The transnational deep state is in control. They are not going to let the 5 to 10 thousand or so oligarchs running the "Great Reset" be threatened with nuclear war. They will kill us with injections but they won't let real pandemics or nuclear war threaten uncontrolled destruction which would affect them. The U.S. and NATO do not have hypersonic missiles to match Russia and also their ground forces are no match. Russia holds back in Ukraine because the transnational deep state orchestrates the whole show.

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This is probably a way to create a situation that would make things worse for Trump. It won’t work though because Trump has an ability to get Putin to listen.

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Putin is no push over. Hes exercised restraint but if one of those missiles hits Moscow; he will nuke Kiev

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Nukes are a hoax.

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That's copium level 70. In any case I wouldnt want to find out

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It's all theater, lies, and psyops.

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With respect, I don't give much of a hoot about Kiev at this point, and neither do the other Western powers. I agree that Putin has exercised (truly colossal) restraint, but where I disagree is about his retaliation targets. Ukraine has always been a Nothing Burger; the real aggressor and true enemy has always been NATO. Relevant targets include the countries that have the satellite guidance systems that enable the ATACMS system to function. London, Paris and New York are in range and not off the table, nor are other targets along the West coast of the USA via submarines already in positions in international waters. These are dark times indeed. Stay sharp, and stay safe. 🙏🏼

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Too bad I didn’t have odds on this development as it is exactly what kind of homicidal maniacs would want and is just one of the traps that has been revealed. What is coming next and does it have anything to do with the 30k people amassing with FEMA in Michigan across 6 counties?

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This administration is shameful.

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Way beyond shameful

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The last gasp of the MIC for their forever wars before being brought to-heel by the man for whom the majority of Americans voted.

Legal? Nope

Constitutional? Nope

Ethical? Nope

Moral? Nope

In America’s best interests? Nope

This is insane.

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Well put. The "Deep State's" best interest, hardly, but it is desperate, really want WW III, they will gladly trade some US cities for European ones. All to "pretend" to have WW III, but don't despair, it is just a warm up for the real thing.

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as an aside be sure to check out todays william makis substack and be sure to reshare widely what you find but beware the censorship gestapo

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Are you the person who keeps posting this same comment on social media? I ask as I cannot see Makis' substack due to it being paid subscription only IIRC.

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Quoting Dr. Makis:


NOV 17, 2024

"BREAKING NEWS: Most CENSORED paper on EARTH - The Lancet-Censored "SUDDEN DEATH" COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper has been peer reviewed and published!!

It has been two years now, with unprecedented censorship from Lancet and another Elsevier Journal which pulled this paper at the last minute!!

This has never been seen in scientific publishing before!

325 AUTOPSIES of recently COVID-19 Vaccinated people who "DIED SUDDENLY" (largest autopsy series in the world)

"mean time from vaccination to DEATH was 14.3 days"

"73.9% of deaths were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 Vaccination."

Yes, COVID-19 Vaccines result in SUDDEN DEATHS early after vaccination (they also do it over the long term too)

Thanks to @P_McCulloughMD and @NicHulscher for the countless hours of hard work it took to get this published.

Congratulations to all my co-authors!

This is a monumental achievement in the face of historically unprecedented scientific censorship.

Yes, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause SUDDEN DEATH and most are within the first 2 weeks - that's why they were labeled UNVACCINATED.

This paper proves WHY THEY DID IT.

They hid the deaths.

But we got them!!


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many thanks thats the one

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Thank you for calling our attention to it!

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they MUST NOT be allowed to sweep it under the carpet

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Thank you.

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Lancet does not want us to copy selected text from this ariticle.

I noticed the origiinal article was published 5 Jul 2023. It was censored Nov. 2024. I wonder who turned it in.

Thanks to Dr. Makis for publishing it and brining the censorship to our attention. Another black mark on The Lancet.

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Only sharing what Dr. Makis posted.

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I have to wonder how much the Presidential election made the publication of this bombshell of a paper possible.

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you can be sure msm wont cover it imagine my shock

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Also check out Steve Kirsch's substack, CDC whistleblower sends tons of proof the v's cause Autism.

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Thank you. Interested to read that.

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So, WW3 on TV is coming up!

What else, besides white genocide? In the meanwhile, the mass extermination project is real:


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The ATACMS can only be operated by US personnel. They are also totally reliant on the US satellite network for targeting with that entire network operated by Americans. Therefore this will be Americans using American missile to strike into Russia to kill Russians. I expect some simpering statement of support by Starmer by the morning.

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This probably explains the US markets selling off big last Friday. Someone is always in the know.

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Pluto moves into Aquarius on the 19th to further mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.... so the fecks are going to start WW3 on the 18th.

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The psycho-monsters really, *REALLY* want WW3 to use as the means for holding on to power.

The countless millions of lives that would be lost mean NOTHING to these creatures from Hell.

I've long been saying, "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out!"

Perhaps we are about to discover that truth.

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“The heart is deceitful above all else and is desperately wicked. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17: 9+10

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Yes its horrible & stupid but not surprising- however the last thing we need is fear porn

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The deep state is hard at work to undercut the Trump team. Shameful behavior. They should all face trial and be put in prison.

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On top of it! Lioness! Thank-you! Listening to Alex right now... ✊☝️🙏🙏🙏

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Fourth Reich Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires


as small children never maturing past age 5.



The world can and will back away from this horror of the old Venetian Black Nobility

behind all the evil of the millennia under Trump...


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