these are fraudulent in one major way: the death rate of flu is much lower than they claim. COVID was propagated and used as a weapon to usher in world government, period. This is its main purpose. That agenda takes many forms, and the so-called pandemic just so happens to accomplish almost every agenda they have and then some. How coincidental. It would be just as simple for them to pick out a particular flu virus, and play upon it in the same way to accomplish their goal."

Does COVID Exist?

Written by Jeff Green

Alternative Nutrition/Researcher

March 28, 2021


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I beg to differ. I have gotten bronchitis many times with flu. My experience with omicron was strange in that I didn’t have respiratory symptoms like I would’ve had with the flu. I had a horrible headache, no a sinus headache but an all over migraine (I don’t get many headaches). A low grade fever, fatigue, generalized malaise, and some brain fog. I’ve experienced a few really bad flu’s, omicron was nothing to compare…in my experience. I’m 53. Unfortunately vaxxed x2, coerced to keep my job. Learned my lesson to heed my gut instinct after a violent reaction post 2nd jab. Now will fight tooth and nail to never take another vax ever again. Big pharma, cdc, fda, my Kaiser health care providers have lost my trust forever.

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There is not test to test for "Omicron" . You might have had " Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental gene therapy


Check Dr. Dmitry Kats protocol, it helped may people with post jab damage


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May 30, 2022
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How did you know it was Omicron? The PCR test? The PCR test is a LIE. It does not tell you that you are sick.

There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past two years.

On top of that most labs are highly inexperienced in PCR but forced to run it due to the massive demand for hundreds of millions of Covid tests. The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!

ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it

"Anyone can test positive for practically anything with the PCR test, if you run it long enough.....with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody....it doesn't tell you that you are sick"

-Dr Kary Mullis, PHD, creator of the PCR test

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May 30, 2022
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Hospitals and clinics DO NOT have the means to test for a virus.........NONE!!!!!

There are ONLY a few labs in the US that have a Gene Sequencing machine to test for virus variants

ALL things Covid are a LIE..................100% of it!

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